Get notified of bro deals using Blackmarket's Advance Search Mode and Durian Notifier

Note: Will be adding more info on this post overtime.

Hi all,

A while back I wrote a simple tool called Durian which automatically scans for newly posted items that are less than or equal to a certain price.

In other words, Durian will let you know if somebody is selling a Tabula Rasa for 5c. Every 15mins, a query will run and find items that are listed in the "watch" list and play a sound to notify you.

However, Durian has a lot of limitations. For example: it's only limited only to uniques.

Now that We've got a more advanced search tool called Blackmarket. I'm gonna demonstrate here how can we achieve the same functionality as Durian but more advanced, like watching for 1c quality gems or div cards.


1. Grab a copy of Blackmarket -

TODO: update this section


1. Run Blackmarket
2. Click on Advance Mode
3. Clear/Copy/Paste the Nice deals ES JSON Query
4. Click on the Durian Notifier button. This will start a timer that will run the search for every 10 mins. You'll hear a sound when it does find something.

Nice deals ES JSON Query

This will search for the ff:

1. 20% Gem max - 1c max
2. Aegis Aurora - 3ex max
3. Maligaro's Virtuosity - 1ex max
4. Headhunter
PoE-TradeMacro -
ExileTrade -
Last edited by ManicCompression on Oct 30, 2015, 12:10:24 AM

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