[2.5] The Castless - "Ska vi Grilla" Necromancer Build

Hi gusy,

If you want to play a castless (ie Keep-On-Trucking) Necromancer, with minions that wrecks everything. Then this build is for you.

The build is probably the most fun I've had in PoE. Even on my laptop and 5-15FPS this build works and just lays waste to all that moves.

Atziri/Tul/Esh/Xoph isn't a problem even without maxed skill gems. You might though have to portal to save Spectres if they are too low level.

Anything moving in a Breach will die a fiery death. Even if you pause to pick up something shiny.
Uberlab almost feels like normal, just stand in Izaros face and pot a few Stibninte now and then. Zombies + Stibninte will keep him almost permablinded.


Spectres, Golems and Zombies have a passive AI. This is why you can go away to fetch coffee and come back dead while in a map.

To counter this we need to init, this is done in the final build with the Flame Golems new AI via the Primordial Might Jewel. And in the early game with Summon Raging Spirit/Blasphemy.

Starting build and leveling (HP based) - not castless yet

Pick Witch, start with grabbing any 4L items you see with the right colors or INT/STR based.
STR items will want to go RED on all, INT to blue on all etc. Don't waste chroms :)
Usually (if not first hours of a league) it's cheaper to buy what you need for a few alchs than try to craft.

Note: SRS is good enough selfcast 2L (SRS+Melee splash), they will easily clear you into Merciless. I'm lazy though, so I put 'em in a totem.

The spectres we want to run is Flame Sentinel.
Close seconds: Undying Incinerator / Goatman Fire-Raiser.

Gear and links
Note: You can drop the Summon Raging Spirit in the chest for Blasphemy+Flammability. This will also count as an init and your pets will attack.
Note2: Buy a pair of gloves with "of the grave", this will spawn SRS on kills which will direct your minions automatically.

Helmet (+2 to minions) [BRBG]: Raise Spectre, Flame Golem, Minion Damage, Greater Multiple Projectiles/Spell Echo
Chest (Vis Mortis >110% ES ~1-2alch) [RRBB]: Spell Totem, Melee Splash/Increased Duration, Minion Damage, Summon Raging Spirit
Chest (Vis Mortis >110% ES ~1-2alch) [BRBG]: Blasphemy, Flammability, Purity of Elements, Vaal Haste
Gloves (just some res+life ~1alch) [RBGB]: Animate Guardian, Raise Zombie, Blind, Vaal Summon Skeletons
Mainhand (Clayshaper ~1alch >25% minion life): Cast When Damage taken [1], Immortal Call [3], Increased Duration
Offhand (recommend Victario, but another Clayshaper works) [RRG]: Shield Charge, Fortify, Faster attacks
Rings (unset): Discipline / Vaal Discipline
Boots (Bones of Ullr) [RBGB]: Cast When Damage taken [4], Convocation [7], Desectrate [9], Bone Offering [10]

Animate Guardian Gear
We use him only as buffer so:
Leer Cast
Dying Breath
Zahndethus' Cassock
Kaom's Roots
Southbound Gloves


After this you're set to level through merciless and start mapping.

Final build - level 90 (ES based ~6-7EX)

Just continue fleshing out the tree, pick whatever feels right. Just wait with Chaos Inoculation and Zealot's Oath until 65+ atleast (or when you got some good gear).

Buy a cheap 6L with the right colors. Costs 15C on poe.trade at the moment. This would be the far superior option.

Buy the Primordial Jewels:
Primordial Eminence ~1-2C
Primordial Harmony ~3C
Primordial Might ~200-250C
The Anima Stone ~200-250C

Start crafting on the Vis Mortis. First with 20 quality and then jewel spam it until 6 sockets. Took me like ~250 tries. Then waste fuses like crazy, wasted ~700 this season to get 6L on the chest.

Current Gear and Links
When discipline is maxed I'm at 8k ES, sadly still need Purity of Elements for capping resistances.

Flasks at the moment

Videos (coming soon)

Inspiration taken from
Last edited by rootvik79 on Feb 20, 2017, 3:50:51 PM
Last bumped on Dec 28, 2016, 6:48:28 AM

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