PoE Side Project - To create real life flask contents

FCK42 wrote:
Since we already had the viking theme here, let's continue with something norse mythology related (at least a bit, visually. I know, I's just a random snake and dragon on the flasks, but I wanted some sort of clever introduction):
Coruscating Elixir
Coralito's Signature

Also, just to fuck with you and because it'd be mentioned anyways sooner or later, wise oak. I you somehow manage to make that a thing then you deserve a lot of respect. And probably a job as a barkeeper.

The wise oak would be technically possible, but not as a single batch. It would be fairly simple as a poured drink though. Just need 3 batches, each with different alcohol levels to tweak the densities. That could be done by different yeasts, or by different sweetness levels. The trick would to prevent them from just mixing over time, so unlikely to bottle it in the 3 layered state.

Next weekend i'll begin the brew process and post the technical details.
For no reason at all...

I see your Tequila and raise you Habushu.


Deadly pit viper!

I'll take "Swords" for two hundred Alex.
-Faux Sean Connery

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