Optimal Link + Aura Calculator For Summon Raging Spirit [Updated 1.1.5]

I'm not updating this any more, because there wasn't enough interest/people using it. I made a easy to use & powerful SRS DPS Calculator based in google sheets.



Hi, the discussions about how to optimally link/aura Raging Spirit in both Velkor's self-casting build and MaddBomber83's tri-totem build got me interested in solving the problem optimally.

My method is simple: write a integer program and use a online solver. An integer program is a type of optimization problem where we seek to find optimal values for variables. Furthermore we constrain the variables to be integers. In our case this simply means we have booleans for what gems and auras we use. The online solver then finds the combination of values that gives us maximum DPS.

Experiment Setup + Issues

Character stats from the tree in my Summon Raging Spirit Guide:
* 65% increased minion damage,
* 12% minion attack speed
* 70% increased aura effectiveness
* 45% increased skill duration (from passives+equipment)
* 40% faster cast total from tree & equipment

I used Level 20 20% Quality gems. The gems I considered were: Melee Phys Dmg (MPD), Faster Attacks (FA), Multistrike (MS), Increased Skill Duration (Dur), Faster Casting (FCR), Minion Damage (MD), and Melee Splash (MSp), Weapon Elemental Damage (WED), Empower (Emp), Spell Echo (SE), Added Fire (AF), Culling Strike (CS).

I consider the gems socketed in a +2 fire staff (the gems/auras are the same for +2 hat or +0 armor). The results for +3 fire staffs use empower L3+ as a 5th/6th gem.

The auras I considered were: Haste, Hatred, Wrath, Anger.

DPS is displayed against monsters with 30% all res with Flesh offering on, EE proc'd, EW casted, and assuming spirits idle for 0.5sec, but then attack immediately for their full lifetime without traveling.

If you want to run the experiments with different starting settings, I will explain how to do so after the results section.

Results updated for 1.1.5
Auras for all 2 aura results: Haste, Hatred. If you can only run offensive 1 aura, always pick hatred.

2 Aura 4 Support 3-Totem
Single Target: MPD, MS, FCR, MD
Singe Target DPS = 407255
NSpirit = 22.6977
Dmg = 2972.96
APS = 6.03526

AoE DPS = 295171
NSpirit = 18.0141
Dmg = 2314.33
APS = 6.37205

2 Aura 5 Support 3-Totem
Single Target: MPD, MS, FCR, MD, CS
Single Target DPS = 537930
NSpirit = 23.8987
Dmg = 3179.18
APS = 6.37205

AoE DPS = 392466
NSpirit = 22.6977
Dmg = 2865
APS = 6.03526

1 Aura 3 Support Self Cast (eg +2 hat)
Aura: Hatred

Single Target: SE, MS, MPD
Single Target DPS = 267192
NSpirit = 13.5306
Dmg = 4286.11
APS = 5.11919

AoE: SE, MS, Msp
DPS = 180485
NSpirit = 13.5306
Dmg = 2895.22
APS = 5.11919

2 Aura 3 Support Self Cast
Single Target: SE, MS, MPD
Single Target DPS = 376206
NSpirit = 16.1594
Dmg = 4286.11
APS = 6.03526

AoE: SE, MS, Msp
AoE DPS = 254123
NSpirit = 16.1594
Dmg = 2895.22
APS = 6.03526

2 Aura 4 Support Self Cast
Single Target: SE, MPD, MS, MD
Single Target DPS = 527835
NSpirit = 16.1594
Dmg = 6013.62
APS = 6.03526

AoE DPS = 381478
NSpirit = 16.1594
Dmg = 4346.18
APS = 6.03526

2 Aura 5 Support Self Cast
Single Target: SE, MPD, MS, CS, MD
Single Target DPS = 701341
NSpirit = 17.1258
Dmg = 6426.86
APS = 6.37205

AoE DPS = 512141
NSpirit = 17.1258
Dmg = 4693.09
APS = 6.37205

2 Aura 6L Pledge of Hands
Single Target: SE, MPD, MS, CS, MD, AF
Single Target DPS = 744732
NSpirit = 18.1392
Dmg = 6443.22
APS = 6.37205

AoE: SE, MPD, MS, Msp, CS, AF
AoE DPS = 545628
NSpirit = 18.1392
Dmg = 4720.63
APS = 6.37205

2 Aura 6L +3 Fire, L3 Empower
Single Target: SE, MS, MPD, MD, Emp
Singe Target DPS = 884944
NSpirit = 16.1594
Dmg = 10082.2
APS = 6.03526

AoE: SE, MS, MPD, Msp, Emp
AoE DPS = 640609
NSpirit = 16.1594
Dmg = 7298.45
APS = 6.03526

2 Aura 6L +3 Fire 20% Cast, L4 Empower, L21 Spirit, Vaal Haste up
Single Target: SE, MS, MPD, MD, Emp
Single Target DPS = 2441180
NSpirit = 24.8286
Dmg = 12943.9
APS = 8.43993

AoE: SE, MS, MPD, MSp, Emp
AoE DPS = 1768180
NSpirit = 24.8286
Dmg = 9375.47
APS = 8.43993

Update 1: Fixed multistrike to use more attack speed instead of increased AS. Thanks Slirche.
Update 2: Spell Echo doesn't work with Spell Totem. Updated.
Update 3: Fixed added fire calculation, added culling strike.
Replicating the results/running your own experiments

Repeating my experiments
1.Save the following code as a text file Model.txt:
#Global Parameters
param n_support := 5; #how many support gems can we link simultaneously
param n_aura := 2; #how many auras can we run simultaneously
param n_curse := 1; #how many curses

param minion_id := 0.8; #minion increased dmg from tree+items
param minion_ias := 0.12; #minion increased atk speed from tree+items
param spell_id := 0;
param aura_inc := 0.7; #increased aura effectivenes total from tree+items
param dura_inc := 0.45; #increased spell duration from items/tree
param cast_inc := 0.32; #totem or player +cast from passives and gear

param monster_armor := 983;
param monster_fire_res := 0.0; #According to Cezury 30% for rare mobs and 40% for unique monsters
param monster_cold_res := 0.0;
param monster_light_res := 0.5; #50% Due to EE proc'd by Arc
param Travel_Time := 0; #Average travel time in seconds (for DPS estimation).

param dura_base := 3.5; #how long does the summoned spell last (3.5s for raging spirit)
param cast_time := 0.8; #how long does the spell take to cast (0.8s for raging spirit)
param APS_base := 1.627; #base # attacks per second for raging spirit, other value for other summoned stuff
param effectiveness := 0.7; #70% dmg effectiveness, set to other value if not using other minion types

param reduced_cast := 1.0; # Cast Speed reduced to 0.7 by Totem, set to 1.0 for self-cast
param n_totems := 1; # set to 1.0 in case of player casting. 2-3 in case of totem.
param totem_dmg_penalty := 1.0; # set to 1.0 in case of player casting. 0.5 for totem.
param SE_fcr_more := 0.69; #20/20 Spell Echo
param SE_dmg_less := -0.1;
param SE_dmg_inc := 0.0;
param HasteFCRBase := 0.16; #Lvl 20 Haste
param VaalHasteFCRBase := 0.41;

#totem don't work with SE
#param reduced_cast := 0.7; # Cast Speed reduced to 0.7 by Totem, set to 1.0 for self-cast
#param n_totems := 3; # set to 1.0 in case of player casting. 2-3 in case of totem.
#param totem_dmg_penalty := 0.5; # set to 1.0 in case of player casting. 0.5 for totem.
#param SE_fcr_more := 0;
#param SE_dmg_less := 0;
#param SE_dmg_inc := 0;
#param HasteFCRBase := 0.0; #Lvl 20 Haste

#Support Gems
var MS integer >= 0, <= 1; # MultiStrike
var MPD integer >= 0, <= 1; # MeleePhysDmg
var MSp integer >= 0, <= 1; # MeleeSplash
var MD integer >= 0, <= 1; # MinionDmg
var FCR integer >= 0, <= 1; # Faster Cast
var Dur integer >= 0, <= 1; # Inc Dura
var FA integer >= 0, <= 1; # Faster Attack
var CS integer >= 0, <= 1; # Culling Strike
var Emp integer >= 0, <= 1; # Empower
var WED integer >= 0, <= 1; # Weapon Elemental
var SE integer >= 0, <=1; # Spell Echo
var RM integer >= 0, <=1; # Remote Mine
var AF integer >= 0, <=1; # Added Fire

param MS_inc := 0.67; #20/20MS
param MS_mult := -0.36; # 36% less damage
param MS_IAS_more := 1.07; # 107% more atk speed
param MPD_mult := 0.49; #Lvl 20/20 MPD, 46% more damage
param MPD_inc := 0.1;
param MD_inc := 0.92; #Lvl 20/20 MD, 92% increased damage
param MSp_mult := -0.16; #Lvl MSplash 34% less damage to other targets, 16%less to first => 25% avg, set to 0.5 for 2 targets
param MSp_inc := 0.48; # 48% Increased damage
param FCRval := 0.49; #Lvl 20/20 FCR 49% cast
param Durval := 0.74; #Lvl 20/20 IncDura 74% Inc Dura
param FA_ias := 0.54; #20/20 Faster Attack
param CS_ias := 0.1; #L20/Q20 Culling strike 10% IAS
param CS_fcr := 0.1; # 10% FCR
param CS_inc := 0.22; # 22% increased damage
param RM_mult := 0.49; #L20 Remote mine, 49% more damage
param WED_mult := 0.59; #20/20 WED
param WED_inc := 0.1;
param AF_mult := 0.39; #20/20 Added Fire
param AF_inc := 0.15;

var Vuln integer >= 0, <= 1; #Vulnerability
var EW integer >= 0, <= 1; #Elemental Weakness

param Vuln_more := 0.44; #20/20 Vuln
param EW_more := .5; #20/2 EW - treat EW as EE

var Anger integer >=0, <=1;
var Hatred integer >=0, <=1;
var Wrath integer >=0, <=1;
var Haste integer >=0, <=1;
var VaalHaste integer >=0, <=1;
var FleshOffering integer >= 0, <=1;

param WrathDmgBase := 150; #Lvl 20 Wrath
param AngerDmgBase := 125; #Lvl 20 Anger

param HatredPct := 0.36; #Lvl 20 Hatred
param HasteIASBase := 0.16; #Lvl 20 Haste
param VaalHasteIASBase := 0.42;
param FleshOfferingIAS := 0.4;
#Haste FCR is on the top with totem/self settings

#First we set the auras up

param WrathDmg := WrathDmgBase*(1+aura_inc)*effectiveness*totem_dmg_penalty;
param AngerDmg := AngerDmgBase*(1+aura_inc)*effectiveness*totem_dmg_penalty;
param HasteFCR := HasteFCRBase*(1+aura_inc);
param HasteIAS := HasteIASBase*(1+aura_inc);
param VaalHasteIAS := VaalHasteIASBase*(1+aura_inc);
param VaalHasteFCR := VaalHasteFCRBase*(1+aura_inc);

#Optimization Problem Statement
var APS;
var NSpirit;
var Dmg;
var SpiritDmgBase;
var PhysDmg;
var FireDmgBase;

#We want to maximize total DPS
maximize DPS: APS * NSpirit * Dmg * (1+(1/9)*CS)* (1+SE_dmg_less*SE) * (1+RM_mult*RM);

# Base item section: uncomment (remove #) from one of the following lines:
#In a +0 staff or in a armor L3 Empower
#subject to SpiritBase: SpiritDmgBase = (606.5+185*Emp)*totem_dmg_penalty; #Lvl 20 Raging Spirit After Buff

#In a +2 Staff (use this to simulate +2 hat, but set N_supports to 3 at the top):
subject to SpiritBase: SpiritDmgBase = (791.5+233.5*Emp)*totem_dmg_penalty; #272.3

#In a +1 +2 Staff L3 Emp:
#subject to SpiritBase: SpiritDmgBase = (901.5+419*Emp)*totem_dmg_penalty; #419=L3 Emp 594=L4 Emp

#In a +1 +2 Staff L4 Emp L21 Spirit:
#subject to SpiritBase: SpiritDmgBase = (1025+667.5*Emp)*totem_dmg_penalty; #419=L3 Emp 594=L4 Emp
# End of base item section

subject to PhysDamage: PhysDmg = SpiritDmgBase*(1+minion_id+MD*MD_inc+MS*MS_inc+MSp*MSp_inc+SE_dmg_inc*SE+spell_id+CS*CS_inc)*(1+MS_mult*MS)*(1+MSp_mult*MSp)*(1+MPD_mult*MPD);
subject to FireDamage: FireDmgBase = SpiritDmgBase*(1+minion_id+MD*MD_inc+MS*MS_inc+MSp*MSp_inc+SE_dmg_inc*SE+spell_id+CS*CS_inc+AF_inc*AF)*(1+MS_mult*MS)*(1+MSp_mult*MSp)*(1+MPD_mult*MPD); #The difference is the 15% increased from added fire

#Next, compute the maximum number of *active* spirits we can keep up. Each spirit idles for 0.5 seconds after being cast, and then must travel to its target
subject to Nspirits: NSpirit = n_totems*((dura_base*(1+dura_inc+Durval*Dur)-0.5-Travel_Time)/(cast_time/(reduced_cast*(1+FCRval*FCR+HasteFCR*Haste+cast_inc+CS_fcr*CS+VaalHaste*VaalHasteFCR)*(1+SE_fcr_more*SE) )));

#Next, the buffed attacks per second.
subject to cons_IAS: APS = APS_base*(1+Haste*HasteIAS+minion_ias+FA_ias*FA+CS_ias*CS+VaalHaste*VaalHasteIAS+FleshOffering*FleshOfferingIAS)*(1+MS_IAS_more*MS);

#Finally, the damage
subject to dmg_cons: Dmg = Wrath* (WrathDmg*(1+minion_id+MD*MD_inc+WED_inc*WED+SE_dmg_inc*SE+spell_id+CS*CS_inc)*(1+MS_mult*MS))*(1+MSp_mult*MSp)*(1+WED_mult*WED)*(1+EW_more*EW-monster_light_res) +
Anger* (AngerDmg*(1+minion_id+MD*MD_inc+WED_inc*WED+SE_dmg_inc*SE+spell_id+AF*AF_inc+CS*CS_inc)*(1+MS_mult*MS))*(1+MSp_mult*MSp)*(1+WED_mult*WED)*(1+EW_more*EW-monster_fire_res) +
0.5*PhysDmg*(1+Vuln_more*Vuln)*(1-(monster_armor/(monster_armor+12*0.5*PhysDmg*(1+Vuln_more*Vuln)))) #Physical Part
+0.5*FireDmgBase*(1+EW_more*EW-monster_fire_res) #Converted to Fire part
+(AF_mult*AF)*FireDmgBase*(1+EW_more*EW-monster_fire_res); #Added Fire

subject to aura_cons: Haste + Hatred + Wrath + Anger <= n_aura;
subject to gem_cons: MS + MPD + Dur + FCR + MD + MSp + FA + CS + WED + Emp + RM + AF + SE<= n_support;
subject to curse_cons: Vuln + EW <= n_curse;
subject to gem_cons2: RM + Dur = 0;
#subject to force_emp: Emp = 1;
subject to use_splash: MSp = 1;
#subject to cs_off: CS = 0;
#subject to aura_cons2: Haste = 0;
#subject to aura_cons3: Hatred = 0;
subject to fleshoff: FleshOffering = 1;
subject to vaalhaste: VaalHaste = 0;


display DPS, NSpirit, Dmg, APS;

display Haste, Anger, Hatred, Wrath, FleshOffering, VaalHaste;

display MS, MPD, Dur, FCR, MD, MSp, FA, CS, WED, SE, Emp, AF, RM;

display EW, Vuln;

2. Navigate to an online integer programming solver.

3. Click "Choose Model" and select the Model.txt file you just saved.

4. Click "Submit to NEOS" and wait.

5. Output will show total DPS as well as which auras/gems to use. 1 means use it, 0 means don't.

Modifying the model file
Anyone with some programming/math knowledge should be able to modify the file without too much trouble. Google "AMPL", or see here for examples.

"param" data types don't change during the program execution. If you want to run experiments with your character attributes you would go through the "global parameters," "auras," and "support gems" sections and change the param values to those that match your character or gems.

"var" data types are the ones we are solving for. For instance the variable for using the faster attacks gem, "var FA", is either 0 or 1, and we want our optimization program to find its value. The way it's implemented is that our IAS is increased if we use it (value 1) and remains unchanged if we don't use it (value 0). In AMPL we write this as IAS = APS_base*(1+FA_ias*FA);

Also ask questions here. I will attempt to answer them, but I am nowhere near an expert on AMPL, Integer Programming, or PoE for that matter.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Last edited by MatrixFactor on Sep 1, 2014, 5:22:57 PM
Aura's are reduced for minions, yes. I think people had figured out that Self Casting Summon Skelles is the best option for summoner at this point. Summon skelle+added chaos+....not really sure 8)

Although I would love to have a Dual totem Raging Spirit. The 50% from Spell totem + aura nerf just reduce damage too much. I've been wanting a build that I can use with lots of IIR that would work without a high gear cost and seems summoner is the best choice atm.

Raging spirit could be good I think if you did like ... Ele Equilibrium + Ele Weakness and Haste + Wrath + Anger + Reduced mana
You would need some reduce aura nodes with a lot of aura effectiveness (50%+)

You migt need increased duration too, I guess gem. Not sure if the duration increase skill node increases the duration of summoned skulls... (under scion) but if it does, obviously get this one and lose the gem.

I think an optimal link setup is...

Raging Spirit
- Spell Totem
- Faster Casting
- Melee Splash/Life Leech (or quality % Life Gain on Hit)/Increased Duration
- Multistrike
- Faster Attacks

(If you have some minion life regen% + 100% increased minion life) Hopefully the minions can regen. fast enough that you could throw melee splash in there instead of +life or having to use increased duration.

Note I've never tested any of this myself just pure speculation.

I also found this link earlier (posted by GGG) indicating minion damage


Not sure what the current tooltips say about minion damage but I like those posted numbers. I think SRS can be viable, if not pretty strong. Especially for MFing. You could have your minions DPS and just use a spell like ARC with Faster casting + cull + rarity to finish enemies for the increased rarity drop.
Last edited by Weed on Apr 10, 2014, 5:37:50 PM
Interesting post overall... Did you read at least the opening posts in the threads I linked and the introduction in my opening post?

Anyways, the most interesting (IMO) point you brought up was:

Weed wrote:

You migt need increased duration too, I guess gem. Not sure if the duration increase skill node increases the duration of summoned skulls... (under scion) but if it does, obviously get this one and lose the gem.

The nodes under scion give 45% dura. If we take them, while maintaining the other stats as described in the "experiment setup" section do we really want to drop the Dura gem? It turns out it's better to keep it. In this case, when using 2aura, 3support, tri-totem we still get MPD, Dur, MD as the optimal 3 supports and hatred, haste as our auras. Our DPS is much better at 59.6k.

Weed wrote:

Raging spirit could be good I think if you did like ... Ele Equilibrium + Ele Weakness and Haste + Wrath + Anger + Reduced mana

EE is pretty much a must, but I don't think it affects the decisions we make.

Considering a curse is the next thing I will work on probably. Right now I'm thinking vulnerability vs. ele weakness.
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T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Last edited by MatrixFactor on Apr 10, 2014, 6:03:18 PM
There is no way that Multistrike is not on the optimal links, especially over faster attacks. I believe you might have calculated Multistrike as increased attack speed instead of more attack speed.

Edit: Like you noted, melee splash was not calculated to full potential, but from a playability point of view, it is one of the strongest support gems.

Another gem to consider is culling strike. With quality, this is another gem that double dips just like Haste because of the 10% increased attack speed and 10% increased cast speed. This is extra good because as a summoner, raging spirits are not the only source of your damage. Being able to add the cull effect is extra important since you are losing only one link on a portion of your damage for the effect.
IGN : ArenaMasterSlirche
Last edited by Slirche on Apr 10, 2014, 8:26:26 PM
Slirche wrote:
There is no way that Multistrike is not on the optimal links, especially over faster attacks. I believe you might have calculated Multistrike as increased attack speed instead of more attack speed.

Edit: Like you noted, melee splash was not calculated to full potential, but from a playability point of view, it is one of the strongest support gems.

Another gem to consider is culling strike. With quality, this is another gem that double dips just like Haste because of the 10% increased attack speed and 10% increased cast speed. This is extra good because as a summoner, raging spirits are not the only source of your damage. Being able to add the cull effect is extra important since you are losing only one link on a portion of your damage for the effect.

TY for input!

MS: yes I was calculating it as increased as opposed to more. Good catch. Will fix and update.

CS: I will add this gem as L20/Q20 in the mix and update.

Melee Splash: I would love to calculate this in some reasonable way. The best I can think of is to somehow estimate the number of targets that fall into the splash radius. If we could do that exactly, evaluating Melee splash would be easy. OTOH we could consider clear times in some consistent area like Docks or Battlefront. I'm slightly reluctant to do that since it sort of throws out this optimization problem approach out of the window.
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T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Last edited by MatrixFactor on Apr 10, 2014, 8:43:42 PM
The problem with Melee Splash is that the only time I really feel endangered is against big tough single targets. Large mobs might go away a little quicker with splash, but I really don't have to worry about them.
just talking things from a practical point of view

basically what you want to do with anger/wrath/haste is to stack as much APS as you can. more APS you will attack faster and apply more damage with your aura. its easy to understand
say you have anger/wrath that gives you 1000 element dmg per attack

if you have 1 aps, you will only do 1000 dps
if you have 2 aps, you do 2000 dps.

this is the basic principle of such aura build, the one behind element buzzsaw and the recent windripper build. theres why imo multistrike is a must here, it gives MORE(not just increased!) APS, does not suffer any drawback (lack of control and heavy mana usage) that are a typical multistrike melee character would have. other than the less dmg multiplier which the increased aps should more than make up for it.

now things get more complicated with hatred. apparently hatred is calculated from the base damage the raging spirit does before conversion to fire, before the usual multipliers from linked skills and dmg effectiveness is applied.
(i think that the 70% damage multiplier should also apply, like every other skill in the game with dmg effectiveness does to added dmg.)

considering only 20/0 gems,
raging spirit does average of 365.5 dmg per hit before conversion
with lvl20 hatred its 36%*365.5=131.58 cold dmg per hit before damage multipliers
compare to lvl20 anger which is 125 fire dmg per hit before any damage multipliers.
it might not seem much different but the dmg difference become wider apart with more APS!

thing is unlike anger/wrath u can also boost this hatred dmg with meleephysical.
intuitively i think the optimum links would be either
fastercasting-minion dmg-MPD-multistrike
fastercasting-minion dmg-fasterattacks-multistrike

i was considering the second links since it gives the solid "just add more aps" standpoint for anger/wrath
however considering MPD gives a more multiplier which affects both the physical and cold dmg for hatred, the first link might outdo the second especially with if anger/hatred is involved instead.

im considering 5l here since its relatively cheap to get nowadays. dont use increased duration since its not worth it unless its a long fight/no aoe boss.

about melee splash
i would probably swap in melee splash with multistrike/mpd but only if pack density is very large. however u need to consider that melee splash aoe is quite small (especially without quality) and i would take it away during single target boss fight to avoid hampering dps.

Hi BisuProbe, JaedongLings here. :)

We could test whether Hatred is affected by effectiveness like this:
Zinsho wrote:
As far as I know the Hatred damage isn't affected by the conversion to Fire Damage.

Both are based off the initial physical damage (100 Physical Damage, 50% Convert to Fire, +50% Cold) should be 150 Damage (50 of each), not 125.

I could be wrong but this can be tested easily enough using Infernal Blow:

Take a character with no:
- +% Fire/Elemental Damage
- +% Cold/Elemental Damage
- +x-y Elemental Damage

A summoner would typically work for this since the nodes aren't needed for the build.

Equip a weapon, look at normal attack damage
Add Hatred, look at cold and physical damage
Equip Level 1 Infernal Blow -> If Cold damage decreases then conversion affects later (Added +% Damage from Hatred or Added Fire). If Cold Damage Stays the same, then the full physical damage is used for calculations (just what is output as what changes).

If you're able to do it I would appreciate it, otherwise I'll do it later today.

I ran the tests for you: 2 auras, 4 Links, no duration gem, hatred penalized by 70% just like wrath and anger (I didn't penalize it for the results in OP). For Tri-totem result was Hatred, Haste; MPD, MD, FCR, MS for 40.4k DPS. For self-cast (assuming you have 30% cast from items+tree) FCR was replaced with FA for a total of 47.6k DPS, auras were still Haste/Hatred.

Edit: Then I saw your edit. So I specifically forced Haste=0. I got Hatred, Wrath ;MS, MPD, FCR, FA for 35.6k DPS with tri-totem. For my character with 105% MD from tree FA is superior to the MD gem. If you have less MD from tree+gear your result may be different.


about melee splash
i would probably swap in melee splash with multistrike/mpd but only if pack density is very large. however u need to consider that melee splash aoe is quite small (especially without quality) and i would take it away during single target boss fight to avoid hampering dps.

Yeah the MPD<->Melee Splash swap is the one you would want to make.

MartinDeShade wrote:
The problem with Melee Splash is that the only time I really feel endangered is against big tough single targets. Large mobs might go away a little quicker with splash, but I really don't have to worry about them.

I agree with your PoV ATM. The thing is I'm running max level 70 maps. I wonder if on higher maps melee splash may be beneficial against tough mobs. Currently I run splash on my zombies but not on raging spirit. Not sure how to determine whether splash is better on one or the other except play testing.
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T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Last edited by MatrixFactor on Apr 11, 2014, 10:30:43 AM
Damage effectiveness, for Raging Spirit and other skills, apply to flat damage only.

So, it apply to +flat damage from weapons, equipment (typically rings, amulets and gloves) and support gems such as added chaos damage, added lightning damage and auras such as Wrath and Anger. It doesn't apply to flat damage from spells anymore.

Since Raging Spirit is a spell, Added Fire or Hatred aren't not affected by the 70% damage penalty. For any attack skills such as Sweep (75%), Groundslam (80%) or Heavy Strike, Added Fire and Hatred are indirectly affected by damage effectiveness because Weapons and Equipment are affected.

Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
if really hatred is not affected by dmg effectiveness, it will no doubt be the superior aura dps wise over anger and wrath.

with MD enough taken on tree and maybe gear then
is highly likely the best links

also with anger+hatred+haste
in a self cast perspective i can use arc totem with chain which makes it easier to proc EE than say ice spear/icenova totem with anger/wrath.

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