Trade API failing to Parse Premium public stash tabs.

I've been online for about 8 hours now, the trade API has still yet to parse my public stash tabs.

this appears to be a frequent occurrence on a near daily basis, only fix i've found is to move every single item in the tab and rename the public tab.

with multiple sale tabs this is utterly unacceptable for a premium feature in this game.
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2016, 4:48:30 PM
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What makes you think it's not working? When i search your name, you have more than 99 results. The site only lists the first 99 results in any search. My guess is you're not narrowing your search enough to find your items.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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Last edited by mark1030 on Dec 20, 2016, 9:34:19 AM
It doesnt show me as online too and I can find my item on poe trade and there's no online label near my IGN and it's on the offline section.
saenimy2 wrote:
It doesnt show me as online too and I can find my item on poe trade and there's no online label near my IGN and it's on the offline section.

Are you using premium tabs or Acquisition? If Acquisition you need to make sure that Acquisition is updating your "online" status.

OP your items appear to be listing perfectly fine... Is there a specific example if an item you have that won't list, despite being in a public tab?
Docbp87 wrote:
saenimy2 wrote:
It doesnt show me as online too and I can find my item on poe trade and there's no online label near my IGN and it's on the offline section.

Are you using premium tabs or Acquisition? If Acquisition you need to make sure that Acquisition is updating your "online" status.

OP your items appear to be listing perfectly fine... Is there a specific example if an item you have that won't list, despite being in a public tab?

I am using premium stash tab. I could sell one of my items which is odd enough and for rest of it poe trade still sees me as offline
same here
I have the same problem, using Premium Stash Tabs.

When I change the price of an item it gets updated on just fine, but I'm still listed as offline.
mark1030 wrote:
What makes you think it's not working? When i search your name, you have more than 99 results. The site only lists the first 99 results in any search. My guess is you're not narrowing your search enough to find your items.

didn't really read my post did you.

log in, wait 20 min trade macro something in a 5c tab (the seether eternal to be exact)

nothing comes up. except the guy selling for 10c... one results 20 mins after log on.(note that it what was listed a week ago)

fast forward several hours to nearing 8 hours online time in that day.

I do the same thing, trade macro the same flask, ya know what still didn't show up, the three ppl undercutting me and the 10c guy still there in the search parse.

I do the fix that i mention in the OP, as i've done it many times previous in the past weeks.

and look at that you can find me items, albeit it lists me as offline. even though i am online and mapping. NO afk, no nothing, I'm logged in and the api is failing to parse me as online

so thank you for proving the issues, and vetting My fix.

having to toggle private, toggle public change exact to b/o and save and then b/o back to exact and move all the items atleast one square my items show up.

this is a daunting task for something i paid to have access to even for one tab, now add on around 8 currently active sale tabs in my situations let alone the 12+ tabs waiting to be sorted thru
Last edited by Flail09 on Dec 20, 2016, 1:38:44 PM
I have the same problem i was able to trade like this for weeks but today shows me as offline even when im online. I can see my items if i search with online only off but when i switch it to on there is nothing even thoug im online for 8 hours.

I tried switching public tabs off and on it didn't work.
I tried relogging didn't work eighter.


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