6 Linking

firstly i would like to thank you for changing your format on my behalf , thank you.

well, you are correct under my system, you would not be able to transfer a 5l CoD between characters, but you would still be able to transfer the CoD itself.

you are also partially correct that people do have some wiggle room when trying things , but it most certainly not much because it is ultimately restricted by your current power level.

3l and 4ls are trivial to get by design. but even if we use those as examples , to a player who does not regularly get 10 jewelers and say 5 fusings, well then even 4ls would be restrictive .

and yes i know , no one is that slow . but the underlying point stands people have rates in which they accumulate currency. some are that the 4l range , some can farm enough fusing orbs to be n the 5l range ,

and yes there are most certainly people in the range of being able to get 6ls quickly. but as one goes up the totem-pole the ability to experiment becomes more and more expensive.

if you are used to 4l , you wont want a 3l , if you are used to 5l , 4l probably will no longer cut it. etc..... thus now you are restricted in another way, between different items.

so as your example had , lets say i have a 6l cloak of defiance. but now i want to try out a queen of the forest, inorder to legitimately try out that new chest it is going to have to be the same level links in order to be a viable comparison.

In the end i think it boils down to what a player is willing to sacrifice in terms of itemization.

you for example like the ability to move links between characters , but at the cost of not being able to readily change gear slots.

I on the other hand prefer the ability to pick up a piece of loot and if i like it ... use it. my cost is that characters are no longer interchangeable.

it puts more value on the characters and less on the items . I like that system. and you see glints of this in races where the name of the game is being able to switch out pieces of gear on the fly. Many can agree that style play is attractive.

But i do understand your concerns.

But for you big concern about devaluing items , for preexisting items , you are correct this would be a catastophic change that many are simply too entrenched to handle. This is why i said the ship has sailed.

the only way this system , the system i am describing, could see the light of day is in isolated leagues.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Mar 31, 2015, 12:41:42 PM

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