TRIAL OF BURNING RAGE - C'mon man...Are you serious??

I would say it´s not fun and playing the game should be fun.
Eh, burning rage is one of the easier ones for sure. Some layouts are tricky but TBH you can just run through the fire.

The floor spike trial is the one that gets me, since you kinda have to time it and actually pay attention just to get to the levers. Even then it's not that bad.

That's the easiest one. Every time I see one, mental fist pump for free Goddess
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL

Is that good? I have one much better than that but never got a pc
burning rage could do without the skeletons spawning in the fire areas as much.
Often i would get stuck on them also.

The trial was the hardest for my es chars, but easiest for any char that was life based.

I just skip the trials i find in maps now that i have all of them unlocked.
The time it takes me to run the trial is more then the cost to buy an offering in terms of what id normally get clearing maps. Not to mention the frustration the trails give me.

Though in general, i am not playing poe as much lately due to their design choices.
Hopefully they bring something for end game in 2.40 or 3.00 .

Chadwixx wrote:

Is that good? I have one much better than that but never got a pc
Not sure if you are joking or genuinely didn't get the pun. In case of latter,
read item name
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Maswasnos wrote:
Eh, burning rage is one of the easier ones for sure. Some layouts are tricky but TBH you can just run through the fire.

The floor spike trial is the one that gets me, since you kinda have to time it and actually pay attention just to get to the levers. Even then it's not that bad.

Floor spike one feels like it is meant to be done with a partner. It was so easy when I had someone with me compared to solo.
When I kill a man he stays dead.
Gotta admit this is the only Trial I skip. Given how long you have to wait (unless you can run over lava) and how performance-heavy it is, it is simply not worth the time. Also, annoying as fuck.

On the other hand, spiky-spikey-shooty one is just way too easy. It can be completed in a minute, when rushed. :V
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq on Jul 8, 2016, 3:23:25 AM
The one with Blade Sentries and Blade Pillars are definitely the easier of the Trials. I sometimes contemplate on whether redoing the other ones for a Offering Item.
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SevenOfNine86 wrote:
Avoided all the traps.... pressed all the cranks... Doors DON'T OPEN...

WHYY ?? TELL ME WHY?????????? What's the Point in this??


Eventually they opened in the end... didn't even know HOW...

How about making those fucking trials more intuitive?? And less painfull??


I guess you missed the timed cranks. Sometimes you have to press a timed crank and another related timed crank within a short period of time.
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