Item Filters

Is there any way to add a note to the items? for example borrowing a guild persons 6 link adding a note to describe whos it is so not to sell or give to wrong person I think it would be helpful. What say you?
Very nice. I have been waiting for this :)
Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
gj finaly back <3 i rly appreciate this!
ING Infuriateground
Goood idea, thanks!
Great news! Also i really like the fact it will be highly customizable.
For all the nay sayers: im sure the community will create scripts that will appeal to all of those who wont be able to figure it out on rheir own.
Is there any way to add a note to the items? for example borrowing a guild persons 6 link adding a note to describe whos it is so not to sell or give to wrong person I think it would be helpful. What say you?

You are posting in the wrong thread.

Yes :D
My own UI written in the worst language ever ( Powershell ) to generate these filter Scripts, which aren't really scripts by the way, is ready and "likely" working.... 5 minutes of code is too hard for some I guess.

I just wish I could test it now.

Anyway GGG can you add this MASSIVE, HUGE, ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AWESOME, BEST THING YOU'VE DONE IN YEARS, QOL feature to the game before 1.4 ?

So we don't have to endure, possibly months of, loot hell not being able to see monsters or the ground?

PS. For fellow code monkeys I found this worked pretty well for me and took no time to fire it up.

Make an array of each filter condition type, then loop through each array and select an option in each element for hide or show, as well as sound & or color a few print statements later ....... BOOM! This way if you come up with another condition you can just add it to the appropriate array and select what you want to do with that condition.
echo "The world is full of smart people" |sed -e 's/smart people/sheep/'
Last edited by buhdunkadunk on Apr 3, 2015, 1:15:47 PM
This looks pretty nice and to me the most useful of all things announced
Wow, I didn't dare think that we'd get something as comprehensive as this. I agree with the people who said it was pretty bold to give us a script interface, and it's the perfect solution. Power users can configure exactly to their needs, more casual players can presumably just download or paste a community preset if they want to use it.

Big thanks to GGG, this is excellent.

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