Here's a preview of the Assassin Ascendancy in 3.8.0!

Head_Less wrote:
Arandur wrote:
Raider has 40% Elemental Damage, free 15% elemental exposure and can easyly cap Evasion, making it a really good choice for (Voidforge)-Elementalbuilds.

Assassin with the new skills looks dope though.

If 15% exposure and 40% elemental make you think the class is good for voidforge then elementalist must be godlike for it right?

So can elementarist easily cap evasion or did you leave that out to sound not as pretentious?
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Exile009 wrote:
Assassin Versus Raider:-

Assassin gets 25% attack and spell dodge from Elusive, Raider just 10% (unless she runs Nightblade, in which case fine, 30).

As I understand it currently, Elusive won't refresh so you have to take the average bonus to get a usable value to throw in, from what GGG revealed it looks like effect will extend the duration rather than increase the buff (though this is weird as unless its specifically weighted to extend the buff at maximum value then begin the decrease at the same point as no buff effect it actually always averages out as half its value).

Basically its 10% dodge, spell dodge and 20% movement speed until they tell us otherwise, however the fact that Assassin has a node that grants 25% effectiveness of elusive means there will be other sources of it so you can probably get it on a raider anyway.

The reflect immunity node on assassin is junk unless you have 100% crit as non-crit damage will kill you instantly anyway but the you don't take extra damage from crits is HOT.

This is a very roundabout way of saying new Assassin looks better than Raider but not by quite as much as you make it out to be IMO which isn't bad considering shes the token ascendancy without a rework now.
Damn now i need 10 points to choose what i want can i sacrafice 10 passives for 2 lab points?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Damn now i need 10 points to choose what i want can i sacrafice 10 passives for 2 lab points?

This, please. When can we start sacrificing tree points form ore Ascendency points? I'd run Uber Izaro non-stop if I could fill out that beautiful tree.
Damn now i need 10 points to choose what i want can i sacrafice 10 passives for 2 lab points?

Oh don't worry the way power creep (flood?) is going it won't be 3 leagues before we get Celestial Lab or something for that 5th set of points.
Second-class poe gamer

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