(3.6) Seeking New Recruits. Noobs to Vets, All Welcome [Soft Core Temp Leagues]

I may not have the in-game time to call it even decent but I do enjoy the game except for the part when it throws a info dump on you. And I do feel like getting through this game without help is hard which is exactly the reason I'm looking for a guild. If you guys are able to help out a noob like me, please do invite me. My current ign is ZeeFiora.

I've sent you an invite :D I was away for Xmas break, sorry for the slow response! We can help you, if you have questions :D

I am a returning player after 2 years of break. I want some people to help me and i will help with what i have. My ign is M_FlareX

You've been invited! :D

Hello, I'm interested in joining your guild. I came back from a few years of a break and just in time for the new league. Would like to meet new people and get into the hang of this game again :) My ign is ShivaIcee

I think it says you were already in a guild when I sent the invite. Sorry for responding late, I was away on vacation for Xmas break. Anyways, I hope that if you found another guild that it's treating you well :D You're still welcome here if you'd like!

Exactly what I'm searching for. I'd like to meet players to share experience with and learn what I lack.
Send me an invite IG when you want :) Thanks.

I'd be happy to send you an invite!

IGN: Raebella
This guild sounds perfect to me. I play Standard with a focus on perfecting each character rather than having a lot of alts. I started way back, but took a long break until 3.0 launched. I'm pretty active and have been looking for a PoE community where I can help other players or just chat. Over 1000hrs playtime, but I wouldn't consider myself a pro or anything.

Perfect! Love getting some people in who can help others! I've sent you an invite :D

IGN: BourneFiery

All I'm a brand new player literally 2-3 weeks into game. But you guys sound like a fun guild to lead me deeper into the game.

Awesome! So new haha we've sent you an invite!

hello i am interested in joining i am just looking for cool people to play with and learn from i have played 3 leagues and still consider myself a noob lol. IGN:PaNeK

Sweet! I've sent you an invite :)

Hey there, just rejoined the game after leaving it back in open beta. Barely been playing for a week, still trying to run my usual ranger build, and it's been quite a blast. Would be interested to join your guild! Kind of a casual player, in that I usually play mostly on weekends.

IGN: MechanicalLord

Caustic Arrow Pathfinder - Heist
Hello, I mistakenly sent a PM here instead of in game.
I'd like to join up. I've been playing since 2013. That doesn't mean I know anything, lol.
IGN Arrenn
Hello, I mistakenly sent a PM here instead of in game.
I'd like to join up. I've been playing since 2013. That doesn't mean I know anything, lol.
IGN Arrenn

Haha no problem, you've been invited :)
Thank you. The guild invite didn't show up for whatever reason. I'll try to catch one of you in game. The game crashed on me during loading screen.

Last edited by Ciarre on Jan 1, 2019, 12:33:37 PM
Hi, just stared playing in betrayal league and am looking for helpful friendly people to play with.
Thank you. The guild invite didn't show up for whatever reason. I'll try to catch one of you in game. The game crashed on me during loading screen.


I see you in the guild so I suppose you figured it out. Welcome! :)

Hi, just stared playing in betrayal league and am looking for helpful friendly people to play with.

Sure, what's your IGN?
Last edited by Preveiling on Jan 1, 2019, 3:39:18 PM
Bump :) We're still looking for some more peeps!
Hello! Started playing in the beginning of last league so im still quite new to the game. Looking for people to play with!

IGN: Ocoolao
Id like to join. Im fairly new i played in incursion but stopped after that. I recently got back into it though :)


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