Synthesis Concept Art

If I was the CG / 3D artist and the concept guy came up with these desgins, I´d pick up my keyboard, go over to his desk and smack him on the head. =p
RPGNoobANKA wrote:
No. 6 = MTG Kaladesh

Can't hide that.

GGG's design base here is different, it has an idea behind it, the horso is just abstract. The only similarity is holes and color. Paint one black and there's like barely any similarity left.
SPOILERS... Quite exiciting to see more of the high templars mentioned so often ingame. I really didn't expext Cavas to be a first class villan. I like these insane authority freaks. Like space marines ans Anderson from Hellsing.
raise awareness for the insane disconnect issues plagueing all of europe

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