why did you bring this game to ps4 in this state?

Just have to throw in, Consecrated Path has absolutely no problems. It's not very helpful since it seems everyone likes to play run away from stuff and poke em with instakills, and that's more of a jump in and eat all the hits skill. But that shit launches you around the place and I rarely get desynced on my Templar. Also I don't think they care about the performance problems too much because they only affect people copying broken builds. I'm playing and ES regen Tectonic Slam half tank to go hit for hit with the mobs and I clear at a good speed and have near no performance problems. Even when it hits the worst and I get a quick freeze it usually doesn't matter because I can take the few hits they threw out in that time. I can only really see it being a problem when running higher memories, those things can get brutal.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
I have crashed multiple times a day, but lately it has gotten better. I really haven't had too much rubber-banding though at first i thought it was a crazy dodge mechanize lol. I'm running archer so movement is key and can survive without it.
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