To all German Telekom (or 1&1, ...) users who have lagspikes

Here's a small update:

Just got another unexpected call from them. It basically came down to "our technicians at Telekom are aware that there's a peering problem with Telia, but we're 'working' on it. We have no idea when it will be fixed though." So basically the same useless answer they've given us for years now. Afterwards they closed my support ticket, despite not fixing anything.

My advice stays the same: Vote with your wallet and change your provider, if possible. The less direct money they get for actively screwing over the German internet in every way they can, the better. Talk to your friends and family about the problem. Drum up as many people as you can and talk to your local government. There's better providers out there and with enough interest, they might expand to your region.

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