Game crashes while using Flicker strike

yeah same here

links are :

flicker - multistrike - melee splash - fortify - whithering touch
ign _aintnosunshine

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Last edited by Gilgamesh2622 on Jun 21, 2019, 6:05:37 AM
Still same problem. Flicker strike gives instant game crash without any error message. That's really frustrating when I'm killing last monster at mine and can not get items because game crash.

If it will help, here's my gems:
flicker strike-multistrike-melee splash-fortify-close combat-melee physical damage

GGG could you confirm that you know about the problem and doing something with it?
Same problem.
Rarely ever had crashes on any of my other characters this league, but my Flicker Strike character crashes constantly at least once every two maps - usually when there are a lot of monsters around.
Flicker Strike - Multistrike - Fortify - Rage Support - Melee Spalsh
and Haemophilia gloves
Same, 1 crash average per map, Flicker Strike - Melee Splash - Ancestral Call - Multistrike - Increased Critical Strikes
Same flick strike crash game.... idk why .....
Same here, crashing about every third map with flicker strike.

Links: Multistrike, Chance to bleed, Ancestral call, Melee splash, Melee phys
crash too for me while im flickering, pls fix it.
Leveled a Zerker Oro's Flicker Strike and crashing/game closing constantly, especially with high density. No incentive to keep playing the league. Why isn't this fixed yet?

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