[3.1.0 ASC] [crit SUNDER] [berserk] [Dual wielding] (Shаper / T16 videos)

main hand doryan catalyst + off hand the tempestuous
My stream you can see on twitch.tv
I have some good news today on the beta server launched 8 act. As many already know, and for those who don't know, the 3.0 update in addition to our existing tree of skills will be even the so-called "Pantheon". Provide some advantages for not really encountered situations. And that's one of the skills of the Pantheon, which MUCH will add survivability while leveling my build.

My stream you can see on twitch.tv
My stream you can see on twitch.tv
Hey man, I have 50% chance to crit without increased crit gem, would it be better to use crit multi in it's place at 50%?
Ye u can use crit mult, or another gems. But its rly hard for reflect :(
My stream you can see on twitch.tv
how much life i need to do uber atziris?
And not only good hp. Need good control, remember - if u have small distance to atziri illusion and + multistrike, then u will deal dmg for another illusions.
All off your mainskill skill gems (shaper kill video) had 21 lvl, how much this affect to damage when being complared with regular 20/20 gems?
Great guide thanks for it! Hoping for 3.0 updates
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