So Discharge is going to be modified for self cast, what about CoC/Cospri/Mjolner builds ?

I feel like you've already got your mind made up without really having the knowledge or experience to back it up, sounds like you're being a bigger drama queen than my mate who has been waiting for decent melee buffs for a long time.

People have made viable Cospri's triggers using Nova, Vortex, Arctic breath & Frostbolt. Also they cost a substantially lower amount than Discharge does. Why should you not be rewarded for more investment into a build? Again if you didn't have shield charge Cospri's Discharge would not be anywhere near as good.

Also a lot of zerk cwdt setups make then invulnerable more or less, another great use of triggering. COMK Sucks arse, Mjollner received nerfs that were kind of unwarranted also. COC Is more or less garbage except for Vortex.
Last edited by Soulcry_POE on Mar 1, 2017, 7:30:07 AM
Soulcry_POE wrote:

People have made viable Cospri's triggers using Nova, Vortex, Arctic breath & Frostbolt. Also they cost a substantially lower amount than Discharge does. Why should you not be rewarded for more investment into a build? Again if you didn't have shield charge Cospri's Discharge would not be anywhere near as good.

You got it right "have made" Cospris and Mjölnir both got nerfed because of Discharge, now the only builds worth making with those items are discharge builds and for mjölnir even that is hard.

However I already scratch my head on the Mjölnir change... why the heck Spelldamage, why not giving it 100% Lightning Damage, which would only work with the lightning part of discharge, not the fire part.

The problem was when they nerfed Shotgunning they inderectly killed things like incinerate and freeze pulse too along with it and didn't scale up the abilities very well to compensate.

Huuh... Incinerate was one of the strongest spells in the game after the shotgunning nerf, until it got completly destroyed for quite a while (it is usable again).

I don't care if they nerf the damage another 30%! I would still like to have the option to play the build. Triggering explosions is so much fun! Regardless of damage. I would build one even if it could only do dried lakes because it is FUN! If it is too strong? Nerf it... but don't remove it.

It's a fun play style.

The thing is, would it be so much different if it would be explosions from Storm Call and not Discharge. The thing is, Mjölnir has a fantasy behind it. It is about calling Lightning and Thunder, so it should work fine with Arc or Storm Call.

What I would do with Mjölnir is actually giving some specific benefits to the spells that should be used with that item. Give it 100% increased Lightning Damage, 3 Chains and a 100% reduced storm call duration for socketed gems. And also socketed gems can't deal non-lightning damage. Discharge would still work, but only with power charges, because you cannot convert Cold or Fire Damage to Lightning. It would also be more true to the fantasy of the item.

The thing is, Discharge basically removes much more options from those items than GGG ever could. It is a spell that should never be triggerable as long as items like Volls exist, I would have already reduced Volls to get a 25% chance for an endurance charge instead of 100%. But as long as you can create multiple charges for every use of discharge and many in between discharge cannot work with triggers, because without limiting the amount of discharge casts there is no way to reduce the damage, which also hurts all other spells much more, because they cannot store damage in the form of charges.
Soulcry_POE wrote:
People have made viable Cospri's triggers using Nova, Vortex, Arctic breath & Frostbolt.

Sure, viable they are, and are they happy with viable? They can't really make them good without making Discharge broken. That 'less damage if triggered' looks clumsy as hell too, I assumed it was just a temporary bandaid.

Dunno why are people getting so attached to one spell anyway, and if that spell singlehandedly limits triggers and charge generation methods it's harmful to development process, similar to the way shotgunning was.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Mar 1, 2017, 7:51:33 AM
sidtherat wrote:
let these crap 'fun' and 'creative' builds die. there is nothing creative about stacking crit + cospris or mjolnr + discharge to win

these builds shouldnt be possible in the first place. not with the vaal pact in the game

let them die. time to move on and play something more challenging than 'right click the pack, right click the pack, right click the pack (oh boss died too?)'

there are other spells one can trigger, try these

but, dont fret - chances of ggg actually fixing this are null so you are safe. they will postpone discharge changes just like they will never fix the double dip and life/ES bullshit. too many players cannot play the game without these cheats and they know it. they cannot afford loosing them

A) Creative and fun builds are the ONLY reason I play this game anymore over any other arpg. It isn't even hardcore anymore.

B) Right click the pack describes 90% of good builds out there. Everything from fireball to vaal spark. CoC discharge is still one of the most fun builds I have ever played in the game. This game USED to have so many fun ways to play... now it is turning into a speed fest, but CoC discharge was fun when it wasn't a speed fest. I have never even had a CoC discharge build that could comfortably farm atziri after I dropped the 5 ex to grab voll's devotion... because it isn't as cheap as everyone makes it. Ice trap used to farm her twice as fast with a pyre and a consuming dark (as well as firestorm). WI builds farm her faster and cheaper. Ancestral warchief farms her faster AND safer AND cheaper...

It isn't a "cheat" to buy an item that takes 20+ hours to farm. Also, most people that tend to run CoC discharge, vaal spark, double dip poison builds can play the game (and beat it on all three difficulties) in under 12 hours... self found....

So what you are REALLY saying, is that these builds are fast, fun, and keep people here long enough to continue spending money on the game. Just like how I never really played CoC when it was big, and never got my hands on both a Mjolner AND a voll's devotion until after it had been nerfed three times because long term goals apparently can't be a thing in this community. You are either a trade guru, or play 9 hours a day, or run broken and super efficient builds running boring maps as fast as you can.
I guess I will have to buy a one way ticket to hell with your lives

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