Mechanics thread

jmackay wrote:
no one knows if there's a Attack Speed cap??
There is no cap on attack, cast or movement speed.
qikink wrote:
I'm wondering about the "Increased effect of Buffs on You Passive" and specifically what buffs that applies to. I'm most interested in whether it applies to frenzy/power/endurance charges, but also curious about auras and temporary buffs like molten shield or phase run.
They increase the stats granted by all positive (i.e. non-debuff), visible (i.e. shown in right-hand corner) buffs.
This does not increase the effect of charges, because a charge doesn't actually have it's own effect/grant any stats - it's only a number determining how many charges you have. The bonuses you get for having them come not from the charge, but from your base stats - you can see these in the character panel under the "charges" tab. Technically, a frenzy charge doesn't give you attack speed itself, it just gives you the status of having one frenzy charge. Your character has a base stat saying it gets X% increased attack speed for each frenzy charge it has.
If that seems hard to understand, you're free to just consider that "charges" and "buffs" are considered different things, and buff effect only applies to things other than charges that show in the upper-left corner (and aren't debuffs).

Cadenza wrote:
How does the DPS calculation work for abilities that have multi proj supports attached to them, like Lightning Arrow for example? And how does DPS get calculated for an ability that already has mutli proj like Lightning Strike or Split Arrow? (Is DPS per shot or assumes all projectiles hit, etc?)
The DPS calculation always assumes you hit one thing. This is likely to be improved in future.

Elite wrote:
Question: Do the 3% & 7% reduced spell cost passives also reduce aura cost? or isn't an aura concidered a spell?
1) they're "reduced mana cost" not "reduced spell cost" - they are not limited only to spells. (and yes, technically, auras are spells, but that's not actually relevant).

However, "X% reduced mana cost" applies only to flat costs. "X% reduced mana percentage reserved" applies only to % costs, which is what some auras have.
Support gems affect both % and flat costs.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Apr 15, 2012, 11:39:35 PM
Silty wrote:
Progammer wrote:
Silty wrote:

Also, spell damage calculations are a bit ambiguous. The way they are described in the thread, it seems like the spell damage multiplier for cold damage spell is (1 + spell damage % + elemental damage % + cold damage %). However, I heard that it's actually (1 + spell damage %) * (1 + elemental damage % + cold damage %). I mean, I heard that elemental and spell damage stack multiplicatively with each other, rather than additively. Both of those theories could be wrong, though. Also, passive and item spell/elemental damage bonuses stack additively, correct?

About spell damage, they stack addictively

So the multiplier is (1 + spell damage % + elemental damage % + cold damage %) and not (1 + spell damage %) * (1 + elemental damage % + cold damage %) for cold damage spells?
Assuming those are all "increased" bonuses, yes.

"X% increased" and X% reduced" modifiers are additive. All applicable such modifiers are summed and applied together.

"X% more" and "X% less" are multiplicative.
morillo wrote:
tempest shield+necromantic aegis, will my summons get this skills effect ? if no then why ?
No, because the skill specifically affects the caster.
Elia wrote:
So you confirm, it does NOT apply on

- trap
- totem
- buff skill
- (molten) Shield

right ? only "instant skill" if i can call them like that.
I'm not entirely sure how you got that from
Malice wrote:
Anything that has an area of effect

It applies to all traps on the trigger radius (as well as the more specific "trap trigger radius" bonuses).

It applies to some trap effects. Fire Trap, for example, has an area of effect, and is affected by it. Bear Trap does not, and is not. If supporting a spell with the Trap support gem, then it will be affected if it's a spell that has an area of effect.

Same goes for totems. If the effect the totem uses has an area of effect, it will get the bonus from the passive.

Straight buffs skills don't have areas off effect, so can't be affected by increase to such. Auras, on the other hand, do, and are.

Molten Shell has no area of effect on the buff it give you, but the explosion has an area of effect which is affected.
Xapti wrote:
SpeedProg wrote:

I wonder what the difference of "Base Evasion Rating" and "Local Base Evasion Rating" is?

* Base Maximum Added Physical Damage
* Local Minimum Added Physical Damage

They look so much the same to me, so how do they differ? And how are they displayed on items?

I'm not sure why it's called base instead of global, I think it was explained to me once, but I either didn't understand it or didn't agree with it.
Global added damage is also applied to spells (that's what support gems have). Base added damage is only added to attacks. I don't know why it's called that, it predates me.
Cap is applied to the final value: 100% - 25% = 75%, capped to 75% = 75% final resistance.
Malice wrote:
Changed the OP to make this more clear:

Lightning damage
If you land a critical strike with an attack or spell that deals lightning damage, the enemy becomes Shocked. This can be stacked up to three times on one target. In this state, monsters or players take 40% additional damage per instance of Shock. Shock stacks additively with itself, for a maximum of 120% with a stack of three. The damage multiplier itself applies multiplicatively with your final damage, since it it increasing the damage the enemy takes, rather than the damage you deal.

"40% more damage per instance of shock" could be misleading or ambiguous, since it implies that shock stacks multiplicatively with itself.
Posting to confirm Malice has it right - it's an additive increase, but to damage taken by the enemy, rather than to damage dealt by you - the two apply at different times, so their result on the life lost by the enemy is multiplicative with each other.
But shock's 40% is additive with other shocks and with other increases to damage taken.
UristMcDwarfy wrote:
I'm nowhere near certain on this one, but I think that you can block no matter your current state, and the block animation just plays in place of the stun animation which would have occurred had the hit not been blocked (since hits that would not have caused a stun don't play an animation but still negate all damage when blocked). I think stun animations can overlap, so I would guess that the block animation can too.
wxyjac wrote:
Question about Breeze of Rime combined with Elemental Proliferation.

If I freeze a monster with my single attack that deals cold damage, and other monsters are frozen due to elemental proliferation. Would they be chilled as they unfreeze? Even without the original monster around (dead)? Or does the Elemental Proliferation aura effect doesn't affect Breath of Rime, and only base solely on the monster being hit?
Elemental Proliferation causes chill to proliferate as well as freeze. When the hit enemy chills as it unfreezes, that chill is shared with all the nearby enemies (until it runs out or they move far enough away).
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jul 3, 2012, 7:36:07 PM

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