A reminder to GGG to never fall for the 'SFL' trap

Xavderion wrote:
ecogen wrote:
Xavderion wrote:

Still not getting it. Brainquarters OP x)

Alot of auctions have buyouts, he said he sells and buys which is still valid (by using those buyouts, get it?). Now go away.

Sorry I annoyed you by calling out the guy who agreed with you.

No problem bro, just don't do it again or I'm gonna get like so super annoyed.
ign: ecogen
ecogen wrote:
Alot of auctions have buyouts, he said he sells and buys which is still valid (by using those buyouts, get it?). Now go away.

Don't let Xavderion get to you. He frequently gets banned for antagonizing, so it's pretty obvious what he's trying to do here. Don't fall for it -- he's very transparent. :)

Like I said, people with a bit of knowledge and video games experience are aware that Auction Houses in games are usually not "auctions", but market places with final prices (buyouts). Common knowledge, I thought!

Xavderion knows that too, he's just trying to get a raise out of people.
Mivo wrote:
ecogen wrote:
Alot of auctions have buyouts, he said he sells and buys which is still valid (by using those buyouts, get it?). Now go away.

Don't let Xavderion get to you. He frequently gets banned for antagonizing, so it's pretty obvious what he's trying to do here. Don't fall for it -- he's very transparent. :)

Like I said, people with a bit of knowledge and video games experience are aware that Auction Houses in games are usually not "auctions", but market places with final prices (buyouts). Common knowledge, I thought!

Xavderion knows that too, he's just trying to get a raise out of people.

It's not really about the auction/buyout ratio. Think about other features of an auction house, especially in vidya.

Not revealing it because of your condescending attitude :D Call me adversary.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
This thread could end on page 1 if someone would point out the strognboxes in Ambush league to the original poster and right there is card house of non arguments would crumble.

That there is even a discussion at all shows the decline of the community. Where have the analytical minds gone? Long past are the days of good suggestions and the people who made them.

When the white knights are left and you've build your scientology, be happy, be happy and all sing along.
Last edited by Ozgwald on Mar 28, 2014, 12:17:31 PM
Having the drop rates adjusted to account for the potency of trading and the prevalence of rmt/botting is a bad game state. Removing these things would obviously mean you ability to gear yourself is vastly lowered since you cant cheat or trade your way to the top.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
LSN wrote:
Trading requires knowledge, skill, communicative skills, persistance, patience etc.

Just grinding requires actually nothing besides owning a pc keyboard and mouse and is tedious in fact as the alteration and interaction with other players that trading inbetween grinding can give drops out.

I am not talking about spamming trade 1 24/7. The healthy normal trading I am talking about is setting up a forumshop and in case anyone is interested mix in 1-2 minutes of trades. There is nothing tedious about this and there is nothing more tedious than non stop grinding without doing anything else.

I know you are amazingly thick, but let's see if you can comprehend this. This game was NOT designed to be a trade simulator. When the Devs imagined trading, they thought they were setting up more of a barter system. If they had wanted to make this a game based more on trade than gameplay they would have included an auction house, and not this archaic system we have now. It has evolved into the standard AH/trading model where inflation is rampant, and most people can't afford to buy anything because of flippers and legacy items.

I know trading is more fun for you, but for most people it isn't. How do I know this? It was stated that only about 5% of the playerbase uses the forums, so that means a maximum of 5% of players have a shop, and I would imagine that number is actualy MUCH lower, maybe around 1%. What I'm saying is that you are speaking as a minority, a niche way of playing this ARPG if you will. You have no right to assume that most people play like you, or have the arogance to think that your way is the best way, because it is obviously not the most popular.
Last edited by Mephasm on Mar 28, 2014, 3:49:58 PM
Yes, how dare people want to find and craft their own gear, that's just absurd. It's almost as if this was supposed to be a game about finding and crafting your gear and not buying it off trade chat.
Mephasm wrote:
It has evolved into the standard AH/trading model where inflation is rampant, and most people can't afford to buy anything because of flippers and legacy items.
You have it backwards. The more rampant inflation is, the easier it is to get moderate (not quite BiS) items, and the easier it is for new players to catch up using trading.

This chest is listed with a buyout of 20 Chaos on Standard. This is somewhat expensive, but it's not that difficult for a new player to save up for it and have a very good chest for a long time.

This chest, and many others with very similar stats, are listed with a buyout of 2 Ex on Ambush. You can't really find a similar 5L life tri-res for less than 2 Ex, which is roughly three times the cost of Standard (due to Ambush's Chaos-to-Exalt ratio).

Instead, what's going on in Standard is players are mistakenly identifying themselves as "new" or as "underdogs" when they've already progressed past that point — which happens easily if they trade, because good gear is two-thirds off. They're looking to buy great gear, which is a different thing and is going to cost more.

AHs (to include poe.xyz.is) don't cause inflation; farming and league length do. Well, and RMT — bots can dump a lot of illegit currency into an economy, deflating the value of orbs. AHs only make the inflation which already exists more noticeable.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Mar 28, 2014, 5:07:51 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Mephasm wrote:
It has evolved into the standard AH/trading model where inflation is rampant, and most people can't afford to buy anything because of flippers and legacy items.
You have it backwards. The more rampant inflation is, the easier it is to get moderate (not quite BiS) items, and the easier it is for new players to catch up using trading.

This chest is listed with a buyout of 20 Chaos on Standard. This is somewhat expensive, but it's not that difficult for a new player to save up for it and have a very good chest for a long time.

This chest, and many others with very similar stats, are listed with a buyout of 2 Ex on Ambush. You can't really find a similar 5L life tri-res for less than 2 Ex, which is roughly twice the cost of Standard.

Instead, what's going on in Standard is players are mistakenly identifying themselves as "new" or as "underdogs" when they've already progressed past that point — which happens easily if they trade, because good gear is half off. They're looking to buy great gear, which is a different thing and is going to cost more.

AHs (to include poe.xyz.is) don't cause inflation; farming and league length do. Well, and RMT — bots can dump a lot of illegit currency into an economy, deflating the value of orbs. AHs only make the inflation which already exists more noticeable.

You have a good point, I retract my statement about the economy, it just goes to show that I don't trade much.

However, I've played well over 1000 hours and have never found a chest piece as good as what you posted. Meaning that, in my experience, the only way to obtain such gear is to trade for it. Which is why I want a self found league, so that I can actually get my gear by playing the game, and not have to rely on trade.

I crafted this at level 60ish. My account is completely self found and this was on my first toon after I had wiped my complete account. And there are many SF players with better gears than this.

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