Polish Community

darklord wrote:
Lulzbat wrote:
Ugm wrote:
GTFO or better learn polish instead.
useless language dont need it ,it not like il ever visit your shitty country.

Id rather stay in my own country where 90% of the people aren't brain dead morons with a pile of unwarranted self importance on their back.

did your father dropped you onto the floor when you were child? Cuz it seems you are really retarded.

Saying the truth = retarded

Makes sense

The only retards here are you pollacks who cant even speak proper English.

And will probably fuck this mmo up.

They should ip ban you all.

I do not really know what's wrong with my English. Anyway I don't want to waste time and respond to scum like you. EOT
(^_^) betabetabetabeta

Man, you really have some problems. You tell us to learn English? I suggest you do the same thing first.
And stay in your country, in your home, in front of your computer. It's the only place you can feel important.
And if there's someone who should be banned, it's definitely you. I hope we won't meet again.
ingame: FeelLuckyPunk standard
Witam wszystkich rodaków :)
darklord wrote:
Lulzbat wrote:
Poland sucks learn english.

shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of this thread

I don't even understand why you're thinking that we don't speak english. I see no problem with speaking english but as the title of this thread goes: it's Polish corner. So one more time- shut your mouth.

nice rage 10/10
U JELLY?????????
ahh, cos zle widze ten klucz u siebie ;d Denerwujace jest to czekanie :P
dla tego nie am sie co natswiac ze sie w ogole do closed bety dostanie, za jakis czas pewnie open beta wystartuje, liczyc na losowanie to rownie dobrze mozna grac w totka dzis kumulacja 5mil wiec jak ktos czuje ze ma szczescie to mzoe lepiej niech idzie sobie zagra;P
Witam, jakby ktorys z rodakow moglby podzielic sie ze mna kontem bylbym bardzo wdzieczny ;)
9 3 2 1 + x / = 1
7 1 2 3 x + / = 1
sorry this is the only polish I know.
I break skills.
Last edited by ctdummy on Aug 13, 2011, 6:20:26 PM
ctdummy can u stop spam here ?

Witam wszystkich ;)

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