Suggestion: Skill supports

Melee Single Target:
Run to the nearest target (or the cursor if no target is in range) and attack with supported attack afterwards.
Attack speed gives movement speed.

Traveling Hit:
Alternative for Melee Splash
The attack hit creates a projectile, that travels in a straight line (100% pierce) and hits every foe as if they were hit by the initial attack.
Counts as projectile.

Dire Strikes:
Your hits ignore x% of the enemy's armour.
100% less critical strike Chance.
x% reduced enemy stun threshold.
Last edited by Scherge on Nov 28, 2016, 9:27:27 AM
In addition to most support gems just being %MORE multipliers, there is one more problem with current skills, most noticeably with elemental bow skills.

Skills such as Lightning Arrow, Burning Arrow are used solely due to their mechanic(LA hits 3 nearby targets, BA has high base dmg), it never pays off building around the damage type the skill is "supposed" to deal unless it happens to be the best way to stack damage with the tree/uniques.

Skills themed around a damage type should be more effective with that damage type and less effective with other damage types, for example:

Burning Arrow:
Deals 30% more fire damage
Deals 50% less cold damage
Deals 30% less lightning damage

Ice shot:
Deals 40% more cold damage
Deals 50% less fire damage
Deals 40% less lightning damage

These are just rough examples, it doesn't have to be limited to raw damage inc/dec, reduced chance to freeze for fire themed skills, cold damage dealt is reduced by your fire damage dealt, etc.

Last edited by Zk250 on Nov 28, 2016, 10:26:18 AM
Just make a PoE version of every single item in Binding of Isaac already :P
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
Just make a PoE version of every single item in Binding of Isaac already :P

This guy gets it.

Had an idea of chocolate milk once for channeling (move while channel).
Readed most of concepts and all of them have a problems, mostly of them looks like a active skill(half of them has already in game), part of them looks like an unique item affix, and others just looks boring or do nothing.
Last edited by Arda0077 on Nov 28, 2016, 1:36:47 PM
I would like to see a support which can modify projectile and make them homing missiles. They would rotate around character and release, when they find an enemy nearby. It may be a little bit similar mechanic as a SRS, but for the projectiles. and let's say 5 - 10 maximum of the projectiles flying around. It could have a nice build potential.

Idk, maybe somewhere on the forum was a similar suggestion :)

Gush: When enemies are knocked back by supported skills, bleed effects on the current monster are removed, dealing all their remaining damage instantly.

way too powerfull, think that bleed deals 50% of the physical damage after 5 sec, now think that you have increased duration, now think about the more damage,

gems that are powerfull gives 50% more damage, this is like 10 times more....

not talking about barrage or TS that will kill all in a split sec with king of the hill passive
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Last edited by rel4us on Nov 28, 2016, 2:09:04 PM
Starlight85 wrote:

Leap: Jump to target area before performing supported skill. 30% less damage.

About a year ago I asked GGG to create a support gem similar to this one, but for Mines. Could be sth like :

Leap: Jump to target area before landing a mine. 30% less damage.
Starlight85 wrote:

Spiral - projectiles now spiral outwards from the position they originated.

Orbit - projectiles now orbit your character for X seconds.

Sidewinder - Projectiles now follow an S shaped trajectory. x% increased projectile speed (to maintain quality of life)

I want these in the game so bad I didn't even read the rest of the post.
All the yes.

I've been wanting to see more skills which augment the way skills function, I've been waiting, patiently for it. We remain trapped with the few, Increased AOE, Fork (who uses fork?), Chain, L/GMP
Multi-Strike, Echo

All we ever seem to get for new supports is "Something happens and you get more damage"
This is boring, I want more than just damage stacking, I want to be able to build skills that are interesting and unique to my build.

I love the idea of the spiral and orbit.
I can't imagine a good utility for Sidewinder, but sure whatever, as long as its another skill function augmenting support.

I love the idea of Leap being a support, even if it means losing the skill.
Reverberation, might be better called Advantage Attack, or Attack of Opportunity *nod to D&D*

Consuming fire is cool, but I imagine the implementation cost could be large since there is no current system to have an enemy attack other enemies, only to convert enemies into allies.

Contaminate is just what we all wanted Contagion to be, but GGG was too reserved (imo)

I've always wanted Rapid Shot (barrage support), I guess that used to be in the game but was taken out due to balance reasons.

I could see some of these being redundant. Ripple would make many melee skills basically sunder. which makes sunder somewhat pointless. However, i suppose it might extend the sunder effect, which could be interesting.

my 2c.

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