Describe your Delve experience with one word or two words

above expectations.
Killer squirrels.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Good fun
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome


I'll take "Swords" for two hundred Alex.
-Faux Sean Connery
Act9 Mirror
Grinding Sulphite!
Dead again
Do what You will shall be the whole of the law.
jackof8lades wrote:
Zero 4 socket resonators

(Seriously GGG wtf, did you decide that maybe 1 in 10 players should get all the 4 socket resonators as a social experiment, or as a way to fuck over the economy even more?)

Yeah trying not to think about it cause it would just piss me off, total fucking bullshit.

I GOT ONE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just to put this in perspective I have 1.3 QUAD tabs full of <=3 resonators after using a bunch, not even kidding..

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