Dear Etup

morbo wrote:
Profesional streamer party-trader power-levelers, despite map drops rekt, still chaining top tier maps = priceless. For everyone else there's Tropical Island.

So what is etup magically doing?
"Dude he fucking said hotdog racist.

Like I can't even make this shit up." - gj

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RogueMage wrote:
KillerB wrote:
If anyone could explain what's this about it'd be greatly appreciated.

They're referring to the widely-held perception that GGG's main "balance" criterion is making sure Etup doesn't get to level 100 too quickly.

NO... Its about how GGG changed map drops and the system to slow down people like Etup and the rest of the people who push lvl 100 in about a month just to have Etup lvl 99 in exactly 2 WEEKS after the start of the league well on his way to hitting 100 the fastest anyone else has ever done it YET!

Meanwhile the rest of us is suppose to enjoy 74 maps while your 10-15 lvls higher... or invest about 20+ Chaos on each map you roll to MAYBE get something back out of it but typically not!

Im about done even messing with it at this point... its really not worth the hassle! If i need to invest that much into maps on a maybe then i really dont see a point in lvling another build now! Why would i?.. so i im forced to stop playing the build prematurely only because i cant acquire the maps to do content my build is made for? I made a really nice build ment to handle endgame mapping and instead it simply gets to faceroll 73s all day when its ready for 77-78+!

And im done saying anything about it on here only to either have it fall on deaf ears or have a bunch of people come on here like they always do when theres an issue saying "Your full of shit" "Maps are fine" "Learn to roll your maps" "Others are sustaining just fine" Blah Blah Blah! If i dont have endgame content for my build to do then why should i continue?

The answer is i shouldnt and not much longer its going to get old to the point im not gonna continue! Ill move on to a game where im allowed to play in the endgame content! Doesnt matter to me! Im just trying to have fun and play the game and enjoy the build i got to maps and made to complete maps! If im not gonna have content to engage once i get to maps then there is no point! Ive never seen a game where they dont want you to play the endgame content unless your are stupid lucky... until now!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.

So what is etup magically doing?

Well.... First he Chisels the map to 20%Q, then Alcs, Then Chaos till he gets 100%+Quantity with mods with the least risk of dieing, Then he corrupts the map most times, Then he puts it in his map device with 3 Sacrifice Fragments, And then Finally he selects Domination in the Zana Divice!

So Hes Dropping roughly anywhere from 15 to sometimes as much as 30 Chaos on EVERY SINGLE MAP he does!!

THATS what hes doing to sustain his maps and even have some to sale! Sounds like fun doesnt it?
Sounds like a good way to insure everyone has fun in the endgame mapping system!

You should go watch him map for about an hour... you WILL learn ALOT! but even he will tell you even with all that investment its still up in the air if the map gives anything back but doing that one every single map like hes doing over time tilts RNG more into his favor so even when a map doesnt give a return within the next few he continues to roll like that hes bound to finally get some to drop! Hes basically Brute Forcing map drops buy pulling out all stops and doing everything one can do in this game to up their chances of getting drops in a map! thats what hes doing! And it is working i might add!
The hard part is sustaining currency rather than maps at that point!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Jul 25, 2015, 1:32:54 AM
Demonoz wrote:

So what is etup magically doing?

Well.... First he Chisels the map to 20%Q, then Alcs, Then Chaos till he gets 100%+Quantity with mods with the least risk of dieing, Then he corrupts the map most times, Then he puts it in his map device with 3 Sacrifice Fragments, And then Finally he selects Domination in the Zana Divice!

So Hes Dropping roughly anywhere from 15 to sometimes as much as 30 Chaos on EVERY SINGLE MAP he does!!

THATS what hes doing to sustain his maps and even have some to sale! Sounds like fun doesnt it?
Sounds like a good way to insure everyone has fun in the endgame mapping system!

You should go watch him map for about an hour... you WILL learn ALOT! but even he will tell you even with all that investment its still up in the air if the map gives anything back but doing that one every single map like hes doing over time tilts RNG more into his favor so even when a map doesnt give a return within the next few he continues to roll like that hes bound to finally get some to drop!

sounds about what most people should be doing with high level maps.

that's one thing you forgot to mention- he doesnt spend 30c on a 74 or 75. he spends it on very high end map, which in 2.0 means like 79+
grepman wrote:
Demonoz wrote:

So what is etup magically doing?

Well.... First he Chisels the map to 20%Q, then Alcs, Then Chaos till he gets 100%+Quantity with mods with the least risk of dieing, Then he corrupts the map most times, Then he puts it in his map device with 3 Sacrifice Fragments, And then Finally he selects Domination in the Zana Divice!

So Hes Dropping roughly anywhere from 15 to sometimes as much as 30 Chaos on EVERY SINGLE MAP he does!!

THATS what hes doing to sustain his maps and even have some to sale! Sounds like fun doesnt it?
Sounds like a good way to insure everyone has fun in the endgame mapping system!

You should go watch him map for about an hour... you WILL learn ALOT! but even he will tell you even with all that investment its still up in the air if the map gives anything back but doing that one every single map like hes doing over time tilts RNG more into his favor so even when a map doesnt give a return within the next few he continues to roll like that hes bound to finally get some to drop!

sounds about what most people should be doing with high level maps.

that's one thing you forgot to mention- he doesnt spend 30c on a 74 or 75. he spends it on very high end map, which in 2.0 means like 79+

Well i HAVE been doing just that on all my 76 maps and still go back to 74s so IDK!
And he was investing all that on his 74s+ as well just not Domination!
And Investing all that into HIGH lvl maps isnt the issue here its actually getting some high lvl maps to even do so on! Hell after watching him doing all this i did the same on all my 76s and come up short! Its as simple as there has to be another way GGG can work the map system where its enjoyable and yet limits people from hitting 100 so fast! Right now this system only restricts endgame to unbearable levels while the ones who push for 100 get there even faster!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Jul 25, 2015, 1:39:47 AM
Demonoz wrote:

Well i HAVE been doing just that on all my 76 maps and still go back to 74s so IDK!
And he was investing all that on his 74s+ as well just not Domination!
well I missed the part when he was doing 74s.

do you solo ? if so you already in a worse position than etup party because you cant split costs and have to basically spend 6x a full party currency to run maps.
grepman wrote:
Demonoz wrote:

Well i HAVE been doing just that on all my 76 maps and still go back to 74s so IDK!
And he was investing all that on his 74s+ as well just not Domination!
well I missed the part when he was doing 74s.

do you solo ? if so you already in a worse position than etup party because you cant split costs and have to basically spend 6x a full party currency to run maps.

Oh i know thats one issue... hes ALWAYS running with ATLEAST piggy slop! But most people i can find to run with me have already lost interest in even trying so they dont even want to try to invest like that into maps! They give up and are just fine making builds to handle just 74 content only! They pretty much accepted that maps are way too hard to try to get up any higher than 74 so they just live with it!

But yeah i mean at the end of that day i come to the realization this afternoon that after investing liek i did in maps today im MUCH better off just skipping ALL this bullshit and just straight up buy my maps from people and be done with it! Same investment and i atleast get my maps!
Its just fustrateing to make a build ment to do the higher maps but none drop for you to do so its faceroll city all day! I mean if that was my thing i would still be in standard right now and done got me a Mjolner or Mirrored ANX weapon and be doing just that! But thats not my thing im trying to make a build i can push the hardest content with and see how it fairs! With no content to challenge im simply losing interest is what it comes down to! Being gimped from endgame because i dont group or because RNG isnt in my favor no matter how much i try to tilt it in my favor is just problematic period!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Jul 25, 2015, 1:48:14 AM
Sure glad I don't feel compelled to put myself through all of the anguish you guys do. Sounds pretty horrible.

Sometimes being a baddie is a blessing :)
things you forget is
1. Etup is really, really, really freaking lucky.
he 6L his coil with very few fusing, chance a wand to get a void battery etc... that's how he gets currencies

2. His viewers give him many currencies and map, last time i saw a guy give him 500 alt orbs.

3. He plays 16+H a day since 2.0

4. He plays cyclone, one of the best build ATM, because with fortify, taste of hate, LC you can tank everything and still have a huge DPS, only very few builds can do that, but cyclone is the best tanky build and have a very fast clean.

so yeah, that's how you're supposed to clean de game i guess.
OJ8_Graz wrote:
RogueMage wrote:

They're referring to the widely-held perception that GGG's main "balance" criterion is making sure Etup doesn't get to level 100 too quickly.

One time I was asked what is getting nerfed on the next patch league start. I always tell them if you want to see if high level maps are gonna be nerfed on drop rate, check out Etup's stream. And if you want to know which build is gonna be demolished soon, check out Havoc's stream. Its always been 100% accurate.

This is spot-on.

The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.

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