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[2.4] COI (cast on ignite) Tanky, high dps ,can cast any spells you want

I tested Mantra of Flames instead of Anger, it works pretty well, the only issue is that Ball Lightning is saying 0 to 1 Fire Damage since it has a low damage effectiveness.

My Mantra of Flames is only 2 to 5 for spells, so I could probably solve that by spending some currency on a higher roll Mantra of Flames (goes up to 3 to 8) or getting some extra %increased damage.

My single target is still pretty crappy though unless there's mobs around. I probably need to lower my Fire Resist and/or get a Taming. Could try using a Writhing Jar but I'm not sure how tanky they are.

btw if you have a free unlinked red socket then Vengeance can help add some extra ignites.

And Atziri's Promise is obviously a nice damage boost.
OglyBoogly wrote:
I tested Mantra of Flames instead of Anger, it works pretty well, the only issue is that Ball Lightning is saying 0 to 1 Fire Damage since it has a low damage effectiveness.

My Mantra of Flames is only 2 to 5 for spells, so I could probably solve that by spending some currency on a higher roll Mantra of Flames (goes up to 3 to 8) or getting some extra %increased damage.

My single target is still pretty crappy though unless there's mobs around. I probably need to lower my Fire Resist and/or get a Taming. Could try using a Writhing Jar but I'm not sure how tanky they are.

btw if you have a free unlinked red socket then Vengeance can help add some extra ignites.

And Atziri's Promise is obviously a nice damage boost.

im actually working on a pathfinder char right now that will use crit and worms and HOI to deal with bosses... hope it will turn out ok
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build:
- the Flash:
- the oro's bridle build:
Love the idea but can it do t15 maps?
since highest t map u showed is t8... which can be done basicly with every build.
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
satanttin wrote:
Love the idea but can it do t15 maps?
since highest t map u showed is t8... which can be done basicly with every build.

with the taming ring, yes. that is t15 vailable, without it? no, maybe only in juggernaut char and discharge
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build:
- the Flash:
- the oro's bridle build:
OglyBoogly wrote:
I had a go at respeccing a character in to the Juggernaut Discharge variant.
Character Name: GlobulinProtein (still a WIP though)

Using 8 Endurance charges atm (3 base + 3 tree + Merc Oak + Jugg Node)
A +1 Endurance charge belt would be ideal, and a Kaom's Sign/Way could work if you don't use Essence Worm.

A few changes I made:
Going for the Blood Magic keystone for the 35% increased life you get from the 4 nodes and using an
so that I can still run Anger, and gives me +2 to level of Anger.
Allows me to link Fortify to Cyclone (not actually sure if Fortify reduces damage taken from
Also lets you use Clear Mind Jewel.
You could possibly use Mantra of Flames to free up the ring slot since it adds fire damage so you no longer need Anger.

Using a
in Main Hand for the bonus 25% chance to Ignite (does actually work on spells not just attacks). Giving me 70% chance to ignite with a flask active + up to 14% from Flammability. Also has 1.5 AS rather than 1.3 for more Cyclone Ignites.
You're losing healing by not having a second Razor of the Seventh Sun, but you Ignite more often so you can afford to have higher fire resist (which reduces damage taken from Eye of Innocence).

I'm just using a Belly of the Beast atm, but Kingsguard is probably BIS

Note: If you do the Juggernaut build, then your Fire Resistance increases from getting Endurance charges, which reduces your proc rate (Dyadus partially solves that though). The build works ok for me even with 76% fire resistance, and therefore I believe it could be HC viable (Endurance charges give you fire res, so to have low res with them you'd get 1 shot when they're down).
Wouldn't be surprised if a streamer played it and it became meta.

Might be worth using a spell rather than Cyclone to proc the initial Ignites, which lets you drop RT and use EO (although then you don't get Fortify).

Also I'm on Standard so I can't use a "Socketed gems have 50% chance to Ignite" helm unless I somehow get one from someone dying on EHC. Doesn't seem to be any for sale though.

Could you please post a Video to demonstrate how your build works as a jugger?Thanks.

I've tried your build and im really impressed.
It works and you are so tanky and flexible.

Now i have to test how to improve single target damage. Maybe with Flame Surge...

Thanks for sharing this great Build.
sims7h wrote:

I've tried your build and im really impressed.
It works and you are so tanky and flexible.

Now i have to test how to improve single target damage. Maybe with Flame Surge...

Thanks for sharing this great Build.

sure np...
best way to improve single target dps is:
a. juggernaut and discharge
b. the taming ring (expansive but will work best)
c. rat cage and vms (not working atm, bugged)
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build:
- the Flash:
- the oro's bridle build:
the rat cage bug seemed to be fixed in the latest patch.

I have added discharge to the mix. Clear speed is great but single target is really REALLY terrible. If there is a pack or I have 15+ BV stacks, i can get by. But on very low BV stacks and just the map boss, the kill can take as long as the rest of the map clear :/ Not sure how to best improve this.

Once thing I am wondering is what is the optimal level for cwdt for damaging skills. Currently running level 11 cwdt/level 14 gems but maybe a higher cwdt is better but then will trigger less.
CAJOS wrote:
the rat cage bug seemed to be fixed in the latest patch.

I have added discharge to the mix. Clear speed is great but single target is really REALLY terrible. If there is a pack or I have 15+ BV stacks, i can get by. But on very low BV stacks and just the map boss, the kill can take as long as the rest of the map clear :/ Not sure how to best improve this.

Once thing I am wondering is what is the optimal level for cwdt for damaging skills. Currently running level 11 cwdt/level 14 gems but maybe a higher cwdt is better but then will trigger less.

just tried the rat cage and VMS ... still bugged :(
as for discharge im glad that working well.. if you lower your fire res.. you will proc more spells and much faster... (im using 30-35% fire res atm), as for the lvl of the higher spells.. im useing lvl 14 cwdt and lvl 17 gems.. i think this is good.
(ofcourse the bladevortex / firestorm / ball lightning/ fireball should be at cwdt lvl 1)
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build:
- the Flash:
- the oro's bridle build:
Hey, it's me again.

I've tested some Gem Combos and now im Running 4 Lvl 1 CwdT and one Lvl 13.
Only really damage Spell is Flame Surge with Conc Eff, Ele Focus and Controlled Destruction.
That are 4 MORE Multiplier!

Also i'm running Anger, Herald of Ice and Herald of Lightning on Mana.
Only Problem atm is that i have no mana left to do anything. ^^

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