Our Five Year Anniversary

gg ggg thanks for all the fish
Much love <3
oh by the way: congratuilations GGG! this is the best mmo i've ever played. it would be nice to have a surprise to celebrate.
Now that's sentimentality!
I mean, PoE was and is outright my favourite game by a longshot in the recent years. (Rivaled only by the DkS series)
I've never put 1k+ hours into any game before, or paid 500+ dulluz for any sw/game.

PoE is the only reason why I have a nice GPU actually, wouldn't really game otherwise.

Congrats GGG.

I know how things work well now, but still, I hope you can take community feedback more to heart and seriously in the future and be less hardheaded.
Just saying, no offence.

Overall I however like the direction the game is going in, Delve has been the best league experience I ever had. (partially thanks to decent RNG)
Here's to five more years!
Clayshaper is best shaper
GIVE US 10 Loot Boxes!!! or 1 =)
I got bday on same day as POE O_O

Happy birthday...us?

wow, me too! GZ :D
Here's to another 5 years!

Well done to everyone at GGG!
Did everyone notice? They are bringing back Beyond after 4.0!!!! JK :-)

Happy B day GGG!!

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