Losing map portals/maps disappearing?

I know a thing or two about this bug since I used to have it constantly at start of the league ... ìt still persist now, but I'm able to avoid/sidestep it.

1) if your map portals are gone then your hideout crashed. If your map portals are there but you can't enter, then your map crashed.
2) hideouts crash all the time when you disconnect and try to re-log fast and teleport to your hideout before game finish loading assets. Atm it seems more common on h.d.d, low ram systems, and/or Windows 7
3) the game on windows 7 still consume so much ram as long as it keep running, like it could have 3 GB of ram at first map you run, 5 maps later, it's 6.5 GB and it keep growing non stop.. if you have 8 GB ram, you will crash sooner, if you have bigger ram maybe a little later. Even though they removed it from known issues, it's still there, to a lesser extent maybe.
4) turning down texture details to "medium" helps postpone the crash, since it reduce the rate of the game eating ram.
5) you can avoid the crash if you restart game before it eat all your ram. It's really painful to open portal to conquerer just to crash and lose it.
6) if you still crash no matter what, try to not enter hideout immediately after you relog, stay in town for couple enough minutes for game to load assests before trying to teleport to hideout. If you give it enough time, you wouldn't crash the hideout, and you would find your portals still there. If the crash happens while you teleport from map to hideout though, there is no way around it sadly.
7) if you crash to log screen, you can confirm if portals to map are still there by logging in a pvp only character, as these always spawn in hideout rather than town, and loading hideout directly from log screen is easier on machines (rather than loading both town and hideout). If you log with pop only character without a crash and find the portals, you can confirm where the problem come from.

Hope this helps someone, and hope they really fix the game eating so much ram to be able to play the game smoothly again. I used to play for 8 hours straight without a crash on blight league, now I havery to restart game every now and then!
I just had the same issue while fighting the Elder...I suppose there were no fix for this issue after all these years :(
icykof wrote:
I just had the same issue while fighting the Elder...I suppose there were no fix for this issue after all these years :(

Very rare for me but just happens few minutes ago

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