3.11 -- Righteous Fire Juggernaut / Chieftain (Outdated and Abandoned)

this guide is outdated and abandoned. i don't plan to update it anytime soon, if ever


Righteous Fire is a skill that sets you and everything around you on fire, dealing burning damage over time. In addition to flat damage from gem it uses your maximum life to scale its damage. The damage done to self can be overcome with enough max fire res, life regen, and life recovery (regen multiplier).


It's a tanky build. With decent gear, people generally end up with around 8k life, couple k regen, 79+ max res, and 8-10 end charges.

Mobility is about average. Guardian maps, for example, take about 2.5-3 min.

Single target damage is about average as well. With a regular build the range is 1-4m shaper dps. Depending on ascendancy, setup, level, and budget.

It performs quite well even on a small budget (a few ex). You'll still be able to do most, if not all, endgame encounters, but skill will play a bigger role. A decked out character will make endgame stuff relatively trivial. The only negative thing is that, even with great gear, stuff won't instantly melt like it does with meta builds.

Leveling can be a hassle. Unless you have specific uniques to deal with degeneration, you'd have to level with other skills. Can't run no regen maps. Reduced regen and max res mods are dangerous.

I think the following quote describes rf builds perfectly:

jaeds wrote:
I got into RF as a "content-tourist" build. I don't see this as a perfect boss killer build or fast mapping build (maybe a stress free mapping build). It's a "you, yes even you who usually die playing other things & are starting out not knowing boss or monster mechanics, can still get through all this content while being able to alt tab and not worry about a stray monster pack." -- it's been an interesting journey seeing how much depth there can be in this build once you understand all the basics


Righteous Fire is your main damage dealer. Turn it on when you enter a map, and then Shield Charge into packs, burning them to ash. If you choose to dual-wield or use a two-hander for more damage, you will be running around instead, and maybe using leap slam to get over obstacles. Some people also use a cast while channelling or curse on hit Cyclone setup.

Summon Storm Brand when fighting bosses, it will trigger EE and EO automatically for you, giving you a massive damage boost. Then channel Scorching Ray, while the enemy is standing in your Righteous Fire. It will reduce its fire resistance, and deal some extra damage.

Vaal Righteous Fire can be used to boost your damage even further. Once activated, it will work alongside your regular RF, burning everything around you for a few seconds. It deals about three times as much damage as the regular RF. I would generally recommend saving it for bosses, or tough map encounters, since that's when it's most useful.



Elemental Equilibrium is a keystone passive skill:

"Enemies you hit with Elemental Damage temporarily get +25% Resistance to those Elements and -50% Resistance to other Elements."

For us to take advantage of EE, we must hit the enemy with cold or lightning damage. That will reduce its fire resistance by 50% for 5 seconds. Hitting an enemy with fire damage will give it fire resistance, which is bad for us. Important to note that even though we deal fire damage with RF and SR, they don't hit, so they won't trigger EE.

To proc it, we use Shield Charge/Cyclone during the map, and Storm Brand on bosses. SC/Cyclone is an attack skill, that only deals physical damage, so we need to get "adds cold/lightning damage to attacks" affix(prefix) on our gear. It can roll on gloves, jewelry, and abyss jewels. SB already deals lightning damage, so nothing else is required for it to work. With good gear, you can generally not bother triggering EE with SC/Cyclone since you'd be doing enough damage to clear trash.

WARNING: Make sure that none of your items have added fire damage to attacks or spells on them. Some boot and glove enchantments add fire damage to your attacks or proc skills that deal fire damage, so be careful what you put on your items. If using Pyre rings, you also can't have cold damage. Physical damage is fine, unless you have mods on gear that turn phys damage to fire damage.

Shield Charge works off of shields. So the light/cold/fire damage on a weapon has no effect on it. If you use Leap Slam or Cyclone however, you need to be careful what you have on a weapon.

Mouseover your skills that hit, to make sure that they deal cold or lightning damage, and not fire.


Elemental Overload is a keystone passive skill:

"40% more Elemental Damage if you've Crit in the past 8 seconds."

RF and SR can't crit, so Shield Charge/Cyclone and Storm Brand is used to trigger this effect. It's recommended to increase their critical strike chance to make them more effective. You can skip SC since you generally don't really need this buff vs trash, but linking Storm Brand with Increased Critical Strikes Support gem is important. Without it, EO can take a while to trigger when fighting bosses.


Juggernaut (weapon and shield): 3.10 Delirium -- Minotaur (full clear)



1. You don't need to overcap your resists to deal with Elemental Weakness. Nine endurance charges will give you an extra 36% resistance. A flask with “Immunity to Curses” mod can be used to protect yourself until you get your charges up.

2. Make sure that none of your attack skills (Shield Charge, Cyclone, Storm Brand) deal fire damage.

3. Penetration and Leech don't work with RF and SR since they don't hit.

4. % increased damage sources that affect Righteous Fire are: Damage, Fire Damage, Burning Damage, Damage over Time, Area Damage, and Elemental Damage. Even though RF is a spell, % Spell Damage has no effect on it. Everything mentioned, except for % Area Damage, affects Scorching Ray.


Arsonist -- 6% fire dot multi, 24% fire damage, 1% regen
Disciple of the Unyielding -- 8% inc damage per end charge, 8% chance to get end charge on kill


Growth and Decay -- 20% dot, 10% dot multi, 1% regen
Soul of Steel -- +1 to max res, armour
Whispers of Doom -- can apply an additional curse
Crystal Skin -- +1 max res, res
No Witnesses -- elusive buff on kill


use "Fertile" catalysts on amulet, rings, and belt


Large Jewels:

You want jewels with 8 passive skills. With more than 8 you'd have to spend extra points on minor nodes.

There are a few options here:

1. Burning Bright + Prismatic Heart (30% inc ele, 10% allres) + Widespread Destruction

in this combo, BB and PH spawn at the bottom (take), and WD at the top (skip)

2. Burning Bright + Widespread Destruction (20% inc ele, 10% aoe) + Cremator/Master of Fire/Smoking Remains

in this combo, BB and WD spawn at the bottom (take), and C/MoF/SR at the top (skip)

3. budget options

If you are on a smaller budget, get one with Burning Bright plus one of the following mods (doesn't matter which, it will spawn at the top and generally won't be worth taking): Master of Fire, Widespread Destruction, Prismatic Heart, Doryani's Lesson, Disorienting Display, Sadist, Corrosive Elements, Cremator, Prismatic Heart, Smoking Remains, Vengeful Commander.

4. overlord

You can also use one large jewel with "Overlord" mod. It gives you fortify effect. It's an option if you can't get it as a gem, or mod on boots.

you want 2 jewel sockets, and overlord to be on one of the bottom nodes. some mod combinations will spawn it at the top so you need to be careful what you buy

2 modded (GOOD) - overlord+deepcuts/viscious skewing -- overlord is at the bottom
all other 2 modded combinations (BAD) -- overlord is at the top

3 modded (BAD) - overlord+deepcuts/viscious skewing + any 3rd mod -- overlord is at the top
all other 3 modded combinations (GOOD) -- overlord is at the bottom

Medium Jewels:

You want jewels with 4-5 passive skills. With 6 you'd have to spend an extra point on a minor node.

Best Mods:

Burning Bright (damage, aoe)
Flow of Life (life, regen, inc damage)


Exposure Therapy (10% dot multi, 30% dot chaos res)
Brush with Death (10% dot multi)
Cooked Alive (ignited enemies have -10res, 15% chance to ignite) -- great if using wave of conviction with combustion


Good ones are hard to find because they generally need to have three good mods to be worth using.

Good mods are:
Prismatic Carapace/Dance (+1 max res)
Overlord (fortify buff)
No Witnesses (elusive buff)
Enduring Composure (end charge gen for chieftains)
Wish for Death (cull vs cursed mobs)
Molten One's Mark (+2 max fire res, 1% regen)
Burning Bright(8 dot multi, inc damage, aoe)
Flow of Life(life, regen, inc damage)
Fettle(life, %life)
Brush with Death (10 dot multi)
Exposure Therapy (10 dot multi, 30 chaos dot res)
Pure Might (30% reduced purity of fire mana reservation)
Prismatic Heart(inc damage, allres)
Wrapped in Flame (inc damage, chill immunity, chance to proc ash on hit)
Insulated (+1 max light res, light res)
Antifreeze (+1 max cold res, cold res)
Antivenom (+1 max chaos res, chaos res)
Winter Prowler (+2 max cold res, 6% ms)
Wizardry (+2 max light res)
Born of Chaos (+3 max chaos res)
Rot-Resistant (%regen, chaos res)
Student of Decay (chaos res, inc dot)
Towering Threat (%life, aoe)
Wall of Muscle (%life, %str)
Surging Vitality (%life, regen)
blessed (%life, chaos res)
Holistic Health (%life)
Militarism (%life, armour)
Natural Vigour (%life)
Sublime Sensation (%life)

Small Jewels:

I recommend going with regular 3-4 modded rare jewels, but small cluster jewels are also an option.

Prismatic Carapace/Dance (+1 max res)
Molten One's Mark (+2 max fire res, 1 regen)

If playing Chieftain, you can get one with Enduring Composure to help you generate endurance charges.


Look for a rare sceptre/wand with the following mods:

Elemental Damage (10-40)% sceptre only


Fire Damage over Time Multiplier +(14-38)% rolled || +(14-20)% crafted

Can only have one of the following mods:
Fire Damage (10-109)% rolled || (25-54)% crafted || ((36-60)% + (7-11)% ignite chance) crafted
Burning Damage (60-94)% rolls on Warlord bases
Elemental Damage (45-60)% rolls on Shaped bases, comes with level 16-20 ele focus

Damage over Time (11-30)% (can only be crafted)
+ 1 to level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems (rolled)
+ 1 to level of all Spell Skill Gems (rolled)


Damage over Time Multiplier +(16–18)% rolled

Damage per Endurance Charge (8-10)% rolls on Warlord bases, sceptre only
Damage per Endurance Charge (3-4)% (crafted)

Malevolence has (28–40)% increased Aura Effect rolls on Hunter bases

Burning Damage (16-30)% (can only be rolled)
Fire Damage (3-30)% rolled || (9-16)% crafted

gems as affixes: faster attacks, inc crit

Fire Damage over Time Multiplier is the biggest hitter. You generally want a high natural roll, but it can also be crafted on if the other mods are really good.


Sceptres with good mods are hard to find sometime, so it might be worthwhile to look for wands instead.

With enough regen and recovery on gear, you can drop the shield and dual-wield one handers or use a two-handed staff for more damage.

The Searing Touch is the unique option for a staff.

Example of a rare one:



regular, legacy

This is the recommended shield. The way it differs from Rise of the Phoenix is that it gives you max all res instead of only max fire res. This gives you a much better overall survivability.

Ideally, you want at least one of the following corruptions on your shield:

+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems (gives +1 max fire res when combined with lv 21 Purity of Fire)
(4–6)% increased maximum Life
(6–8)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage


Synthesis league brought in some shields with max res implicits. You should still be able to buy them in Standard. Int shields can roll up to 79% fire damage, and a global +1 to fire gems.


regular, legacy

Kaom's Heart is the best choice. Nothing really comes close. It will give you a huge survivability boost, and some damage. It's the first big piece you should be going for.

Ideally, you want at least one of the following corruptions on it:

(40–50)% increased Damage
+1% to all maximum Resistances
(4–6)% increased maximum Life
You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes

Tabula Rasa or a high life rare chest are decent starter armors. I’d recommend six linking RF in Tabula or a 6-linked rare chest, if you don’t yet have an elder helmet with BD, or BD+Conc.



Regular Leather belt with high life and decent resists is a good starter.


I highly recommend upgrading to an elder belt with % recovery mod on it as soon as you can. It acts as a regeneration multiplier. All that's really needed is recovery and decent life, other stuff is worth sacrificing.

The best way to craft one is to use Pristine fossils. It will greatly increase the odds of rolling life, %life, and %recovery mods. Single influenced base needs to be elder.

You can make double influenced Stygian belts using an Awakener's Orb. The best influences to combine are Elder/Hunter + Warlord. Those combinations will give you access to %recovery, %life, %fire damage, %damage. Ilv 85+ recommended. Best mods to combine are %life and %recovery.

If looking for a double influenced base to spam fossils on, then Elder+Warlord is better because it makes it easier to hit %recovery.


The following belt can be used to quickly recharge your endurance charges if needed. Like if you drop em before a boss fight, for example. You put it on and use a movement skill, which will make you take physical damage (belt mod), and that will trigger Juggernaut's endurance charge generation mechanic.

If you are playing Chieftain, you'd need the following mod to exploit this trick. You can get it on a unique Precursor's Emblem ring.

"Gain an Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently"

Notable craftable mod:

(1-2)% of Life Regenerated per second during any Flask Effect


Boots are a good place to stock up on resists. Look for high life, resists, and movement speed. And possibly dex, if needed.

Ideally you want a pair with an endurance charge mod.

WARLORD (prefix) +1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
WARLORD (suffix) 1% of Life Regenerated per second

If you don't have space for Fortify gem, you can get it as an affix.

Recommended Enchantment:

Uber Lab Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently



Pyre is the recommended starter ring. They are cheap and give a ton of burning damage, which is very helpful early game. Just make sure that you don't have any additional cold damage on your gear, since it turns it into fire damage, which will mess up your EE.

Regular rare rings are also an option. Look for high life, resists, fire/elemental damage, and attributes if needed.

Core (Highly Recommended):

Kaom's Way rings are really OP with Jugg ascendancy. They give a ton of regen with nine endurance charges. It will take your survivability to a whole new level. They are very important for farming endgame comfortably. Just make sure to grab all extra endurance charge nodes on the tree.


This ring base is from Synthesis league. It's legacy now and can only be found in Standard.

Precursor's Emblem ring can potentially roll better than kaom's way, but good rolls are extremely rare.

They can roll the following useful mods:
0.3% regen per end charge
+1 end charge
5% inc damage per end charge
10% chance to get end charge on kill
10% chance to get frenzy charge on kill
15% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Endurance Charges

Gain an Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently - this mod is extremely useful if you decide to go with Chieftain ascendancy

What's also interesting about this ring is that it can roll the same mod more than once, doubling its effect.



Bloodgrip and Shaper's Seed are decent starter amulets.


Marble amulet with life and %fire damage and/or resists is a solid choice. If there is an open suffix you can also craft on 1% regen.

You can craft something usable with scorching fossils or essence of anger.


Hunter and Warlord influenced amulets can roll powerful damage and utility modifiers.


+1 to Level of all Fire Skill Gems
(5–6)% increased Damage per Endurance Charge
Purity of Fire has (25–30)% reduced Mana Reservation


+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems
+(13–16)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier (also on Shaped amulets)
Regenerate (1.6–2)% of Life per second
Malevolence has (25–30)% reduced Mana Reservation

How to craft double influenced amulets:


If you feel like you have enough regen, you can go with Xoph's Heart amulet. It covers enemies that hit you in Ash, increasing the damage they take by 20%. It's basically a straight up 20% more damage multiplier, unless you have more of it elsewhere. Just make sure to use Xoph's Heart and not Xoph's Blood. Blood version comes with Avatar of Fire, which will mess up your EE.

Aul's Uprising is another good option. It reduces the cost of an aura of your choice to 0, allowing you to run more auras.


Another good place to stock up on resists. Look for high life, resists, and dex if needed.


Elder bases can roll some unique affixes. If using Shield Charge, i recommend getting something with Faster Attacks. It'll open up a socket and reduce your dexterity requirements. "Frenzy charges on kill" is also quite nice.

Shaped & Hunter bases are a good option if you are looking for more damage instead of utility, they can can roll Fire Damage over Time Multiplier.

If you want to maximize your mobility, and have a lot of currency to burn, i recommend essence crafted elder gloves. Insanity mod acts as an attack speed multiplier.

You can craft one yourself by using an essence of Insanity on an elder base. A high armour, ilv 84+ base is recommended. Elder Titan Gauntlets are the best option.


Trigger Word/Edict/Decree/Commandment of Light when you take a Critical Strike - creates Consecrated Ground (6% life regen)



I highly recommend upgrading to an Elder helmet as soon as you can. They can roll skill gems as affixes, essentially adding extra links to your Righteous Fire setup. Get one with Burning Damage, or Burning Damage and Concentrated Effect.

Look for one that has a natural life roll and an open prefix for:

+1 to AoE gems +(8-10)% aoe


Ultimately, you want to upgrade to an essence crafted helmet. Horror mod will give you 30% more damage.

Horror + Conc (cheapest)
Horror + Burn
Horror + Burn + Conc/Inc AoE (expensive)
Horror + Burn + Conc + Inc AoE (mirror tier)

You can craft one yourself by using an essence of Horror on an elder armour base. If you also want a chance at inc aoe, then get a double influenced base (elder + shaper). Bone Helmet base is also an option if you are using Spiritual Aid (increases and reductions to minion damage also affect you) passive. Ilv 82+ recommended.


Getting the right socket colours with chromes can get expensive. There is a crafting bench trick that you can use to get three or four blue sockets on an armour base more easily.

Video: How to get four off-colour sockets more easily


40% increased Righteous Fire Damage
24% increased Righteous Fire Area of Effect
Malevolence has 10/15% reduced Mana Reservation
Purity of Fire/ice/Lightning has 14/20% reduced Mana Reservation
Summon Skitterbots has 14/20% reduced Mana Reservation


Recommended Setup:
one of those

can be dropped if you'd rather cast curses with gems

one of those

fill up the rest with some of these



Legacy Flasks:

For Divination Distillate to work you need to grab Mind over Matter passive node. RF's degen will keep your mana at 0, keeping all flask mods active for the full duration of the flask. Since you won't have any usable mana, your active skills that use mana would need to be linked with Blood Magic.

Shaper and Elder:

Flask mods to look for:

3% of Life Regenerated per second during Flask Effect - has to be unveiled and then bench crafted onto a flask

Chemist's - (20-25)% reduced charges used
of Staunching - immunity to Bleeding
of Warding - immune to Curses (Vulnerability, Flammability and Elemental Weakness makes you take more RF damage)
of Adrenaline - (20-30)% increased Movement Speed during Flask effect
of Grounding - immunity to Shock (Shock makes you take more RF damage)

Chemist's mod data:

20 charge flask (sulphur/quicksilver):

(21-25)% = 15 charges

30 charge flask (ruby):

(20)% = 24 charges
(21-23)% = 23 charges
(24-25)% = 22 charges

40 charge flask (basalt/silver):

(20)% = 32 charges
(21-22)% = 31 charges
(23-25)% = 30 charges


I highly recommend getting a Watcher's Eye jewel with %recovery.

Recovery acts as a regeneration multiplier. So, for example, with 20% recovery, 1,000 regeneration will grow to 1,200.

The best mods are:

(20-30)% increased Life Recovery Rate while affected by Vitality

(15-20)% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield while affected by Malevolence

+(18-22)% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence

I would recommending getting malevolence recovery one as a starter. They are usually quite cheap and allow you to skip vitality aura. An endgame watchers would be any combination of the above three. I tend to go with double malevolence ones.

There are a couple other decent mods that you can get in combination with the above:

Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence - makes you immune to regular and corrupting blood bleed

(100-140) Life Regenerated per Second while affected by Vitality

(6-10)% of Physical Damage taken as Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Fire/Ice/Lightning

Immune to Shock while affected by Purity of Lightning -- great if running 3x purity setup


Look for the following affixes. You can't have more than two from each category on a jewel:


(5-7)% Life
(14-16)% Fire Damage


+(3-4)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
(8-10)% Damage
(10-12)% Area Damage
(10-12)% Damage over Time
(16-20)% Burning Damage
(12-15)% Single Res
(10-12)% Hybrid Res
(8-10)% All Res
(12-16) Dex/Int
(8-10) Dex + Int
(3-5)% chance to Ignite

Corrupted Implicit:

Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you




Might of the Meek can be used in the jewel socket south of Constitution.

It gives:

10% life
0.4% regen
8 life
25 strength
5 dex
5 int
20% armour


Look for the following affixes. You can't have more than two from each category on a jewel:


+(21-40) to maximum life
(10-14)% increased damage over time while holding a shield/dual wielding/wielding a two handed weapon
adds # to # cold/lightning damage to mace attacks


(8-10)% to all elemental resistances
(0.5-1)% of life regenerated per second while moving
(3-6)% chance to blind enemies on hit with attacks
(3-8)% chance to gain onslaught for 4 seconds on kill
adds # to # cold/lightning damage to attacks
(12-15)% to single elemental resistance
(7-13)% to chaos resistance
(10-12)% to double elemental resistances
+(12-16) to dexterity/intelligence
+(8-10) to dexterity + intelligence
(15-20)% increased damage if you've killed recently[/b]

Corrupted Implicit:

Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you




use the community version of PoB: https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases

- some of the stuff won't load properly otherwise
- it's a more up to date version of PoB

- i added a bunch of stuff to "notes" section to explain a few things, so it might be worth a read

Juggernaut (weapon and shield): https://pastebin.com/4HLkXBK5

- more damage reduction (around 15% ele and phys reduction)
- great end charge generation mechanic
- more aoe or mobility(movement speed, and slow, stun, freeze immunity)
- 20% less damage
- half the regen

Chieftain (weapon and shield): https://pastebin.com/4w6WVyup

Either version can also be played with dual sceptres or a two-handed staff. You get more damage, but can't use Shield Charge, and will have less survivability.


Kill All.



Unbreakable > Unflinching > Unrelenting

Unyielding - damage and aoe
Unstoppable - movement speed; stun, slow (including temp chains), and freeze immunity


Tasalio + Ramako + Valako + Hinekora


Juggernaut is tankier and has a great end charge generation mechanic. You'd essentially never have to worry about your charges dropping. And if you do drop em, you'd get them back in no time. It's a huge quality of life thing. You'll also have a choice between bigger aoe or slow/freeze/stun immunity. Either one of those is a solid utility boost.

Chieftain gives you a lot of extra regeneration and damage, but it lacks a good end charge generation mechanic, which will force you to pay attention to your charge duration, and you'd have to use Enduring Cry regularly to prevent charges from dropping. And if you do drop your charges in a boss fight, it will take a long time to get them back, which can get you into trouble. That being said, you can solve that charge issue with the following mod that can roll on emblem rings:

Gain an Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently

small cluster jewels can roll with enduring composure mod, which is the same thing. or you can get it on a megalomaniac med cluster

I would generally recommend Juggernaut, but Chieftain is also a solid choice if you can deal with its negative aspects.



Soul of Arakaali (Major God)
Soul of Abberath (Minor God)


Soul of Solaris (Major God) or Soul of Arakaali (Major God)

if you are stationary during boss fights - manually casting scorching ray
Soul of Tukohama (Minor God)

if you are mobile during boss fights - cycloning around bosses
Soul of Gruthkul (Minor God) or Soul of Abberath (Minor God)

if you need poison immunity
Soul of Shakari (Minor God)



Support Gems:

If you are using a helmet with BD and/or Conc as affixes, you can use Efficacy or Empower instead. They are about the same in power. Empower will generally also increase the radius of RF.

Inspiration gives a bit more damage than the above two. For it to work you'd need to generate inspiration charges with another skill, like Cyclone, for example.

Awakened support gems:

Upgrade to these when you can.


Support gems:

I don't recommend running Shield Charge without Faster Attacks, since it has too big of an impact on mobility. You can socket it into gloves or sceptre with Faster Attacks as an affix. It'll save you a socket and reduce Dexterity requirements.

If you find that you keep running out of mana, you can add Blood Magic.

Fortify is a buff that reduces damage from hits by 20% for four seconds.



If you are dual-wielding or using a two-hander, or just don't like shield charge, you can use Cyclone instead. It's not good for mobility, but it can be used to proc Fortify and cast curses.



regular: malevolence + purity of fire + aspect of the spider or vitality
max dps: malevolence + skitterbots + aspect of the spider


Malevolence is a good damage aura. It will increase your damage and the duration of Vaal RF by 20%. This aura becomes exceptionally good with the following Watcher's Eye mod:

20% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield while affected by Malevolence

Good secondary mods to look for:

+(18-22)% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence

Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence - makes you immune to regular and corrupting blood bleed


Purity auras increase resists and max res cap. Getting em to level 23 will give an extra 1% max res.

ways to increase level:
- amulet with global +1 to int and/or +1 to fire skill gems
- +1 to aoe gems bench crafted affix on gloves
- +2 to aoe/aura gems corruption on shield/gloves
- sceptre with global +1 to spells and/or +1 to fire gems
- staff with global +2 to spells and/or +3 to fire gems


Only worth using if you have a Watcher's Eye with the following mod:

(20-30)% increased Life Recovery Rate while affected by Vitality


It's a decent DPS aura, that will increase your damage by 5 to 15%, depending on how long an enemy is exposed to it. While also slowing em down.

It can be crafted onto your gear as a suffix, using a Bestiary recipe. Best place for it is on a belt or an amulet.


For more damage, you can also turn curses into auras with Blasphemy.

Only recommended while leveling. Keep in mind that enemies can't have more than one curse affecting them, unless you increase that cap with Whispers of Doom passive, or Windscream/Windshriek boots.

Here's how to run multiple auras even when they reserve more than 100% mana.


Ways to reduce mana reservation:

Sovereignty passive tree wheel:
2x minor nodes -- 4% each
sovereignty -- 6%

Hunter/Warlord influenced amulet -- Malevolence/Purity of Fire has 25/30%(30/36% with fertile catalysts) reduced mana reservation

Cluster Jewel Mods:
Pure Might - Purity of Fire has 30% reduced Mana Reservation
Pure Guile - Purity of Ice has 30% reduced Mana Reservation
Pure Aptitude - Purity of Lightning has 30% reduced Mana Reservation

Helmet enchants:
Malevolence has 10/15% reduced Mana Reservation
Purity of Fire/ice/Lightning has 14/20% reduced Mana Reservation
Summon Skitterbots has 14/20% reduced Mana Reservation

1% corruption on jewels

Example setups:

50% reservation auras = Malevolence
35% reservation auras = Purity of Fire/Ice/Lightning, Vitality, Skitterbots
25% reservation auras = Aspect of the Spider

50+35+25 = enlighten 4
50+35+35 = enlighten 3, 14% from sovereignty wheel // enlighten 4, 8-10% from sovereignty wheel
50+(3x35 purity) = 3x pure might/guile/aptitude mods on clusters, 10% from sovereignty wheel, enlighten 4


Storm Brand is used for triggering EE and EO during boss fights. Linking it with Inc Crit is important for consistent EO procs.

Storm Brand + Increased Critical Strikes

Can also be linked with Culling Strike to cull bosses. Faster Casting will improve the frequency of attacks.

Can autocast it with CwDT. It's nice not having to cast it, but the downside is that it can take a while to trigger on some bosses. I also like it because it helps maintain EO while mapping, since trash sometimes triggers it.

If you decide to go this route make sure to keep CwDT at level 1, and Storm Brand at 1-8, or it won't proc often enough.

You can also link it with Curse on Hit + Flammability/Elemental Weakness. Or use awakened cure on hit (can apply two curses) to apply both.


Scorching Ray's primary function is to proc Exposure debuff (-25% fire res).

If self casting, the main support gem i'd recommend is Infused Channeling. It'll buff your damage and defences.

Link it with Blood Magic if you are running out of mana.

You can also link it with Spell Totem and have to cast it for you. Don't need IC in this case.

I like using spell totem when playing Chieftain because of the following node that he has:

Arohongui, Moon's Presence
Enemies near your Totems deal 8% less Damage
Enemies near your Totems take 16% increased Physical and Fire Damage
Totems are Immune to Fire Damage



It can be used instead of Scorching Ray to apply exposure.

The main difference is that it applies exposure quicker, but it deals fire damage, which will apply bad EE. But it's not an issue since it only needs to be cast every several seconds, and its EE will get overwritten quickly by storm's brand.

You can get even more damage out of it by linking it with Combustion gem.

To get the most out of it, you should increase your ignite change to 100%. So that the enemy gets debuffed with a single cast. Combustion gives 50%, and there are a few ways to go about getting the other 50:

- Cooked Alive mod from medium clusters (15% each)
- Holy Fire node (15%), minor node that's on the way (10%)
- bench-crafted hybrid fire+ignite prefix on sceptres (10-11%)
- bench-crafted hybrid fire+ignite prefix on staves (21-23%)
- suffix on regular rare jewels (3-5%)
- chieftain gets 25% from Ramako

Link it with Blood Magic if you don't have enough mana.


Enduring Cry can be used to generate endurance charges, or to reset the charge timer when it gets close to expiration.

in combination with deep cuts notable, and inc duration support gem, you can sustain endurance cry buff indefinitely, if you don't mind recasting it every few seconds

can also grab call to arms keystone to make warcry casts instant

Rallying Cry can be used to proc Ash debuff (enemies take 3-20% increased fire damage) on enemies



Phase Run can be used to boost your movement speed temporarily when delving. It's quite nice for running into darkness to farm fossils and resonators. It gives you speed and Phasing, making it easy to pass through enemies and get to your destination quickly. It's too easy to get stuck in those tight corridors with Shield Charge. It's best to link it with Increased Duration, since it doesn't last that long by itself. Don't level it unless you have a ton of dex.


Cast when Damage Taken + Stone Golem

Level cwdt setup as high as possible, since SG is only useful at higher levels. You can also use it without cwdt, if you don't mind self casting it.

Stone Golem isn't important. You can easily drop it if you need sockets for something else. I would only recommend it it for early leveling.

Can also use Summon Holy Relic in combination with or inplace of SG.


This is a nice defensive setup. It'll help soak up some damage.

Level both to max level. You only want it triggering when you are taking a lot of damage, and it's way better on higher levels.

MS will trigger bad EE on enemies since it deals fire damage when the effect ends, but it doesn't proc that often, and will usually get overwritten quickly.

Vaal MS is also an option, but you'd have to activate it manually.

Last edited by rhah on Jul 21, 2021, 11:51:33 PM
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 8:45:32 PM

Leveling with RF is a bit tricky, since it's hard to get enough regeneration early on to counter the degeneration.

Starting in a fresh league:

1. The simplest way is to level into 60s with other skills and then switch to RF. By that point you should have enough currency to buy a few key uniques.

Use whatever melee skill you like. Sunder used to work well for me, but i don't know what the current best skill is. Keep upgrading your weapon, and if you feel like your damage is lacking, you can grab some increased damage nodes that are on the way. You can respec out of em later, just don't grab too many, or go off the recommended path.

I've seen a few positive reports regarding the following leveling gem combo. What's cool about it is that you don't need to worry about upgrading your weapon all the time.

2. If you can't wait until 60s, you can switch earlier. Level 40-45 should be fine, try to complete normal lab first though, it'll give you a bit more regen to work with. If you don't have any regen uniques, you'll be degenerating life quite a bit. So make sure to keep your life flasks upgraded and move fast to recharge flasks quickly enough. If you have some currency at this point, it might be worthwhile to search for some leveling uniques to improve your regen. You can find the item list farther down the page.

This last way requires you to be at a point in a league where you have some currency and there are affordable low level uniques up for trade.

3. You can start leveling with RF at level 20, but you'll have to meet some gear requirements. You will also be degenerating life quite a bit, unless you use temple items and watcher's eye with flat regen, so you'd have to use life flasks regularly to stay alive. If you don't want to deal with degeneration, you can switch at around level 40 instead. You'll be able to sustain fully at that point.


Your fire resistance must always be capped. This is very important. More fire res means less degeneration.


Core Starter Items:

These items are very important for countering degeneration from Righteous Fire.

Useful Starter Items:

If you are starting later on in the league, try to get watcher's eye jewel with flat life regen. It's really OP during early levels.

(100-140) Life Regenerated per Second while affected by Vitality - flat regen is very powerful early on


Dreadarc has fire damage on it, so you might have to replace it with another weapon when you get Elemental Equilibrium. If you are using Shield Charge then fire damage on a weapon won't matter, since it works off of offhands. But if you are using a weapon attack, like Cyclone or Leap Slam, to trigger EE, then you'd have to drop Dreadarc.

Ashcaller wand has fire damage to spells on it, so make sure to replace it before you start using Storm Brand to proc EE.

- an upgraded version of Springleaf
- life, regen
- can be used to increase curse cap to two
- ton of damage and resists; can roll up to 80% burning damage IMPORTANT: Make sure that you don't have added cold damage on your gear, since this ring will convert cold damage to fire damage and mess up your EE buff, turning it against you. Use added lightning damage to proc your EE instead.

- life, regen, resists


Don't forget to upgrade life flasks when possible.



Shield Charge(10) - mobility, EE and EO trigger
Faster Attacks(18)
Blood Magic(31) - removes mana cost

Shield Charge is kinda slow early on. So you can manually run around and use Cyclone to proc EE and EO.

Cyclone (12) - EE and EO trigger

If you can't get added light/cold damage on gear. You can get it by linking one of the following gems with either SC or Cyclone.

Added Lightning Damage (8)
Added Cold Damage (8)


Righteous Fire(16)
Elemental Focus(18)
Concentrated Effect(18)
Burning Damage(31)
Increased Area of Effect(38)

Can also use Empower 3 at level 45.

Extra Damage:

Scorching Ray(12)
Infused Channeling (4)
Elemental Focus(18)
Burning Damage(31)
Blood Magic(31) - removes mana cost

Spell Totem(8) - can be used to auto-cast SR, if you don't want to self-cast it


Enduring Cry(16)


Malevolence(24) - damage
Purity of Fire(24) - fire res, max fire res
Vitality(24) - life regen

I would recommend using Malevolence and PoF/Vitality.

PoF is kinda mediocre at low levels, unless you need to cap fire res. Vitality is also kinda meh, unless you use Watcher's Eye with a mod that needs it to work. So, at level 31 you can choose to drop one of those auras, and get an aura that curses nearby enemies, for a solid damage boost.

Blasphemy (31) + Flammability (24)

Alternatively, you can link Cyclone with Cast while Channelling (38) + Flammability/Elemental Weakness.

or Curse on Hit (38) instead of CwC

At level 48 you can start using Witchfire flask, which also curses enemies. But you'd need to get Windscream unique boots, to be able to debuff enemies with two curses.


Summon Stone Golem(34) - flat life regen
Cast when damage Taken(38) - can link it with Stone Golem; makes it easier to keep it alive

Storm Brand:

Use it to proc EE and EO on bosses.

Storm Brand(12)
Increased Critical Strikes(8)

Can also link it with Cast when Damage Taken for auto procs. Just make sure it stays at level 1, or it won't proc often enough.



Should be pretty easy if you know the mechanics. Can use a Sapphire flask for better survivability.


First two encounters are relatively easy. Bleed removal flask or immunity to corrupting blood corruption on a jewel is very important for the trio fight. The only other thing you need to worry about the the chicks rain skill. Change position immediately when you see her casting it.

The Atziri herself is very rippy. Success depends entirely on your skill. Knowing the mechanics is extremely important here, so maybe watch a guide or something first. Honestly, it doesn't matter how defensive you build, you'll still often rip if you make a mistake. She reflects curses back at you, so either disable them or use a flask with curse immunity mod.


Can't clear this with RF alone, need to use Scorching Ray as well. Linking SR with multiple support gems is recommended. Most of the waves are easy, for the rest you can keep your distance and blast em with SR for better survivability. It's a bit rippy. Unless you are careful and your gear is good, you can expect to die once or twice.

I haven't tried it after all of the 3.10 changes, so this info might be wrong.


On low budget, you might not deal enough damage to destroy portals quick enough to keep Shaper alive. There is a trick that can be used to deal with this issue: Frost Wall + Increased Duration. If you don't have open links, you can replace two Scorching Ray support gems, the colors will match (blue+red). Keep a couple walls up in front of Shaper and he'll be safe from all damage.


You can use Purity of Ice aura and a Sapphire flask for better survivability. Unstoppable ascendancy node is very useful. It'll keep you from getting slowed down and frozen. On decent budget and with some experience the fight is trivial.


Haven't tried it with the regular setup, but with pure commander one the fight was easy. With a little experience it's relatively easy to do deathless runs.

I would recommend a couple forbidden taste flasks, and a quicksilver flask, or two, (for running out of mazes and away from deathrays). If you are dual-wielding, a movement skill like leap slam is useful. There are slows in there, so jugg's Unstoppable node is also useful here. Try to also get immunity to corrupting blood corruption on a jewel. And if you have low chaos res, i would recommend avoiding ground effects.


It sucks past 60%. With a PC setup, 80 and 100% can be completed, but they take forever. 100% minotaur map took me 13 minutes... Offensive setups are quicker but are very rippy.

Last edited by rhah on Jun 18, 2020, 5:35:12 AM
Finally someone wrote a good guide for RF (for new players).

I am playing as Chieftain, but reading your guide, you can get the aswers about EO and EE in one place and not in 70 pages...

Thank you.
Thank you for doing this. Im doing this build, lvl 69 atm, and I have low dmg (doing t6 atm with 5.6k hp) its normal right? It gets better with more hp and gems lvl?
Last edited by ratz on Sep 1, 2017, 5:32:40 PM

Last edited by rhah on Sep 25, 2019, 11:49:31 PM
Also playing this build, pretty smooth, a lot of fun, fast clear speed, killed all guardians, next I will try shaper.
I play this since yesterday and it's a lot of fun. I just don't feel the Regeneration and DPS.. u can give me some advice? Jewels are 100c+ each so i need to farm those, but otherwise?

Can you tell us what Pantheon are best for RF?
Could not find it in the guide.

Thanks for making this guide!!1
Ty. Pohx makes really good builds, but he never makes forum guids which is unfortunate :D
Musixx wrote:
I play this since yesterday and it's a lot of fun. I just don't feel the Regeneration and DPS.. u can give me some advice? Jewels are 100c+ each so i need to farm those, but otherwise?

You need a 30% more damage mod crafted on gloves or helmet. That's a lot of damage right there. Information on how to get it is in the Gear >> General_Info section.

You missused some passive points. You put 1 into Attack Speed, Melee Damage and Life, and Armour. Take those out and throw them into Elementalist. It'll give you all res and 26% increased damage.

You forgot a Ruby Flask. It's very important for regeneration. You can replace your Life Flask with it. Warcry should be more than enough for healing yourself.

You went the wrong way in your Ascendancy tree. Replace Pain Reaver with Rite of Ruin. It will reduce the damage that you take from RF and increase your attack speed on bosses.

Other than that, get better jewels and a higher helmet RF enchantment. That's pretty much it i think. You have to keep in mind though that this isn't the best boss killer. It's really good for clearing maps but when it comes to bosses, it's on the slower side. Having said that, it can still kill Guardians and Shaper in a reasonable amount of time. Just don't forget to use Concentrated Effect gem in-place of Increased Area of Effect.

SirAlfa wrote:

Can you tell us what Pantheon are best for RF?
Could not find it in the guide.

Thanks for making this guide!!1

I completely forgot about this system. I added information on Pantheon to the Build section.

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