i would love to buy a couple of stash bundles but

Shagsbeard wrote:
The main thing keeping me from buying more tabs is the "we replace the remove only tabs first". I understand why they do that, but I'm really too lazy to clean up the ol' stash to make room for more. And if I were to clean it up, I wouldn't need more tabs anyway.

Well, exactly. I kept on top of it at first but it's depressing going through tab after tab and working out which boots are better, which gems might I still want... can I bear to do it in SC next after HC...
... and then I realise, it's permanent league anyway. Why do I even care?

I'll stick with 60 empty tabs in temp leagues, I'll never need more.
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I understand this is a role playing game, but I don't think the best role to play should be shopkeeper. - AlteraxPoe

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