RaizQT's budget RF incinerator (Atziri killer build) 2.0 UPDATED!

Sorry if this question was asked before: how much total mana and mana regen should I aim for?
Alright RaizQT, if that is your real name... I'm throwing down the gauntlet:

Lightning Coil is better than 40% MoM + slightly-higher AA.

Tree with enough Dex for LC without needing any on gear.

Clarity + PoF + PoL

Over 50% increased aura and/or buff effect, to give +2% to max resists from level 20 auras.

90% fire res so still hits 100% with Ruby. Base max lightning res always at 81%.

Thoughts? :-D
Last edited by ProudLikeAGod on Oct 6, 2014, 5:42:29 PM
Why don't you get these nodes:

instead of the Templar ones?

With the Templar ones, you gain 5% Effect of Buffs, but you waste 3 nodes.
Last edited by uit on Oct 6, 2014, 6:51:59 PM
another question:

curious on the "tankiness" of this build. right now im lvl 51 and just about to enter merc. some mobs really are starting to chunk my health prob due to low armour/block (i have 2400 hp or so and max resists). i ask this cuz i have an incinerate witch build that takes alot block nodes and she seems to take way less damage even in es type gear.

just dont want to be one shotted in a 66 map when i get there.
ProudLikeAGod wrote:
Alright RaizQT, if that is your real name... I'm throwing down the gauntlet:

Lightning Coil is better than 40% MoM + slightly-higher AA.

Tree with enough Dex for LC without needing any on gear.

Clarity + PoF + PoL

Over 50% increased aura and/or buff effect, to give +2% to max resists from level 20 auras.

90% fire res so still hits 100% with Ruby. Base max lightning res always at 81%.

Thoughts? :-D

Where are you going to take mana and mana regeneration? I think even without AA you will not have enough mana to cast incinerate.
Last edited by Chuchelo on Oct 7, 2014, 2:47:47 AM
So far the only problem is Elemental Weakness/Flammability. Must be very careful. Going to to make overcup fireres for safety.
Chuchelo wrote:
Where are you going to take mana and mana regeneration? I think even without AA you will not have enough mana to cast incinerate.
120% + slightly stronger Clarity vs 140% mana regen + ~45% from CoD. But no MoM to diminish it, and less need for AA. So basically from the same source as Raiz, ES & Mana & regen on gear. Have I missed something?

Also there's Dynamo, Battle Rouse, Mental Fortitude and 8% reduced mana reservation directly connected to the tree, as options.
Last edited by ProudLikeAGod on Oct 7, 2014, 6:17:59 AM
How important is Cloak of Defiance for the build ? I cant decide between getting a 5L cloak (about 4ex) or spend a little bit more and buy a decent rare 6L with life+resist. Cant affor a 6L cloak as it is priced around 40+ ex
uit wrote:
Why don't you get these nodes:

instead of the Templar ones?

With the Templar ones, you gain 5% Effect of Buffs, but you waste 3 nodes.

Because templar has 1% life regen.
L4nz wrote:
uit wrote:
Why don't you get these nodes:

instead of the Templar ones?

With the Templar ones, you gain 5% Effect of Buffs, but you waste 3 nodes.

Because templar has 1% life regen.

He meant Athleticism.

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