Minion Damage versus Melee Physical Damage gems

QuQu1992 wrote:
This Makes no sense. MPD applies to all physical skill Gems, while MD only applies to Minion Gems.
So MD should be a better Gem the MPD, because its restricted to Minions..... More Restrictions should be More Damage.

It does make sense. Mpd only applies to Melee and physical, which is way more restrictive tbh. Minion damage actually applies to ALL minion damage. The difference of it being a player and minion shouldnt make a difference in what a gem does. Else MD would be way too strong for spectres (can you see it happen, evangelists getting a 92% more multiplier instead of increased? Well, we wouldnt even need zombies anymore, thats one thing thats sure.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93

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