FilterBLAST [ 3.20: SANCTUM ] hub with up-to-date filters, visual preview and customization

FilterBLAST is ready and updated for PoE 3.18 Sentinel league!

Be blessed by Lootcifer, Exiles ;)
FilterBlast - a web-hub with up-to-date item filters and extra features
The Filterblast website is not available. I hope no one minds if I put the Default filter here. It allows you to cut and paste from it to make your own personalized filters.

# Item filter downloaded at FilterBLAST - for updates visit:

# Quest Items

Class == "Quest Item"
SetFontSize 36
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250
PlayEffect Green Temp

# Contains Crucible Tree
HasCruciblePassiveTree True
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 247 104 6
SetBorderColor 247 104 6
PlayEffect Orange

# 6L Unique
LinkedSockets == 6
Rarity == Unique
SetFontSize 40
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White
PlayAlertSound 5 150

# Unique
Rarity == Unique
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
PlayEffect Brown Temp
PlayAlertSound 5 150

# Unique Fragments
Class == "Pieces"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 35 19 7
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
PlayEffect Brown Temp
PlayAlertSound 5 150

# 6Link Any
LinkedSockets == 6
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 250 250 250 255
SetBackgroundColor 40 0 0
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
MinimapIcon 1 Red Hexagon
PlayEffect Red
PlayAlertSound 5 250

# 5Link Any
LinkedSockets == 5
SetFontSize 38
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250
SetBorderColor 180 96 0
MinimapIcon 2 Orange Hexagon
PlayEffect Orange Temp
PlayAlertSound 8 200

# 4Link Any (pre-maps only)
LinkedSockets == 4
AreaLevel <= 67
SetFontSize 38
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250
SetBorderColor 180 96 0
PlayEffect Orange Temp
PlayAlertSound 8 150

# Fractured Items
FracturedItem True
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle

# Synthesised Items
SynthesisedItem True
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle

BaseType "Synthesised Map"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayAlertSound 6 150

# 6Socket Any
Sockets = 6
SetFontSize 38
SetBackgroundColor 40 20 0
SetBorderColor 180 96 0
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Hexagon
PlayEffect Red Temp
PlayAlertSound 1 200

# Sacrificial Garb
BaseType "Sacrificial Garb"
SetBorderColor 210 0 0

# Voidstones
Class "Atlas Upgrade Item"
BaseType "Voidstone"
SetFontSize 40

# Jewels - All
BaseType == "Small Cluster Jewel" "Medium Cluster Jewel" "Large Cluster Jewel"
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White

Rarity == Rare
Class "Jewel" "Abyss Jewel"
SetFontSize 35
SetBackgroundColor 70 70 28
SetBorderColor 255 255 119

Rarity == Magic
Class "Jewel"
SetFontSize 35
SetBackgroundColor 40 40 85
SetBorderColor 136 136 255

Show # This is only here for Cluster Jewels
Rarity == Normal
Class "Jewel"
SetFontSize 35
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetBorderColor 200 200 200

# Divination Cards - All
Class == "Divination Card"
SetFontSize 38
SetTextColor 0 186 254
SetBorderColor 0 186 254
PlayEffect Blue Temp
PlayAlertSound 16 230

# Currency - T1
BaseType == "Exalted Orb" "Sacred Orb" "Tainted Mythic Orb" "Tainted Blessing" "Eternal Orb" "Divine Orb" "Tainted Divine Teardrop" "Tainted Exalted Orb" "Mirror of Kalandra" "Crusader's Exalted Orb" "Redeemer's Exalted Orb" "Hunter's Exalted Orb" "Warlord's Exalted Orb" "Orb of Dominance" "Awakener's Orb" "Exceptional Eldritch Ichor" "Exceptional Eldritch Ember" "Eldritch Exalted Orb" "Orb of Conflict" "Essence of Insanity" "Essence of Horror" "Essence of Delirium" "Essence of Hysteria" "Surveyor's Compass" "Albino Rhoa Feather" "Fishing Rod" "Prime Regrading Lens" "Secondary Regrading Lens" "Tempering Orb" "Tailoring Orb" "Golden Oil" "Reflective Oil" "Tainted Oil" "Tainted Orb of Fusing" "Fracturing Orb"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown
PlayAlertSound 10 250

BaseType == "Exalted Shard" "Mirror Shard" "Fracturing Shard"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown
PlayAlertSound 10 200

Show # Same as above but not exact match
BaseType "Lycia's Invocation of "
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown
PlayAlertSound 10 250

# Currency T2
BaseType == "Chaos Orb" "Regal Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Orb of Alchemy" "Enkindling Orb" "Instilling Orb" "Cartographer's Chisel" "Orb of Annulment" "Veiled Chaos Orb" "Harbinger's Orb" "Ancient Orb" "Elevated Sextant" "Awakened Sextant" "Orb of Unmaking" "Greater Eldritch Ichor" "Greater Eldritch Ember" "Eldritch Chaos Orb" "Eldritch Orb of Annulment" "Grand Eldritch Ichor" "Grand Eldritch Ember" "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" "Lesser Eldritch Ember" "Blessing of Xoph" "Blessing of Tul" "Blessing of Esh" "Blessing of Uul-Netol" "Blessing of Chayula" "Time-light Scroll" "Fragmentation Scroll" "Deregulation Scroll" "Electroshock Scroll" "Haemocombustion Scroll" "Specularity Scroll" "Teal Oil" "Azure Oil" "Indigo Oil" "Violet Oil" "Crimson Oil" "Black Oil" "Opalescent Oil" "Silver Oil" "Tainted Chaos Orb" "Tainted Armourer's Scrap" "Tainted Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Tainted Jeweller's Orb" "Tainted Chromatic Orb"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 180 140 0
SetBackgroundColor 25 20 0
SetBorderColor 180 140 0
PlayAlertSound 4 70

BaseType == "Chaos Shard" "Regal Shard" "Alchemy Shard" "Annulment Shard" "Harbinger's Shard" "Ancient Shard"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 180 140 0 200
SetBackgroundColor 25 20 0 200
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
PlayEffect Brown Temp
PlayAlertSound 4 70

Show # Same as above but not exact match
BaseType "Screaming Essence of" "Shrieking Essence of" "Remnant of Corruption" "Deafening Essence of" "Scouting Report" "Delirium Orb" "Incubator" "Catalyst"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 180 140 0
SetBackgroundColor 25 20 0
SetBorderColor 180 140 0
PlayAlertSound 4 70

# Currency T3
BaseType == "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Fusing" "Blessed Orb" "Orb of Scouring" "Stacked Deck" "Vaal Orb" "Facetor's Lens" "Infused Engineer's Orb" "Rogue's Marker" "Orb of Binding" "Engineer's Orb" "Orb of Horizons" "Clear Oil" "Sepia Oil" "Amber Oil" "Verdant Oil"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 170 158 130
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 170 158 130
PlayEffect Brown Temp
PlayAlertSound 9 150

BaseType == "Binding Shard" "Engineer's Shard" "Horizon Shard"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 170 158 130
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 200
SetBorderColor 170 158 130
PlayEffect Brown Temp
PlayAlertSound 9 150

Show # Same as above but not exact match
BaseType "Weeping Essence of" "Wailing Essence of"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 170 158 130
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 170 158 130
PlayEffect Brown Temp
PlayAlertSound 9 150

# Currency - T4
BaseType == "Armourer's Scrap" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal Scroll" "Orb of Alteration" "Chromatic Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Augmentation"
SetFontSize 34
SetTextColor 170 158 130
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

BaseType == "Alteration Shard" "Transmutation Shard" "Scroll Fragment"
SetFontSize 33
SetTextColor 170 158 130
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 200
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

Show # Same as above but not exact match
BaseType "Whispering Essence of" "Muttering Essence of"
SetFontSize 34
SetTextColor 170 158 130
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

# Itemised Temples / Ultimatum Trials / Invitations / Vault Keys etc
Class == "Misc Map Items" "Vault Key"
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 220 220 220
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 250
SetBorderColor 220 220 220
MinimapIcon 0 White Pentagon
PlayEffect White
PlayAlertSound 1 225

# Map Fragments/Lab items
Class == "Map Fragment" "Labyrinth Items" "Labyrinth Trinket"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 30 30 30 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red

# Breachstones 18
Class == "Breachstone"
SetTextColor 210 0 210
SetBackgroundColor 30 30 30 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 210
MinimapIcon 0 Purple Diamond
PlayEffect Purple

Class == "Breachstone"
BaseType "Flawless"
SetFontSize 40

Class == "Breachstone"
SetFontSize 35

# Splinters
BaseType == "Splinter of Xoph" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Chayula" "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" "Simulacrum Splinter" "Ritual Splinter" "Crescent Splinter"
SetFontSize 30
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 100 0 0
MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red Temp
PlayAlertSound 7 150

# Memory Lines
Class == "Memory"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 255 140 0
SetBorderColor 255 140 0
MinimapIcon 1 Orange Triangle
PlayAlertSound 4 150

# Fossils
BaseType == "Scorched Fossil" "Frigid Fossil" "Metallic Fossil" "Jagged Fossil" "Aberrant Fossil" "Pristine Fossil" "Dense Fossil" "Corroded Fossil" "Prismatic Fossil" "Aetheric Fossil" "Serrated Fossil" "Lucent Fossil" "Shuddering Fossil" "Bound Fossil" "Perfect Fossil" "Faceted Fossil" "Fundamental Fossil" "Deft Fossil" "Bloodstained Fossil" "Hollow Fossil" "Fractured Fossil" "Glyphic Fossil" "Tangled Fossil" "Sanctified Fossil" "Gilded Fossil"
SetFontSize 30
SetTextColor 255 174 0
SetBorderColor 255 174 0
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Diamond
PlayEffect Yellow Temp
PlayAlertSound 9 150

# Resonators
Class "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency"
SetTextColor 34 197 225
SetBorderColor 34 197 225
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect Blue Temp
PlayAlertSound 9 150

BaseType == "Prime Alchemical Resonator" "Prime Chaotic Resonator"
SetFontSize 44

BaseType == "Powerful Alchemical Resonator" "Powerful Chaotic Resonator"
SetFontSize 41

BaseType == "Potent Alchemical Resonator" "Potent Chaotic Resonator"
SetFontSize 38

BaseType == "Primitive Alchemical Resonator" "Primitive Chaotic Resonator"
SetFontSize 35

# Expedition Vendor Refresh
BaseType == "Exotic Coinage" "Astragali" "Burial Medallion" "Scrap Metal"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 255 200 0
SetBorderColor 255 200 0

# Logbook
Class == "Expedition Logbook"
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 153 204 255
SetBorderColor 153 204 255
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Pentagon
PlayEffect Blue

# Harvest seeds
Show # Blue
BaseType == "Primal Crystallised Lifeforce"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 80 220 255
SetBackgroundColor 16 44 51
SetBorderColor 80 220 255

Show # Red
BaseType == "Wild Crystallised Lifeforce"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 200 80 180
SetBackgroundColor 40 16 36
SetBorderColor 200 80 180

Show # "Green"
BaseType == "Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 220 220 50
SetBackgroundColor 44 44 10
SetBorderColor 220 220 50

Show # Boss
BaseType == "Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce"
SetFontSize 35
SetTextColor 230 230 230
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetBorderColor 230 230 230

# Heist Objectives
Class == "Heist Target"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 0 191 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
MinimapIcon 0 Green Cross

# Heist Trinkets
Class "Trinket"
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 234 85 0
SetBackgroundColor 24 22 0 250
SetBorderColor 234 128 0
MinimapIcon 1 Orange Kite
PlayAlertSound 1 150

# Heist Equipment
Class == "Heist Tool" "Heist Gear" "Heist Brooch" "Heist Cloak"
SetBorderColor 255 50 255
MinimapIcon 0 Pink Star
PlayAlertSound 5 175

BaseType == "Whisper-woven Cloak" "Foliate Brooch" "Master Lockpick" "Steel Bracers" "Thaumaturgical Sensing Charm" "Thaumetic Flashpowder" "Thaumaturgical Ward" "Grandmaster Keyring" "Silkweave Sole" "Regicide Disguise Kit" "Thaumetic Blowtorch" "Obsidian Sharpening Stone" "Precise Arrowhead" "Burst Band"
SetFontSize 44

BaseType == "Hooded Cloak" "Enamel Brooch" "Fine Lockpick" "Runed Bracers" "Polished Sensing Charm" "Azurite Flashpowder" "Shining Ward" "Skeleton Keyring" "Winged Sole" "Espionage Disguise Kit" "Sulphur Blowtorch" "Fine Sharpening Stone" "Hollowpoint Arrowhead" "Aggregator Charm"
SetFontSize 42

BaseType == "Tattered Cloak" "Golden Brooch" "Standard Lockpick" "Studded Bracers" "Fine Sensing Charm" "Trarthan Flashpowder" "Lustrous Ward" "Versatile Keyring" "Foxhide Sole" "Theatre Disguise Kit" "Flanged Drill" "Standard Sharpening Stone" "Fragmenting Arrowhead" "Conduit Line"
SetFontSize 39

BaseType == "Torn Cloak" "Silver Brooch" "Simple Lockpick" "Leather Bracers" "Crude Sensing Charm" "Voltaxic Flashpowder" "Crude Ward" "Essential Keyring" "Eelskin Sole" "Basic Disguise Kit" "Steel Drill" "Rough Sharpening Stone" "Flanged Arrowhead" "Focal Stone"
SetFontSize 36

# Heist Contracts
Class == "Contract"
SetTextColor 255 150 100
SetBorderColor 255 150 100
MinimapIcon 1 Red Pentagon
PlayEffect Red Temp
PlayAlertSound 5 125

Show # Repeatable Contracts
BaseType == "Forbidden Contract" "Preventative Contract" "Familial Contract" "Vigilante Contract" "Naval Contract" "Vengeful Contract"
SetFontSize 40

Show # Catch-all for remaining Contracts
Class == "Contract"
SetFontSize 30

# Heist Items - Blueprints
Class "Blueprint"
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 203 240 252
SetBorderColor 203 240 252
MinimapIcon 0 Cyan Pentagon
PlayEffect Cyan Temp

# Heist Items - Experimented Base Types
Rarity == Rare
BaseType == "Accumulator Wand" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Infernal Blade" "Void Fangs" "Psychotic Axe" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Boom Mace" "Alternating Sceptre" "Solarine Bow" "Battery Staff" "Eventuality Rod" "Apex Cleaver" "Banishing Blade" "Impact Force Propagator" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Congregator Wand" "Pressurised Dagger" "Flashfire Blade" "Malign Fangs" "Disapprobation Axe" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Crack Mace" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Foundry Bow" "Reciprocation Staff" "Potentiality Rod" "Honed Cleaver" "Blasting Blade" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Polar Buckler" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Assembler Wand" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Flickerflame Blade" "Shadow Fangs" "Maltreatment Axe" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Flare Mace" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Hedron Bow" "Transformer Staff" "Capacity Rod" "Prime Cleaver" "Rebuking Blade" "Blunt Force Condenser" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield"
SetBorderColor 255 255 119

Rarity == Magic
BaseType == "Accumulator Wand" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Infernal Blade" "Void Fangs" "Psychotic Axe" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Boom Mace" "Alternating Sceptre" "Solarine Bow" "Battery Staff" "Eventuality Rod" "Apex Cleaver" "Banishing Blade" "Impact Force Propagator" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Congregator Wand" "Pressurised Dagger" "Flashfire Blade" "Malign Fangs" "Disapprobation Axe" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Crack Mace" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Foundry Bow" "Reciprocation Staff" "Potentiality Rod" "Honed Cleaver" "Blasting Blade" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Polar Buckler" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Assembler Wand" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Flickerflame Blade" "Shadow Fangs" "Maltreatment Axe" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Flare Mace" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Hedron Bow" "Transformer Staff" "Capacity Rod" "Prime Cleaver" "Rebuking Blade" "Blunt Force Condenser" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield"
SetBorderColor 136 136 255

Rarity == Normal
BaseType == "Accumulator Wand" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Infernal Blade" "Void Fangs" "Psychotic Axe" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Boom Mace" "Alternating Sceptre" "Solarine Bow" "Battery Staff" "Eventuality Rod" "Apex Cleaver" "Banishing Blade" "Impact Force Propagator" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Congregator Wand" "Pressurised Dagger" "Flashfire Blade" "Malign Fangs" "Disapprobation Axe" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Crack Mace" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Foundry Bow" "Reciprocation Staff" "Potentiality Rod" "Honed Cleaver" "Blasting Blade" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Polar Buckler" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Assembler Wand" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Flickerflame Blade" "Shadow Fangs" "Maltreatment Axe" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Flare Mace" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Hedron Bow" "Transformer Staff" "Capacity Rod" "Prime Cleaver" "Rebuking Blade" "Blunt Force Condenser" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield"
SetBorderColor 200 200 200

BaseType == "Accumulator Wand" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Infernal Blade" "Void Fangs" "Psychotic Axe" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Boom Mace" "Alternating Sceptre" "Solarine Bow" "Battery Staff" "Eventuality Rod" "Apex Cleaver" "Banishing Blade" "Impact Force Propagator" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
SetFontSize 44

BaseType == "Congregator Wand" "Pressurised Dagger" "Flashfire Blade" "Malign Fangs" "Disapprobation Axe" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Crack Mace" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Foundry Bow" "Reciprocation Staff" "Potentiality Rod" "Honed Cleaver" "Blasting Blade" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Polar Buckler" "Magmatic Tower Shield"
SetFontSize 40

BaseType == "Assembler Wand" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Flickerflame Blade" "Shadow Fangs" "Maltreatment Axe" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Flare Mace" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Hedron Bow" "Transformer Staff" "Capacity Rod" "Prime Cleaver" "Rebuking Blade" "Blunt Force Condenser" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield"
SetFontSize 35

# Heist Belts/Rings and Kaladra Rings
Rarity == Rare
BaseType == "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Tenebrous Ring"
SetBorderColor 255 255 119

Rarity == Magic
BaseType == "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Tenebrous Ring"
SetBorderColor 136 136 255

Rarity == Normal
BaseType == "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Tenebrous Ring"
SetBorderColor 200 200 200

# Influenced Items (not Eldritch)
HasInfluence "Elder" "Shaper" "Crusader" "Redeemer" "Hunter" "Warlord"
SetFontSize 42
SetBorderColor 128 0 128
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Circle
PlayEffect Purple
PlayAlertSound 15 150

# Eater of Worlds Implicit
HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 1
SetFontSize 42
SetBorderColor 128 0 128
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Circle
PlayEffect Purple
PlayAlertSound 15 150
# Searing Exarch Implicit
HasSearingExarchImplicit >= 1
SetFontSize 42
SetBorderColor 128 0 128
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Circle
PlayEffect Purple
PlayAlertSound 15 150

# Incursion Bombs/Keys
BaseType "Stone of Passage" "Flashpowder Keg"
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 50 200 50
SetBorderColor 50 200 50
MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
PlayAlertSound 4 150
# Incursion Vials
BaseType "Vial of Dominance" "Vial of Summoning" "Vial of Awakening" "Vial of the Ritual" "Vial of Fate" "Vial of Consequence" "Vial of the Ghost" "Vial of Transcendence" "Vial of Sacrifice"
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 200 150 50
SetBorderColor 200 150 50
PlayAlertSound 4 50

# Gems
Class "Gems"
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250

Quality >= 1
Class "Gems"
SetBorderColor 0 100 200 200

Show # Vaal gems
Corrupted True
Class "Gems"
SetBorderColor 210 0 0

Show # Awakened/Exceptional/Portal
Class "Gems"
BaseType "Awakened" "Enlighten Support" "Empower Support" "Enhance Support" "Portal"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 100 217 210
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
MinimapIcon 1 White Triangle
PlayEffect White
PlayAlertSound 14 225

Show # Gems greater than level 1
GemLevel >= 2
Class "Gems"

Show # Hide non-quality gems after Brine King
AreaLevel >= 51
Quality == 0
Class "Gems"
SetFontSize 17
SetTextColor 27 162 155 200
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 100

Show # Alt-quality Gems
AlternateQuality True
SetFontSize 44
SetTextColor 15 240 228
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 250
SetBorderColor 15 0 255
MinimapIcon 0 Cyan Raindrop
PlayEffect Cyan

Show # Any Gem that isn't caught in the above
Class "Gems"
SetTextColor 27 162 155

# Oil Extractor
BaseType == "Oil Extractor"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 50 200 50
SetBorderColor 50 200 50
PlayAlertSound 4 150

# Blighted maps
BlightedMap True
PlayEffect Yellow

UberBlightedMap True
PlayEffect Yellow

# Regular maps
Class "Maps"
SetBackgroundColor 5 5 5 250

MapTier >= 11
SetFontSize 40
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
MinimapIcon 1 Red Square

MapTier >= 6
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 255 255 0
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Square

MapTier >= 1
SetFontSize 30
SetBorderColor 250 250 250

# Enchantment Any
AnyEnchantment True
SetFontSize 40
SetBackgroundColor 23 23 23 250
SetBorderColor 204 0 154
MinimapIcon 1 Red Star

# Betrayal/Veiled Mod Items
Identified True
HasExplicitMod = "Veiled" "Leo's Veiled" "Catarina's Veiled" "Elreon's Veiled" "Vorici's Veiled" "Haku's Veiled" "Tora's Veiled" "Vagan's Veiled" "Guff's Veiled" "It That Fled's Veiled" "Gravicius' Veiled" "Korell's Veiled" "Rin's Veiled" "of the Veil" "of Janus' Veil" "of Hillock's Veil" "of Jorgin's Veil" "of Cameria's Veil" "of Aisling's Veil" "of Riker's Veil"
SetTextColor 255 180 0
MinimapIcon 1 Orange Triangle

# Crucible Currency
BaseType == "Magmatic Ore" "Igneous Geode" "Crystalline Geode"
SetTextColor 255 100 0
SetBorderColor 255 100 0
PlayEffect Orange

BaseType == "Magmatic Ore"
SetFontSize 30
MinimapIcon 2 Orange Star

BaseType == "Igneous Geode"
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 1 Orange Star

BaseType == "Crystalline Geode"
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 Orange Star

# No further filtering in Twilight Strand.
AreaLevel == 1

# Setting font size for Normal/Magic/Rare equipment
Rarity == Rare
SetFontSize 34
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity == Magic
SetFontSize 28
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity == Normal
SetFontSize 24
SetTextColor 200 200 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255

# Expedition base types
BaseType == "Runic Crown" "Runic Sabatons" "Runic Gauntlets"
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White

BaseType "Runic Crest" "Runic Sollerets" "Runic Gages"
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White Temp

BaseType "Runic Helm" "Runic Greaves" "Runic Gloves"
SetFontSize 36
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White Temp

# Flasks
Rarity = Magic
Class "Flask"
SetTextColor 136 136 255
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50

Rarity = Normal
Class "Flask"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50

Class "Life Flask" "Mana Flask" "Hybrid Flask"
SetFontSize 35
Continue # This "Continue" is here so that it might get caught later when "hiding" items

Class "Utility Flask"
SetFontSize 35

# Atlas bases
BaseType == "Steel Ring" "Opal Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Cerulean Ring" "Iolite Ring" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Marble Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Vanguard Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Bone Helmet" "Two-Toned Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Artillery Quiver"
SetFontSize 40
SetBorderColor 0 200 200

# Chromatic Orb Recipe
SocketGroup = RGB
SetFontSize 28
SetBorderColor 20 150 10

# Corrupted items
Corrupted True
Rarity == Rare
SetBorderColor 210 0 0

# Identified
Identified True

# Start hiding magic, including Jewellery from level 68 onwards
AreaLevel >= 68
Rarity == Magic
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt" "Quiver" "Sceptres"
SetFontSize 17
SetTextColor 136 136 255 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 50

# Top 1-3 items of each item class.
Rarity == Rare
BaseType == "Demon Dagger" "Sai" "Imperial Claw" "Terror Claw" "Gemini Claw" "Siege Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Cutlass" "Midnight Blade" "Tiger Hook" "Jewelled Foil" "Dragoon Sword" "Nightmare Mace" "Behemoth Mace" "Thicket Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Maraketh Bow" "Judgement Staff" "Eclipse Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Fleshripper" "Lion Sword" "Infernal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Terror Maul" "Coronal Maul" "Karui Maul" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Imperial Buckler" "Lacquered Buckler" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Elegant Round Shield" "Champion Kite Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Lion Pelt" "Hubris Circlet" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Prophet Crown" "Praetor Crown" "Vaal Mask" "Deicide Mask" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Occultist's Vestment" "Vaal Regalia" "Full Dragonscale" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Saint's Hauberk" "Saintly Chainmail" "Blood Raiment" "Sadist Garb" "Carnal Armour" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Dragonscale Boots" "Murder Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Crusader Gloves" "Murder Mitts" "Sambar Sceptre" "Void Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre"
SetFontSize 30
SetBorderColor 255 255 119

Rarity == Normal
BaseType == "Demon Dagger" "Sai" "Imperial Claw" "Terror Claw" "Gemini Claw" "Siege Axe" "Runic Hatchet" "Cutlass" "Midnight Blade" "Tiger Hook" "Jewelled Foil" "Dragoon Sword" "Nightmare Mace" "Behemoth Mace" "Thicket Bow" "Harbinger Bow" "Maraketh Bow" "Judgement Staff" "Eclipse Staff" "Karui Chopper" "Fleshripper" "Lion Sword" "Infernal Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Terror Maul" "Coronal Maul" "Karui Maul" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Crusader Buckler" "Imperial Buckler" "Lacquered Buckler" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Fossilised Spirit Shield" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Elegant Round Shield" "Champion Kite Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Lion Pelt" "Hubris Circlet" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Prophet Crown" "Praetor Crown" "Vaal Mask" "Deicide Mask" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Occultist's Vestment" "Vaal Regalia" "Full Dragonscale" "Triumphant Lamellar" "Saint's Hauberk" "Saintly Chainmail" "Blood Raiment" "Sadist Garb" "Carnal Armour" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Dragonscale Boots" "Murder Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Crusader Gloves" "Murder Mitts" "Sambar Sceptre" "Void Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre"
SetFontSize 30
SetBorderColor 200 200 200 150

# Jewellery
AreaLevel <= 45
Rarity == Rare
Class == "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt"
SetFontSize 35
SetBackgroundColor 63 63 29
SetBorderColor 255 255 119

AreaLevel <= 45
Rarity == Magic
Class == "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt"
SetFontSize 35
SetBackgroundColor 34 34 63
SetBorderColor 136 136 255

AreaLevel <= 45
Rarity == Normal
Class == "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt"
SetFontSize 35
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetBorderColor 200 200 200

# Jewellery
Rarity == Rare
Class == "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt"
SetBorderColor 255 255 119

Rarity == Magic
Class == "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt"

Rarity == Normal
Class == "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt"

# Quivers
Class == "Quiver"

# Part 1 Campaign
AreaLevel <= 44
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"

# Part 2 Campaign
DropLevel >= 25
AreaLevel >= 45
AreaLevel <= 67
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"

# Filtering when in White Maps
DropLevel >= 45
AreaLevel >= 68
AreaLevel <= 72
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"

# Filtering when in Yellow Maps
DropLevel >= 50
AreaLevel >= 73
AreaLevel <= 77
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"

# Filtering when in Red Maps
DropLevel >= 60
AreaLevel >= 78
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"

# Fake-hide things
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"
SetFontSize 17
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 50

Rarity == Rare
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"
SetTextColor 255 255 119 200

Rarity == Magic
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"
SetTextColor 136 136 255 200

Rarity == Normal
Class == "Wand" "Claw" "Dagger" "One Hand Sword" "One Hand Axe" "One Hand Mace" "Bow" "Staff" "Two Hand Sword" "Two Hand Axe" "Two Hand Mace" "Gloves" "Boots" "Body Armour" "Helmet" "Shield" "Life Flasks" "Mana Flasks" "Hybrid Flasks" "Sceptres"
SetTextColor 255 255 255 200

# Catch-all if something is missed
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
PlayEffect White
Does anyone if there's a github page or something of filterblast?
I always preferred it to Neversink's filterblade and perhaps it could be revived as a community project.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar

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