There are some things I really hate about this game

1. QOL for summoners is horrible. Why doesn't AW summons carry to another stage for/permanently? Why not redesign AW so you can summon fewer weapons but those few are way stronger like what was done for SRS? Like, copy over the zombie code to replace AW and use the same sprites maybe?

I wish resources would be dedicated to fix this because complaints have been had for years.

2. Why does everything good have to be nerfed? I play this game with just myself and my friend, we are both working professionals who don't have the time to rebuild characters constantly. If game content becomes too 'easy' for 1-2 builds that use ES, why do all characters who use ES have to be punished? The same goes for bleed and poison. I was using a life based AW necro, which I wouldn't say is an overpowered build but why does my minion poison have to die because it's considered 'too strong'?

3. Further on #3, if you're going to constantly destroy and rebuild the game with such sweeping changes, don't make leveling a new character such a tedious process, allow respecs to occur and not cost 100+ regrets every single time. I know this is how the game was initially designed, but it doesn't make sense why you would want to make the QOL so bad for gamers.

4. This game isn't competitive for the most part, I don't believe PVP plays a large role in this community, I haven't even met a single person thus far who focuses exclusively on PVP, it's usually PVM, so why kill fun builds which players are using? I seriously am unable to understand the motivation behind it. IS it because you would like to keep the game content challenging? For some people such as myself, it IS challenging, and it was challenging before these changes ever occurred.

I'm sorry, but maybe I fall into that small percentage of players who suck balls, but I still haven't even completed shaper (literally impossible with AW), and I have never bought or owned some ridiculous low-life build or 900+ es armor, or all of the top tier items which cost like 20ex to build but players like me must be the small minority if double dipping is so severe that the people at GGG turn around and say 'this is getting out of control, our AI is getting beaten way too easily.'

And how can game content be considered too easy when there is so much stuff in this game that just randomly 1 shots you out of the blue with no explanation? lol ok. I don't get it.

5. The development team's focus seems to be more about lurking the strategy forums and examining what the most popular builds are and nerfing them rather than improving existing underpowered and/or badly designed skills. Rather, why not just pump out more skills, gems, variables to the game which make it even more complicated and poorly designed? Items like mjolnir were well thought out and designed initially then nerfed to an unusable state. All I ask is literally what is the point of having such things exist in the game besides trolling newer players who try to make a build with such items/skills?

All I hear from reading the forum on why changes aren't made on longtime complaints is 'because it would be hard, it requires a code change/revamp'. Based on this type of explanation, I can then understand why the dev team decide that changing a few numbers for multipliers on ES and poison is the type of patch work they want to do because it certainly is easy, thoughtless work that nets an immediately felt impact on the entire community and lets everyone see that work is being done.

6. If it isn't a problem, don't try to fix it. That's the way I feel about changes toward increased AOE. Was it really so bad that you had to nerf it to the ground?

7. I know there are not that many people who play this game. Like maybe ~75k? But it would be really nice if the game easier to find/meet people who want to play. For example, it was a long time until I found out about, and global 820. Why can't these type of services be incorporated into the game itself? God knows how much other stuff there is to this game that I don't know about. In D2X, it was super easy to find other people to party up and play with, people could give you waypoints easily and there was always the option to rush through and fast track yourself towards the specific goal you had in mind, but none of that exists on POE. All of the QOL concerns always take a backseat and announcements are always focused on nerfs, nerfs, nerfs every few months, which is way too much and too often.

8. Considering how important technical details and aspects skill/passive interactions of this game are to creating a character build it astounds me how poorly documented all of this information is and still continues to be. Even some skill pages on the wiki do not provide basic information like mana cost sometimes let alone deeper level info. This would all be good and fine if it were easy to respec a character quickly to test out a mechanic of a skill with a passive, but we all know that isn't the case because GGG thinks you should actually fully level a character to try something like that out or pay the equivalent of an exalt+ to do it with ingame currency...

9. Leveling gems to level 20 takes ridiculously long. Considering that respeccing is already difficult, what is the purpose of requiring a skill swap to take such a long period of time. This could be redesigned to allow gems to level faster, MUCH faster if there is a large level difference between the character holding the gem + the character. I mean, it's not like a gem could be leveled up too fast at a low level anyway due to level requirements.

10. There is SO MUCH content in this game. Why do you have to make it so difficult to try and play all of it? I WISH I had no life and all the time in the world, but that isn't the case. This game tests doesn't only test your creativity and number crunching, but it also tests your patience to the limit because of the amount of BS and poor decision making that the management/development team makes with regards to changes (or lack of positive changes). Can anyone here say they LOVE having to play through acts 1-4 and doing dry lake runs? Yes, I know that 3.0 is coming and may/might resolve the issue, but I'm very skeptical that this will improve the process.
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Noted. Next?
+1 Good read.
I dont see any any key!

3. Further on #3, if you're going to constantly destroy and rebuild the game with such sweeping changes, don't make leveling a new character such a tedious process, allow respecs to occur and not cost 100+ regrets every single time. I know this is how the game was initially designed, but it doesn't make sense why you would want to make the QOL so bad for gamers.

6. If it isn't a problem, don't try to fix it. That's the way I feel about changes toward increased AOE. Was it really so bad that you had to nerf it to the ground?

3. usually a free full passive tree reset is granted after such sweeping changes
6. yes, it was a problem

just leaving it here that I basically disagree with all your other points too (although I think there was one I did agree with)
Everything good HAS to be nerfed. It's really important in any game. Why? Cuz there's only one direction you can go from "good", and it's to "beter", and ultimately to the "overpowered". So, in order not to let op happen, everything that is "good" HAS to be nerfed.
xxanderr wrote:
Everything good HAS to be nerfed. It's really important in any game. Why? Cuz there's only one direction you can go from "good", and it's to "beter", and ultimately to the "overpowered". So, in order not to let op happen, everything that is "good" HAS to be nerfed.

sure because everyone wants to play a game where everything sucks balls aslong it sucks equally hard?
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
*edited* nvm this is feedback section
Last edited by GutzFR on Jul 14, 2017, 5:52:03 PM
Well, I'm planning to give the game one more try once 3.0 is released, but if things do not change from the development side, then I am certainly done with the game. I often hear people saying and tell people, 'IF you don't like the game then don't play it.' and I agree with that advice.

It does make me sad though because POE is the closest I think any team has gotten to towards copying the love people had for the playstyle of D2X which I think almost every older gamer would agree is the best hack-and-slash type game to have been created.

POE has a lot of potential and in the past the arguments surrounding design issues were that there would be a lot of work involved in making such changes + the game was in beta/under development. It has been several years now and still no changes have been made, no changes appear to be in sight, so I do believe it is time to move on.
You've just got the wrong attitude for the game. It's not a "build a god" type of game. It's a starvation game. The people who trade cheat this somewhat, but the game is designed around "want". You don't seem to get that. You think that the game should be about "have". That's fine. There's games out there for you.

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