[2.1] Zizarans Reave Ranger

When I watched your stream, I'd say your clear speed and power charges kept up pretty well with Herald CoH setup. With Blasphemy, you're Assassin's mark will be up 100% and 1 open socket, but you do lose flat cold and the shatter-nova from Herald. At this theorycrafting stage, any thoughts as to which of these will be better considering your crit "chance"?
Hey Ziz,

I am following your build to an extent in Talisman SC, and wanted to know your thoughts on an adapted tree:


This gives me a little more evasion and crit chance, but sacrifices a bit of life. It also puts me close to Vaal Pact, in case I find a better dagger than Bino's.

Last edited by oregoncrete on Dec 14, 2015, 12:22:40 PM
hi! build looks good, using it atm.

but how were you resolving mana problem before Soultaker? is it worth to take Spirit Void or Battle Rouse?
+1 Could someone explain me how this build supossed to work with that much mana reserved ? and such a low mana regen from tree/item ?
I'm using it atm at level 72 with hatred/Blasphemy i got 15% mana left, wich is enough for a couple of whirls and more then enough to reave.

You can't use the heralds just yet tho.

The main problem for me is the squishyness, i'm insanely squishy..
i guess it really need taste of hate and lightning coil to work for maps :(( ! gunna be expensive that early in league
Hey Ziz, having a blast with the build so far. I got my Binos and Soul Taker, linked Reave with a tabula and am hitting around 44k buffed w/ charges at the moment. I was wondering if it would be worth it to drop 2 health nodes to get either the extra power or frenzy charge for more dps.

Currently lvl 94 pushing for that 100

Steamrolls t14-15 maps, can do almost all bosses with very little trouble, can do almost all map mods but i'm swimming in chaos these days so i actually roll good maps

buying a dagger that is "better" than Bino's is a waste of money, you will be sacrificing insane regen for a marginal upgrade in DPS, only dagger i would ever think about swapping instead of Binos would have to be an insane one, i'm talking about at least 350 pdps with non mastercrafted crit, crit capped vs like 80-85% you'd get with these multimoded daggers that are flodding the market you see is a huge difference in highest tier maps

Besides this build kills packs within one multistrike animation in t15 unless you roll like 3+ damage reduction mods

i swap in fortify for WED when i deem necessary but most times i can sustain fortify just fine on whirling blades 20/20 helps with that a lot

I use Herald of Ash when i'm grinding t10's, nothing in those maps is really dangerous enough and gives me a slight boost in clear speed vs rares and bosses

slightly different tree, core is still the same, idk if i'm gonna go for phase acro or not, still thinking about my last 6 points, need to upgrade jewelry so i can drop accuracy nodes next then ill see what next, don't like dropping my accuracy below 90%

Might consider switching Daressos for Lightning coil but i haven't died with this build in maps yet so i can't warrant it yet, i've only run maybe 10 tier 15's, will see in future how Daresso's holds up but so far so good

passive tree

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