Curiosity Poll: What do you feel is rarer, Diviners or Unique boxes?

Unique for sure. I have only ever encountered 2 Unique's in the wild. Jeweller's in Merc Lab a few days ago, and Barrel in the Docks almost a week ago. Granted there is one Unique Box you can farm, but that doesn't really count as it is farmable.

Diviner's however, I started the league early May, and had to purchase Diviner's challenge from someone. In the last week alone however, I have found 5+ Diviner's SB's.

All in all, Unique are much rarer, completely ignoring that farmable one.
Creator of Dementophobia

Name, reward, art and flavor text all my idea, very satisfied with outcome
Found neither before maps. In maps I have found one diviner and 3 or 4 uniques(all shitty). So diviners it is.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
About 16 diviners and 6 unique boxes so for me the unique are def more rare.
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