Please do NOT nerf the red spell of doom from Legion mobs

Dear GGG,

in case you debate on where to nerf rare Legion mobs, as some of those deal quite a lot of damage in a very short amount of time, please don´t nerf the giant red spell of doom (whatever it is called, Bloodfountain or something). The spell is very well projected and leaves lots of time to dodge and while I obviously died to it a few times I now enjoy playing around it. I even think it is mostly fair when I die to it as that usually means I didn´t pay enough attention.

If you feel the need to nerf anything maybe first touch the rare mobs that deal damage from offscreen or charge at you without warning or from very far away. They feel rather unfair and cheesy. Otherwise I am really happy with the feeling of Legion so far, thanks for a really fun new League mechanic.

So please, leave the area-of-instant-death-spell alone, it is fine!

Kind regards
Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!

IGN: Trapsdrubel
Last bumped on Jun 12, 2019, 1:25:39 PM
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Azdrubel wrote:
The spell is very well projected and leaves lots of time to dodge and while I obviously died to it a few times

lol what? Well projected? It just comes on top of you and sayonara my friend. That why you died those few times.

Another problem is, even if something is ACTUALLY well projected - you can't see anything in that clusterfuck. I mean when you wake 100-150 mobs each you own attacks, you doing your attacks (and those things for both player and mobs are visually rich so to speak) - you can't damn seen what's going on most of the time.

It works well for bosses, because those are isolated encounters, but not for this slaughter that legion encounters are. Perhaps you wake just way too few legion mobs to fully experience the visual mess whole fight becomes. This was a problem with syndicate, well kinda still is, but they improved visual clarity a notch since initial release.

It honestly feels a lot of the time GGG is way too much of visual fanatics, from which gameplay clarity hurts severely. You cannot rely on purely indicated attacks in massacre battles in a game with such visual design.
It's NOT fine what the hell LOL nearly every legion rare is bullshit and is LIKELY to be nerfed.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
The bloodwall itself isnt really the problem, the main issue with the bloodwall is that it can spawn on u and when it does, it takes time for the animation to "start up" but during this "start up"-animation the bloodwall is doing its full damage, this is what needs to get nerfed a bit. The damage when the wall is up is fair and not a oneshot if u get tanky tbh.

However projectiles needs a nerf. :) Those lazershots coming 2 screens away that nearly oneshots everyone is lame.
walentaz wrote:
lol what? Well projected? It just comes on top of you and sayonara my friend. That why you died those few times.

lol what? No, it doesn´t just come out of nowhere. The guy who casts it stands there for what feels like 5 fucking minutes and screams at the top of his lungs while slowly raising his hand. Obviously I died to it first because I didn´t know what to look for. Now I know and rarely die. And obviously I died to it in the beginning because that spell is designed to create a zone of death. So you have to dodge it and if you don´t, well, you die. Pretty fucking simple. Like... fucking Mario on NES was more complex.

walentaz wrote:
It works well for bosses, because those are isolated encounters, but not for this slaughter that legion encounters are. Perhaps you wake just way too few legion mobs to fully experience the visual mess whole fight becomes.

Just for clarification, I am playing Vaal Spark. I usually wake about 75% percent of each Legion encounter, especially in indoor areas. It feels fine.
Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!

IGN: Trapsdrubel
Last edited by Azdrubel on Jun 12, 2019, 3:16:45 AM
It's NOT fine what the hell LOL nearly every legion rare is bullshit and is LIKELY to be nerfed.

True but I am NOT talking about ALL rare Legion mobs. I am talking about the red wall of death.

And as Fientelo pointed out, it maybe needs a wind-up on the damage. But I specifically talking about the red bloodwall thingy. Only that.
Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!

IGN: Trapsdrubel
Last edited by Azdrubel on Jun 12, 2019, 3:05:15 AM
I gotta say, I didn't even know what people were talking about re: Red Wall Guy until a guy in my guild pointed it out.

The only legion dude that consistently kills me is the Spear Sniper, who often nails me from a mile away because I get tunnel vision on those tasty chests. And that's honestly fine with me, I wouldn't want to play a game so easy that things still aren't dangerous when you ignore them completely.
Azdrubel wrote:

Just for clarification, I am playing Vaal Spark

[Removed by Support] Go play some close range melee and report back. You don't even need to be close proximity with you current build.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Jun 13, 2019, 12:43:08 AM
red wall of doom is fine.

[Removed by Support]

play better then!

see what I did there?
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
Last edited by Xystre on Jun 12, 2019, 10:06:01 AM
it s not hardcore friendly
Poe Pvp experience

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