Howto get trough labyrinth as fast/easy as possible?

Thanks a lot, some very helpful info and suggestions here.

Good to know about ignoring silver keys, and I also did not know that the labyrinth layout was the same for everybody on a day!

(I called my ISP yesterday, they confirmed an error and my internet connection is stable now. I'll try the lab once more as soon as I reach the next character level, using the suggestions from this thread. Luckily I already killed merciless Malachai with my main char, so I will only have to do it once it seems.)

EDIT: The 3rd try went down the drain (PoE got stuck at loading screen of the boss), I died late into the 4th at second golden door, and yesterday, on my 5th try, I made it. God damn, that was annoying.

EDIT2: Did it again for my other characters -- this is so much easier with other classes! My 1st try was with a CI witch, and compared to that, it was a piece of cake with the ranger's movement speed.

EDIT3: Take care with evasion-based chars. Got oneshot by Itzaro's first attack with a ranger at third encounter. Better go there when you're way over-leveled.

EDIT4: Oh no, it seems you also have to play the damn lab tutorials spread around the game now. With my first char I did not have to do them.

Last edited by dfspspirit on May 11, 2016, 2:42:59 AM

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