No Man's Slave (Ranger Origin Story)

wow, that's some impressive work.
I'm not Brazilian.
I'm saving this for later. Looks impressive.
IGN: _Gaia_

Where to download my hideout:

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Well, that was excellent. Gonna have to read the rest of them now.
Amazing work. Thankyou for taking the time to (pen?) this for us all.
brilliant !! Read the shadow and ranger one so far !!
Nice! Really enjoyable, and them feels!
I am confused about who the person she sees at the very end is though. One of the Masters? Or Death or something?
And I love how the stories intersect with one-another.
Last edited by Kormakr on Jan 19, 2016, 4:31:31 AM
Kormakr wrote:
Nice! Really enjoyable, and them feels!
I am confused about who the person she sees at the very end is though. One of the Masters? Or Death or something?
And I love how the stories intersect with one-another.

It's the Witch, I presume. He said her tale would be resolved with the Witch next.

And awesome stories, dude! I've read em' all so far and can't wait for the Witch next. :D

Maybe after you're done with our characters, you can try writing tales for the Masters? Many of them, despite using the same character archetypes, sound like they come from a different background - Vorici would be a senior member in the Guild of the Night, Zana comes from a merchant trader family rather than nobility, Vagan isn't a noble unlike the Duelist here, etc.

Or maybe you can write a series on some of the other interesting NPC characters - Eramirs' former life, Vanya and Petarus' meeting, Bestels' times on the sea, Grigors' horrors at Pietys' hands and his unexplained escape from her, etc.

Or maybe further develop the lore behind our favorite villains (your Templar story inadvertently covered Gravicious already) - Piety, Dominus and even Malachai (Vaal Oversoul is a construct and we already know Merveils' tale so they're out...unless you want to cover how the Vaal Oversoul came to be! :D).

Or, of course, PoE has plenty of underdeveloped historical figures to cover - Deshret, Lioneye, Hyrri, Ondar, etc.

So basically lots left for you to work your magic on. :P Anyway, thanks for the tales so far, bro. :)
Last edited by Exile009 on Jan 19, 2016, 5:10:42 AM
I'd actually prefer smaller side stories from PoE world, with completely new characters, with the known ones used sparingly, perhaps in brief encounters with them, to help frame the stories.

I'm also hoping for some stories from Chitus' era later, once Ascendancy expansion is out. Or perhaps even from "olden" Azmeri and Vaal times. e.g. How about a tale about a young Vaal boy trying to make it among the Azmeri, shortly after the fall of Vaal empire.

The PoE world is big, and the lore spans centuries, there's lot of space for imagination.
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman
I really love your story telling. read all your other works, really nice, I hope you'll find inspiration to write others once the Witch origin story is done.
Everytime I yank a jawbone from a skull, then ram it in an eyesocket, I know I'm buildin' a better future !
Outstanding storytelling, reading each one has truly been a pleasure. I'm greatly anticipating the next installment!

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