Please remove useless real money effect restrictions

$42 for a set of armor.

Are you play with a wander and all of the wands has shit 3d art (lol, are there any wand with 3d art?) so you either look at a very ugly shit, or need to buy a skin for 20$ each. Yes, 20 because you can't buy 160 points from the store, you need to buy 200 points because the wands are 160, and you can't buy 10 points, 50 is the minimum.

If you are wanting to purchase smaller points amounts, this can be arranged if you are paying by paypal. Please contact if you are interested in this.
Please contact if you need any assistance.
Kevin0090 wrote:
vio wrote:
ggg would have to charge more money for them.

No. They would not.

$42 for a set of armor. They can afford to make it global.
Most people buy things on sale, the actual price is more like the discounted price.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
I only have 1 reason to complain: having to recast pets when you log on. Other than that, imo it's already fine.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.

Why can't I just activate an effect like a pet?
Why do I have to equip that and when I play multiple chars I need to unequip that and switch that around. This is totally useless, does not provide any security or has any advantage for anyone.

They do. You cannot sell or drop (this is funny, but I'm not sure about that... but I assume it is true D:) item with MTX on it. So, technically speaking, you are securing that item by putting MTX on it. :-P That aside, I see no big problem with current system, and am really surprised that you do.

One thing that I would love would be pets staying with me after log-out. I always forget to put them out again, and in the end never using them. : / And this is really stupid.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Tin_Foil_Hat wrote:
Most people buy things on sale, the actual price is more like the discounted price.

Most stash tab bundles are sold during sales... But because of the huge range of visual MTXes, the vast majority of them are sold at full price: people buy MTXes because they WANT that appearance in particular, not just "any MTX." And without any guarantee of when they'll come on sale... There's little incentive to "Wait for it to go on sale." ('cuz that could be tomorrow, next year, or never)
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Well in my opinion the prices are too high.
If the price would be like 10$ for a armor set
then I would consider to buy a few sets and much more people would do that :)
The same is for other microtransactions (for me macrotransactions :P)
like Lightning Scorpion Pet 110$ ?? come on it's way too much :)
All they need to do is make reclaim button a global trigger. It would recall all MTX currently applied to any of your character to MTX stash. It would have its downsides but it would undoubtedly save a lot of hassle to remember and find that exact piece of gear I left my effect on.

This function is long overdue. They should also finally let us work with MTX stash tab like any other stash tab in the game. Inability to move MTX within the stash drives me crazy, and I have only few effects...
Perq wrote:
That aside, I see no big problem with current system, and am really surprised that you do.

There is a pretty big problem with the current appearance MTX system, actually, one that makes me reluctant in the extreme to buy appearance MTXes - that you have to go find whatever they're attached to to remove them from it in order to re-use them.

I can kind of understand the "only in one place at once" deal. I mean, I think the prices are kind of laughably high for that, but it's how it is, and there are certain appearance MTXes I'd like to get even with that.

However, the utter annoyance of having to remember exactly which of your 24+ characters has the MTX on it, with no search facility or the like (that I'm aware of, anyway), especially if you've been away for a few weeks, is pretty severe. Sometimes it's hard to even remember that you have a given MTX due to this!

So I really think they need a "recall MTX" button or something, whereby you can just auto-remove an MTX from wherever it is so you can re-add it.

Until that happens I don't think I'll be buying any item-appearance MTXes that don't just happen to come in a package.
I agree with OP. The MTX system is annoying at best, and I would even dare to say it is shitty. How many times did I find myself wondering where the fuck was my firestorm mtx or my infernal weapon.
And this so stupid mtx stash, sometimes I couldn't even reclaim a mtx because all tabs were full.

GGG should put 1 or 2 guys on this for a month. The price of the mtx is so high, I think we deserve a better mtx handling.
Prices are a bit high but the game is free, this is how they finance the company. There has to be a reason always to buy more!

A global reclaim would be great, hope we can get that too. I don't have a lot of mtx but I do loose track of stuff sometimes, with more it would be really bad.

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