Garena is adding skill tree resets as a micro transaction in 1.1.3. Thoughts?

Shagsbeard wrote:
Not game breaking. Even D2 eventually broke down and added this to the game. Don't use it. How much are they asking for it, anyway?

Garena also has bundles of these things, at increasingly substantial discounts.

I've spent some time over there, and PoE Garena's single, biggest problem is this: Unlike PoE Global (all of us), there is no real PoE Garena community. Their PoE is accessed through the Garena Plus portal, which connects players with multiple games. players have no incentive to identify themselves as PoE players, so much simply as Garena gamers.

We all play (or at least post qq about) PoE. Garena gamers might play PoE, but they're as likely to play GTA, or any of a number of other games. In fact, the way it works, it's very possible that many Garena gamers have never set virtual foot on the PoE forum, and might not even know it exists.

This forum is the initial portal for PoE Global players, so everyone who plays is at least aware of it, whether or not they participate in or read the threads.

Thus, PoE Garena, short of an anemic chat environment, is largely a solitary experience, which runs counter to what GGG designed it to be. Square pegs, and all that.

tl:dr: PoE Garena has no community, as such. ='[.]'=

=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Last edited by Raycheetah on May 4, 2014, 11:52:29 AM
$5 for a skill point? Geez.
Shagsbeard wrote:
$5 for a skill point? Geez.

Garena points break down differently than GGG points. They use the existing shell system they already had, which is very different from GGG's and the players have to convert them into points. 49 points is aprox 1.25.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

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GGG should finally introduce their RMAH("Trade imrpovement") so players sick of this game can cash out and RMTers just can play like they already play it without bad conscience.

I will enjoy the Garenica PoE or how that latin america company is named which is also just a P2W company.

How is this Pay 2 win you still need gear and it not like it boost you to 99 or something, not sure what the term P2W means now and days..
STMain: 150k dps GH Zerker
Last edited by ShotgunRogue on May 12, 2014, 8:18:16 PM
ShotgunRogue wrote:
How is this Pay 2 win you still need gear and it not like it boost you to 99 or something, not sure what the term P2W means now and days..

It means buying the equivalent of time /played for real money directly from the game maker.

If you buy an item directly (e.g. an Exalted Orb), that was time you didn't have to spend playing.

If you buy a service that replaces in-game items (e.g. Full Respec <=> 120 Regret Orbs), that was time you didn't have to spend playing.

If you buy a service that speeds up your farming (e.g. Boosters), that was time you didn't have to spend playing.

If you buy a service that allows your vendor recipes to be easier to perform (e.g. Stash Tabs), that was time you didn't have to spend playing.


On top of this, every single person has a pain threshold where the p2w is too much to deal with. Most people playing PoE are okay with Stash Tabs, even though they're p2w, because the time the save you isn't a whole lot.

Most people refer to p2w under their threshold as "pay2skip" or "pay2convenience". They still allow people to get more out of the time they spend playing than some other guy, but since they're not painful enough (as in, you can still compete if you spend 24 hours a day playing), they're not "officially" p2w.

Selling the equivalent of regret orbs directly for money is much less acceptable, and much more obviously p2w.

Keep in mind that at the highest levels of Uber Atziri farming, respeccing is used for advantage in the fight. On the Garena servers, you can pay for that advantage directly.
Last edited by pneuma on May 12, 2014, 8:32:31 PM
This is bullshit.
fgcewoud wrote:
This is bullshit.

You dont have to play on their server.
Alea wrote:
what i dont understand is why the garena exists ? how ?

It seems to me its like when you cant get deals in a region where business is controlled by local Mafia, unless you pay a share to the Don.
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