Lets make some fucked up map mods.

_JoWie_ wrote:
"of PRNG" - All map mods are rerolled after each monster kill

~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Of Hercules:

Monsters have 1500% increased life (if you clear the map within 4 hours you get a Scholar Card)

Of Oblivion:

Oblivion Knights from Diablo 2 pre 1.11 spawn in random pack sizes and curse the player with IRON MAIDEN (works now on elemental dmg and ranged too); in addition you permantly lose one level of experience on death. If you finally die with level 1, your character will be deleted. The name of the character can never be chosen ever again.

Of the naked:

You can only use items which are found in the map. Monsters only do 95% of their normal damage.

Degrading, when ever a player dies an audio recording of a random ggg employee laughing maniacally plays in the background and the death text appears in the middle of the screen: "You Fail"
That electronic laughter from the arcade game Gorf would be enough to send me into a frenzy and smash my monitor. There were many a time when I tried to pick that game up by the joystick and throw it into the street. I can also still hear, "Bad move space cadet" in my nightmares.
Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
Dethklok wrote:
"Iron Born" - "What is dead may never die" Necromancers can reanimate anything including other necromancers and map bosses

Core boss now spawns Necromancers.

Combine that with any kind of immunity or reflect and we have the most f* up combo.
I hate damn necromancers in all variations.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Well, what I see is actually a mix of mods that range from "Some that wouldn't be such a bad idea" (they're just CHALLENGING) and then, yeah, a bunch of "Fuck you" mods that would, in the vein of "no leech" be either automatic re-roll or free quantity with no real in-between. Some already mentioned ones I'd already mentioned elsehwere (like no crits or spells) but if we're talking "ones that would never actually add challenge..." I still have a few. Best of all, they're all written to SOUND plausible, even though they very much are not reasonable at all:

  • Players cannot generate Endurance, Power, or Frenzy Charges

  • Player auras are supported by Level (1-21) Generosity

  • Players have Acrobatics

  • Players have Ancestral Bond

  • Players have Avatar of Fire

  • Players have Chaos Innoculation

  • Players have Ghost Reaver

  • Players have Necromantic Aegis

  • Players have Resolute Technique

  • Players have Vaal Pact

  • Players have Zealot's Oath

  • Monsters have Resolute Technique

  • Monsters' elemental damage is supported by level 20 Fire/Ice/Lightning Penetration

  • Monsters are invisible and cannot be directly targetted

  • Monsters deal (40%/50%/60%) extra damage as chaos

  • Monsters have mana burn (deal damage to mana as well as life)

Any of the above would be horrifically broken, and largely just serve as "build checks" like a chunk of the current mods already do.

This thread, though, has listed a lot of NON-build-check mods: they'd just be difficult. I'll admit; I've been a fan of the ones involving ingnite/bleed/monsters exploding, among others.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Kythers wrote:
better yet, critical hits heal monsters

LIES! My massive Coc Won't work then!!!!
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Last edited by Ziiyo on Aug 5, 2015, 1:37:10 AM
Here's a map mod idea:
Players die on death
To Do List:
-Add Better Minion Supports
-Add More Permanent Minions
GoreFleshSummoner | Low Life Zombie n' Specter Summoner
Summoner Gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1633760
ok lets see

Monsters inflict random elemental status effects when players crit
Using flasks applies poison (or any chaos dot debuff)
Random elemental status effect inflicted every 20 seconds
Monsters have unique abilities (example: flameblast roah, ice spear devourer, arc monkeys)

Map of the GrindingTearGame:

Always rains (tears)
Cats on crit (but desert turtles instead sooooo cute) <3
Unique sound of a bunch of women crying mixed with arena sound music( to make you cry)
5 random Duvinationcards guaranteed (hidden everywhere, not from monsters) under rocks etc...
Always twinned map but dualtwinned, so 4 bosses
Ilvl always between 70-75
100% drops a regal recipe (all items as a set at least - 1 ammy 2 rings etc...)
You lose 4 fuse or equivelant on death (if no currency then No loss.

Lore: I've spent my rng life to craft these gears and cant continue without tears, therefore I am willing to go all in, and hope that forgiveness will be blessed with a game of cards with the underworthy spirit of mine.
No Problem,
Player deals no damage
Damage to player is reflected

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