Fragment drop + Statistical Info + Graphs

WoW, it's even worse than I thought. Absolutely no reason to go out of your way to grind corrupted areas in the current state.

As I've said elsewhere, I believe GGG's reasoning is that if Atziri were more accessible, decked out RMTs on standard would already be farming her like crazy resulting in league players going "meh". I trust that once the MTX for killing her have been claimed drop rates will be increased, allowing "normal" people access to her as well.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
I wouldn't mind hunting corrupted zones if the zones themselves were worth running i.e. were like a mini reward in themselves. The vaal gems are interesting, but you clear the zone itself in like 10 seconds flat before you reach the boss. When it takes a good 20 minutes or so to find a corrupted area that's a bit rough.

@OP if im reading your graph right you say you have found corrupted zones after a single refresh multiple times? that seems odd since from my experience im only seeing them about 5% of the time.

Or do you mean clearing every area in act 2?
holocaustus wrote:
WoW, it's even worse than I thought. Absolutely no reason to go out of your way to grind corrupted areas in the current state.

As I've said elsewhere, I believe GGG's reasoning is that if Atziri were more accessible, decked out RMTs on standard would already be farming her like crazy resulting in league players going "meh". I trust that once the MTX for killing her have been claimed drop rates will be increased, allowing "normal" people access to her as well.

GGG can't design/balance their game always with Pro-gamers/RMTers in mind, this will not work (for the masses).
I play PoE only solo (mostly selffound too) so I would like to have a good and fun solo experience, ignoring trading and releated (in)balance, simply fun to play, fun to farm, not to hard content bacause, yes, FUN. REWARDING gameplay should not be to hard to achive, it's not rocket science. PoE can be still hard for Groups, Hardcore, leagues etc. but this does not mean it can't be balanced better for normal players than it is at the moment.
If at least on a party increases the drop rate of the fragments.... On the first day one of the players on POE upoloaded the video of Atziri queen on youtube, so he couldnt found all pieces making clone / uber vaal oversoul and after that doing queen. RNG RULES.
IGNs: eternal_nina, eternal_madira, eternal_reaper, getmyshadow, eternal_ihgheart, eternal_darkess.
Last edited by Dhoros on Mar 10, 2014, 12:06:01 PM
I have a farm spot for corrupted areas that I'm not yet revealing (because it might get removed). All this farming resulted in nothing tho.
16 dusk
5 dawn
3 noon

and finally a midnight

I'll take back what I have said about how bad the patch is if midnight keeps dropping.

Now is the time to plan some builds :D
You won't have my gear.
Last edited by NameIsDon on Mar 10, 2014, 1:22:37 PM
Xantaria wrote:
I have a farm spot for corrupted areas that I'm not yet revealing (because it might get removed). All this farming resulted in nothing tho.

Aha nice, tell us ur showoff area pls.
IGNs: eternal_nina, eternal_madira, eternal_reaper, getmyshadow, eternal_ihgheart, eternal_darkess.
free bump
IGN JansterJunior / Semn , online after 19:00 GMT.
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Xantaria wrote:
I have a farm spot for corrupted areas that I'm not yet revealing (because it might get removed). All this farming resulted in nothing tho.

Well some corrupted areas are far more likely to appear it seems. It took me about 50 crypt 1/2 runs to get the area there and after a similar amount of time it still didn't get the area.

Exspecially the Act 2 start southern forest was good for me. I got 3 corrupted areas there already out of 7 tries, however the boss is annoying (the puncture-snake with proximity-shield).

I also was able to find the area at the wetlands very easy because it is always in the rocky area of the wall. Mudflats is similar, it often even spawns in plain sight to the waypoint.
Ahh was thinking just bad luck that all 4 fragments I found were the same (Dusk)...guess not. *groan*

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