solidhammer wrote:
yea they are highlighted usualy if 3 socketed but for example if r-r-g-b link drop it doesnt highlight.

I'm pretty sure it does highlight RRGB but only if it's a white item. You can easily fix this to include blue RGB items. I don't do this because I have a bad habit of wasting ID scrolls on these. RGB rares wouldn't make me more likely to pick them up and would add a lot of of code to the filter, so I chose not to add it.
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867
Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser
Last edited by ffhighwind on Mar 29, 2016, 12:03:24 PM
Your loot filter seems to have everything I'm looking for! ...except it doesn't seem to work for 1-handed weapons for the Chaos and Regal vendor recipes :(

Edit: I give up, i tried lots of things to get 1-handers and shields to show for Regal/Chaos and i cant get it working. Any tips?
Last edited by Txmaverick88 on Mar 31, 2016, 1:48:21 AM
Txmaverick88 wrote:
Your loot filter seems to have everything I'm looking for! ...except it doesn't seem to work for 1-handed weapons for the Chaos and Regal vendor recipes :(

Edit: I give up, i tried lots of things to get 1-handers and shields to show for Regal/Chaos and i cant get it working. Any tips?

Find this line in both the regal and chaos recipes sections:

Class "Body Armours" "Two Hand" "Bow" "Staves"

Add the words "One" "Shield" to the end of the line, like this:

Class "Body Armours" "Two Hand" "Bow" "Staves" "One" "Shield"

A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us:
Txmaverick88 wrote:
Your loot filter seems to have everything I'm looking for! ...except it doesn't seem to work for 1-handed weapons for the Chaos and Regal vendor recipes :(

Turns out there was a recent bug resulting from a copy-paste. I've fixed this and moved some code around so you can do what you want.

All you will have to do is change the chaos/regal lines:

Class "Body Armours" "Two Hand" "Bow" "Staves"
Class "Body Armours" "Two Hand" "Bow" "Staves" "One Hand" "Claw" "Dagger" "Wand" "Sceptres"
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867
Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser
Last edited by ffhighwind on Apr 2, 2016, 3:19:04 PM
I'm not sure how much more of this league I'll be playing, so this may be the last update for a while. I've added a group/speedrun filter because I found myself running in 6mans a lot recently and the original filter showed too much.
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867
Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser
Minor update for 2.3. Sorry to anybody using the old filter who missed their Offerings to the Goddess. All Labyrinth items including future ones should be highlighted now.

EDIT: Completed 40/40 challenges so I probably won't be making more updates this league.
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867
Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser
Last edited by ffhighwind on Jul 5, 2016, 3:33:54 AM
seems like a nice filter!
Minor update for new 2.4 league. I can't test it because the queue system is broken :(. Expect a bunch of tweaking over the next week.
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867
Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser
Great filter, i think this better than others.
Keep up your good work.

Big updates to the loot filter. New screenshots are available. Sorry they're still not labeled but at least they're in lossless png format unlike previously. I've added an extra resources section since my last bump. I will be quitting the league soon but will stick around to check the filter for bugs.
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867
Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser

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