Male Witch

agree would love to see male witch, or would this be called a wizzard?
a male witch would be good imo. could be called a warlock ot something :))

male..wizard, warlock...of something of those things :)

This aspect was one of the little things that annoyed me back in D2. Would love to see a male witch!
Male witch would be pretty nice, i've always played using male characters but ocassionally use females but nonetheless
I'd have to agree, I'd like to see them put in male and female options on all classes but the added work to put
them in makes it very unlikely to be done.
Nekrosis wrote:
NihilisticGod wrote:
Isn't a male Witch called a Warlock? :P

A Mitch actually.

whats a boy witch called then?

on a more serious not i think a male pure intelligence class would be good whatever the name (though i think a male witch is still called a witch)
To be honest, I'm not sure whether or not I'll end up playing this game. You might say I'm on the fence, although strictly speaking it's less an issue of me making up my mind and more an issue of timing (i.e. whether or not it comes out before Diablo 3, Mass Effect 3, and Guild Wars 2). But if timing ends up being too close to decide things for me, there's a chance that whether or not there's a male witch available (whether built-in or in the cash shop, I don't care) could be the deciding factor.

The reason is that a) I like the look of the intelligence skills the best by far, and the energy shield mechanic, so I definitely would want to play the pure-INT class, but b) I played female characters in my last two RPGs (one an aesthetic choice, one because my class of choice was gender-locked like PoE at present), and if I do so in my next as well, I suspect my wife will assume I'm doing so to ogle my character. A silly reason? Sure. But silly or not, it's a thought that has gone through my mind multiple times.
i TOTALLY disagree,especially about the witch,give witch a male choice and that's it,we gona have full house of Chinese people in string tight jeans wearing witches..besides,name 1 single decent story or movie or anything where witch of a male just doesn't fit.
No rest for the wicked.

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