I DID NOT sign up for this

Ratje wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
GGG will take their well deserved backlash.

I have a feeling you're here for something else than giving feedback. League isn't unrewarding. Just gotta spend some time constructing it first, then you'll earn more than maps/delve. If you don't have the time then, as I've said before, play delve/maps. Stop whining like everyone on these forums you entitled kid.

I believe that we have found the basement kid. Must be fun being able to play POE 24/7 while leeching off someone else.
Ratje wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
And there are other videos which show how spending hours to mod stack gives less returns than running high tier maps. Problem, officer?

If you stack ton's of mods in 7 directions and keep clearing the 8th direction with all the mods (never going away), I'd be amazed if you got more with t15's. It's okay if you're not smart enough to understand the league mechanics to the fullest. But dont assume things cuz you havent spend enough time with the mechanic.

Yes, that's true, running the whole thing after setting it up for roughly... 8 hours or so gives more then a single T15 map.

Yes, there are also a few good rewards inside the nexus, can't deny that, getting a 6L unique chest feels nice, much as does an exalt drop from a hidden opulence in delve.

But... and the but is always the issue... you need to get roughly 6-8 memory modifiers before a path is actually worthwhile to take, therefore you need 3-5 full runs without those modifiers, or barely any, which is less rewarding then any map of a similar tier. Then you have set up the last path for a single - or double, most likely not triple - run for a chance of good loot.

So, what does the loot look like if you're not running for a node? Divination cards, abyss jewels, fossils, talismans, currency, elder/shaper items, fractured items, veiled items. Ok... so we got the baseline. How many will drop? At a 5 memory node path you'll most likely get 5-10 fossils, mostly aberrant and similar, maybe 1-2 dense. You'll get 1-2 5c div cards, you'll get a few worthless talismans since syndicate offers better options. You'll get 15c or so in currency from currency drops, you'll get around 10 elder/shaper items or veiled ones.

So, what's the actual reward then? Given we'll only have 1-2 of those rewards commonly you can choose, 20-40c commonly for such a path while working up several hours towards it. So, worthwhile? Depends on what you think. Sure, you got the 40c in your pocket, or....

We simply run 8 hours of temple/syndicate at quarry, get roughly 1 temple every 15 minutes, 2-3 hideouts every hour. A total of (let's say we aren't doing it efficiently at all, so halving it) 16 temples and 12 hideouts. Is it worth 40c or more? Hrmm... I don't know, might get 2 scarabs in total from 12 hideouts, and maybe 1-2c from temple.

Yes, the base-mechanic is fun, but the reward is sadly... shite at the moment. Neither the rewards from mods come close to most options, nur the bosses turn a profit. The only saving grace is the random reward node actually dropping something half-way decent as well as the map-drops so we can at least sustain more or less, even if barely.
GGG balance is like getting a pizza which is burnt on the sides, raw in the middle and misses the most of the toppings.
Then upon sending it back you get a raw side, burnt middle and enough toppings to drench everything in grease.
Everything fixed but still broken.

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