HLD Season 3 standard

It wouldn't make any sense to not give the perm leagues a HLD season. All of the serious HLD players are in the perm leagues.

i agree with this, but i could also see it not happening because people perceive wealth gap in temp league is smaller in perm league
It wouldn't make any sense to not give the perm leagues a HLD season. All of the serious HLD players are in the perm leagues.

100lvl mele pvp QUIT
I could see this happening but no sponsored prizes.
"When is season 12 happening?"

Chris_GGG wrote:
I think it's likely to be soon after the expansion has launched.

sooooo, no perma leagues season 3?
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
andkamen wrote:
"When is season 12 happening?"

Chris_GGG wrote:
I think it's likely to be soon after the expansion has launched.

sooooo, no perma leagues season 3?

why u think so? it can be on perma , cos we need 1.4 balance GGG launched it after 1.4 come .
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
if u like facing 15k life 2k liferegen and 20k es 4k esregen+2sec esrecovery cooldown troll builds all over the place, hld perma league season is def fun.
IGN TylordRampage
debbie downer :(

LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731

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