[1.0.4] CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch - updated! farm 73map with friendly gears

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a.農70圖 - 不要忘記我的寶石只有16等喔~

連結: http://youtu.be/AKBSajbJeuE


b.農73圖 - 寶石等級18。示範便宜的裝備就可以打高等圖。

連結: http://youtu.be/a-3V_g7QMPo


從這個影片可以看到傷害相當高,73圖的石頭橘王我只打一下他就死了,第二下其實不用放他也會被燒死。(燃燒持續時間有6.6秒) 我的裝備算很普通,除了6連火衣超過2ex之外,其他都算蠻平價的。其實用5連火衣也不會太差,而且5連火衣在SC大概只有3ex。如果你覺得自己的傷害夠高了,也可以考慮穿 護甲/ES 或 純ES 甲。




4連 - 元素擴散 - 機率點燃 - 生命吸取

5連 - 元素擴散 - 機率點燃 - 生命吸取 - 快速施法

6連 - 元素擴散 - 機率點燃 - 生命吸取 - 快速施法 - (增加燃燒傷害 / 火焰穿透)





使用等級20品質20的火焰穿透(命中傷害 = D x 1.85): 總傷害 = D x 5.6906

使用等級20增加燃燒傷害(燃燒傷害加成B = 4.05): 總傷害 = D x 5.145


魔力消耗係數: 火穿 = 140% / 增加燃燒傷害 = 120%
以我的法師來說: 用火穿的階段耗魔 = 34 法力 / 用增加燃燒傷害的階段耗魔 = 29 法力
如果施法速度為 113%,每秒可以施放 7.1次

用火穿每秒耗魔 = 34 x 7.1 = 241.4

用增加燃燒傷害耗魔 = 29 x 7.1 = 205.9




如果你想要更多的傷害 > 選火焰穿透

如果你想要打反傷怪比較安全或是耗魔比較少 > 選增加燃燒傷害


3連 - 元素擴散 - 技能範圍加大

4連 - 元素擴散 - 技能範圍加大 - Q20加冰傷/ 賦予 / 陷阱


2連 - 戰吼(等級5)

3連 - 戰吼(等級5) - 熔岩護盾(等級7)

4連 - 戰吼(等級5) - 熔岩護盾(等級7) - 鮮血狂怒(等級1-5)



99點: http://goo.gl/AeY0wK

113點(第一個影片中的天賦): http://goo.gl/RIeip6
113點(第二個影片中的天賦): http://goo.gl/JUxK9d

111點(防禦面比較好): http://goo.gl/9xZsv4


110點: http://goo.gl/q8jWtL

如果有法力問題可以用這個天賦: http://goo.gl/bAOGVQ


第一難度: +1技能點
第二難度: +1技能點 或 +4%施法速度
第三難度: +1技能點


Lv20: http://goo.gl/nhV1N0

Lv40: http://goo.gl/E7IWX5

Lv60: http://goo.gl/5SvRg7




1.施放 寒流

2.怪物 增加25%冰抗 / 減少 50%火和電抗

3.施放 烈火爆破 << 傷害比沒點元素平衡的時候還高

4.怪物 增加25%火抗 / 減少50%冰和電抗

5.燃燒階段 << 跟沒點元素平衡比較,傷害比較高或低?



火焰技能傷害 = D

燃燒傷害加成 = B
= 1 + %火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 + %DOT加成
= 1 + (66%+55%) + 80% + 45% ****66%火傷是天賦給的、55%是裝備給的

怪物抗性 = R

= 被火焰技能命中的傷害
= 火焰技能傷害 x 怪物的火抗傷害減免

= [命中傷害] x 20% x 4秒 x [燃燒傷害加成] x [怪物的火抗傷害減免]


命中傷害 = D x (1 - R)

= [D x (1-R)] x [0.2 x 4 x B] x [1-R]
= D x 0.8B x [1 - 2R + R^2]

= [命中傷害] + [燃燒傷害]
= D x [3.768 - 6.536R + 2.768R^2]


= D x [1 - (R-50%)]
= D x [1.5 - R]

= [D x (1.5 - R)] x [0.2 x 4 x B] x [1 - (R+25%)]
= D x 0.8B x [1.125 - 2.25R + R^2]

= [命中傷害] + [燃燒傷害]
= D x [4.614 - 7.228R + 2.768R^2]

用圖表比較 [3.768 - 6.536R + 2.768R^2](藍線) 和 [4.614 - 7.228R + 2.768R^2](綠線)




接下來我們要討論的是 [%火傷加成+%燃燒傷害加成+%DOT加成] 對於有沒有點元素平衡所造成的影響。


火焰技能傷害 = D

燃燒傷害加成 = B
= 1 + % increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time

燃燒持續時間 = Bt

= [命中傷害] x 20% x [燃燒持續時間] x [燃燒傷害加成] x [怪物的火抗傷害減免]
= [命中傷害] x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [怪物的火抗傷害減免]


= Hd
= D x (1 - R)

= Bd
= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]

= Td
= Hd + Bd


= HdE
= D x (1.5 - R)

= BdE
= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1.125 - 2.25R + R^2]

= TdE
= HdE + BdE

1.用圖表1比較 [1 - R] (綠線) [1.5 - R] (紫線).

紫線總是贏固定值0.5。所以HdE是比Hd多了 0.5D 的傷害。

2.用圖表2比較 [1 - 2R + R^2](紅線) [1.125 - 2.25R + R^2](藍線)



我們關心什麼時候 Td > TdE。因為HdE > Hd,所以應該找出什麼時候 Bd > BdE。從圖表2可以看到是在 火抗大於50% 的時候。當火抗75%時,[Bd - BdE]是最大的。也就是說在這個條件下,讓 Td > TdE 最簡單。

所以分析當火抗等於75%的時候,如何讓 Td > TdE。

1.Bt(燃燒持續時間) = 4秒

Hd = D x (1 - R) = 0.25D

= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]
= D x [0.8B] x 0.0625

HdE = D x (1.5 - R) = 0.75D

BdE = 0

Td = Hd + Bd

TdE = HdE + BdE

Td > TdE
=> Hd + Bd > HdE + BdE
=> Bd > [HdE - Hd] + BdE
=> D x [0.8B] x 0.0625 > [0.5D] + 0
=> B > 10 = 1000%

B = 1 + %火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 + %DOT加成

所以,如果 [%火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 + %DOT加成] 大於900%,沒有元素平衡造成的傷害會比較高。

2.Bt = 5.8 秒 (30% 來自機率點燃 & 15% 來自元素擴散)

= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]
= D x [1.16B] x 0.0625

Td > TdE
=> Hd + Bd > HdE + BdE
=> Bd > [HdE - Hd] + BdE
=> D x [1.16B] x 0.0625 > [0.5D] + 0
=> B > 6.90 = 690%

所以,如果 [%火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 + %DOT加成] 大於590%,沒有元素平衡造成的傷害會比較高。

3.Bt = 6.6 sec (30% 來自機率點燃 & 15% 來自元素擴散 & 20% 來自 Q20 火焰詛咒)

= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]
= D x [1.32B] x 0.0625

Td > TdE
=> Hd + Bd > HdE + BdE
=> Bd > [HdE - Hd] + BdE
=> D x [1.32B] x 0.0625 > [0.5D] + 0
=> B > 6.06 = 606%

所以,如果 [%火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 + %DOT加成] 大於506%,沒有元素平衡造成的傷害會比較高。


當怪物的火抗在50%到99.9%,並且你的 [%火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 + %DOT加成] 大於506%,此時沒有元素平衡造成的傷害會比較高。

Edit: 點元素平衡就對了。:)

請看這部分!! 可以幫你很多




2.盾牌可以給很棒的防禦面,像是元素抗/ 高ES/ 格檔機率。很多人會忽略格檔機率的優點,其實這是相當棒的防禦屬性。






這玩法的循環不是永遠都是 放寒流 > 放10層烈火爆破。當你在施法時發現一推投射物或怪物跑到你身邊了,你應該馬上中斷法術跑開,如果注意看我的影片,可以發現我會試著讓怪物集中成一群再把他們冰住。看73圖的石頭橘王,是不是被我冰了很久~ 這玩法可以吸血、施法時通常都是面對一群被冰住的怪物,生存力一點也不差。我可以很輕鬆的單刷73和74圖,並且超級享受巨大的燃燒傷害。:)
PS.我猜很多人沒注意到73圖的影片中有一隻滿血的元反黃怪,我都沒打他,但是他走過來靠近我剛打死的怪物旁邊被傳染到燃燒,竟然就被燒死了,你說這不OP嗎? :P






火焰技能傷害 = D

命中傷害 = D

燃燒傷害 = D x 2.768

總傷害 = D x 3.768


命中傷害 = D x 1.5

燃燒傷害 = D x 3.114

總傷害 = D x 4.614


施法速度 = 46%(天賦樹) + 49% (等級20品質20快速施法) + 18%(魔杖) = 113%

最大階段(10層)施法時間 = 3 / (1+113%) = 1.408 秒


法術圖騰寶石給的效果: 降低30%施法速度 / 減少50%總傷害



命中傷害 = D x 50%

燃燒傷害 = [D x 50%] x 2.768 = D x 1.384


命中傷害 = D x 50%

燃燒傷害 = [D x 50%] x 2.768 = D x 1.384


= [D x 50%] + [D x 50%] + [D x 1.384]
= D x 2.384




施法速度 = 46% + 49% + 18% - 30% = 83%

最大階段(10層)施法時間 = 3 / (1+83%) = 1.64 秒


最大的傷害差距 = D x 4.614 - D x 2.384 = D x 2.23
哇,這差距非常非常的大~ 幾乎快一倍了。除此之外最大階段的施法時間也比較長,所以實際上傷害差距會比[Dx2.23]還多。
雙圖騰的另一個缺點是你看不到疊加的層數。這有影響嗎?當然有~ 舉例來說,我的ping是大約180,當我在9層的時候放掉技能,他會在10層的時候爆炸,使用雙圖騰的話很難精準的掌握10層的時間,所以實際上施法時間又比1.64秒更長了。

所以 我不建議這個玩法搭配雙圖騰

I referred to the discussion from reddit and got many useful information.(http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ti2es/discussion_flameblast_builds/)
Today is the second day after 1.0.4, so my flameblast gem is only lv16.


Main damage is from burning damage, so this build can deal with reflect mod even if i didn't pick vaal pact.
PS. If your gears are too godly, you should analyse when to use resistance flask.


a.farm 70 map - don't forget my flameblast is only lv16.

Link: http://youtu.be/AKBSajbJeuE
My gears in video

b.farm 73 map with friendly gears and lv18 flameblast gem.

Link: http://youtu.be/a-3V_g7QMPo
My gears in video

You can see the damage is pretty good and i killed 73 map boss by one hit. If i didn't pop the second hit and the boss would still die on burning damage.(burning duration is 6.6 sec)
My gears are very normal and it's not difficult to get them. The 6L infernal mantle is only a gear over 2ex. I must say 5L isn't bad, too. And it's about 3ex in SC atm. If you felt your damage have been very good, you can also use ar/es or es chest.

PS. The legacy rainbowstide only offered more 12% all ele resistance than a new rainbowstride. You can buy the new version and it is about 1-2 ex.

3.Skills & Links


4L - Elemental Proliferation - Chance to Ignite - Life leech

5L - Elemental Proliferation - Chance to Ignite - Life leech - Faster Casting

6L - Elemental Proliferation - Chance to Ignite - Life leech - Faster Casting - (Increased Burning Damage / Fire Penetration)
Which is the better between Increased Burning damage and Fire penetration?

First, fire pen affected only hit damage. It means burning damage was increased from the more hit damage, but the resistance of the monsters was not changed at burning stage.

Using fire pen

1.More total damage

According to 7.A, we could analyse them quickly. Assumed fire resistance(R) is 0.

With Lv20Q20 fire pen (hit damage = D x 1.85): total damage is D x 5.6906.

with Lv20 increased burning damage (B = 4.05): total damage is D x 5.145.

2.More mana cost

Mana cost multiplier: fire pen = 140% / increased burning damage = 120%
According to my char, mana cost is 34 per stage with fire pen / 29 with inc burning damage.
If cast speed is 113%, it means time per sec is 7.1 times.

Mana cost per sec with fire pen = 34 x 7.1 = 241.4

Mana cost per sec with increased burning damage = 29 x 7.1 = 205.9

3.More dangerous at reflect

Fire pen raised the hit damage, so it's the more dangerous at elemental reflect. Burning damage wasn't reflected.


If you want the more damage, choose fire pen. If you want the safer at reflect or less mana cost, choose increased burning damage.

b.Cold Snap

3L - Elemental Proliferation - Increased Area of Effect

4L - Elemental Proliferation - Increased Area of Effect - Q20 Added Cold Damage / Empower / trap (thanks Bada_Bing's suggestion)


2L - Enduring Cry(Lv5)

3L - Enduring Cry(Lv5) - [ Molten shell(Lv7) / Decoy totem(Lv8) / Blood Rage(lv 1-5) ]

4L - Enduring Cry(Lv5) - [ Molten shell(Lv7) / Decoy totem(Lv8) / Blood Rage(lv 1-5) ]

4.Passive Tree

CI build from witch

99 points: http://goo.gl/AeY0wK

113 points (in first video): http://goo.gl/RIeip6
113 points (in second video): http://goo.gl/JUxK9d

111 points (defense is the better): http://goo.gl/9xZsv4

Life build

110 points scion: http://goo.gl/q8jWtL

If you have the problem about mana, try to use this version. http://goo.gl/bAOGVQ

109 points Templar: http://goo.gl/ohr8ls

5.The Suggestion of the Bandit Quests

+1 passive skill point in normal
+1 passive skill point or +4% cast speed in cruel
+1 passive skill point in merciless

6.Leveling passive tree

Lv20: http://goo.gl/nhV1N0
Lv40: http://goo.gl/E7IWX5
Lv60: http://goo.gl/5SvRg7

When char should transfer to ES build? It's based on your gears.

7.The effect of elemental equilibrium in this build

A.Can EE offer the more damage?

If i picked EE, the rotation is the following.

1.cast Cold Snap

2.enemies +25% cold resist, -50% Fire and lighting resist

3.cast Flameblast << the more damage than skill without EE

4.enemies +25% fire resist, -50% cold and lighting resist

5.Burning stage << ??

In burning stage, enemies owned additional 25% fire resistance. That seem to reduce burning damage. But when the hit damage is increased, it means burning damage is also increased. So it's the better or worse to pick EE in this build? I analyse the result by math. If it's incorrect, please tell me. I will correct it.


Fire skill damage = D

Burning Bounus = B
= 1 + % increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time
= 1 + (66%+55%) + 80% + 45% *** 66% from passive tree, 55% from gears
= 3.46

Enemies fire resistance = R

Hit damage
= the damage to hit enemies by fire skill
= [Fire skill damage] x [% reduced damage from fire resistance]

Burning damage
= [Hit damage] x 20% x 4sec x [Burning Bounus] x [% reduced damage from fire resistance]

Without EE:

Hit damage = D x (1 - R)

Burning damage
= [D x (1-R)] x [0.2 x 4 x B] x [1-R]
= D x 0.8B x [1 - 2R + R^2]

Total damage
= [Hit damage] + [Burning damage]
= D x [3.768 - 6.536R + 2.768R^2]

With EE:

Hit damage
= D x [1 - (R-50%)]
= D x [1.5 - R]

Burning damage
= [D x (1.5 - R)] x [0.2 x 4 x B] x [1 - (R+25%)]
= D x 0.8B x [1.125 - 2.25R + R^2]

Total damage
= [Hit damage] + [Burning damage]
= D x [4.614 - 7.228R + 2.768R^2]

Compared [3.768 - 6.536R + 2.768R^2](blue line) with [4.614 - 7.228R + 2.768R^2](green line) by chart.

Y value of green line is always the better than blue line. It means the damage with EE is always the better.

So we know EE offer the more damage in this build. :)

PS.May you be cofused about why i didn't pick EE in my char. Actually, i used many regrets in order to get the better build. I ever tried to do high critical chance build, but that didn't make me satisfied. The reason without EE is "i used out my regrets". XD If you paid attention to watch my video, you could find the map owned EE mod.

PS2. When fire resistance of enemies is over 75%, the burning damage would be 0 and it's not minus. So Green line is incorrect at x > 0.75. Y value should be larger.

B.The influence of the burning damage with EE and without EE

You should read my the first analysis about EE before reading this post.

If you have read the first analysis, i would talk about the influence of [% increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time] on damage with EE or without EE today.


Fire skill damage = D

Burning Bounus = B
= 1 + % increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time

Burning duration = Bt

Burning damage
= [Hit damage] x 20% x [Burning duration] x [Burning Bonus] x [% reduced damage from fire resistance]
= [Hit damage] x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [% reduced damage from fire resistance]

Without EE

Hit damage
= Hd
= D x (1 - R)

Burning dmage
= Bd
= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]

Total damage
= Td
= Hd + Bd

With EE

Hit damage
= HdE
= D x (1.5 - R)

Burning dmage
= BdE
= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1.125 - 2.25R + R^2]

Total damage
= TdE
= HdE + BdE

1.Compared [1 - R] (green line) with [1.5 - R] (purple line) by chart 1.

Purple line always won the fixed value, 0.5. It means HdE is always the larger than Hd, and the value is 0.5D.

2. Compared [1 - 2R + R^2](red line) with [1.125 - 2.25R + R^2](blue line) by chart 2.

We can find the burning damage with EE(blue line) is the better before fire resistance(R) is over 50%. Y value of blue line(burning damage with EE) is zero when R is over 75%.


We care about when Td > TdE. Because HdE > Hd, we should find when Bd > BdE. The answer is R > 50% from chart 2. When R = 75%, [Bd - BdE] is the largest. It means [Td > TdE] is the easiest at this condition.

So lets analyse how to make [Td > TdE], when R = 75%.

1.Bt = 4 sec.

Hd = D x (1 - R) = 0.25D

= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]
= D x [0.8B] x 0.0625

HdE = D x (1.5 - R) = 0.75D

BdE = 0

Td = Hd + Bd

TdE = HdE + BdE

Td > TdE
=> Hd + Bd > HdE + BdE
=> Bd > [HdE - Hd] + BdE
=> D x [0.8B] x 0.0625 > [0.5D] + 0
=> B > 10 = 1000%

B = 1 + % increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time

It means the damage without EE would be the better when [% increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time] is over 900%.

2.Bt = 5.8 sec (30% increased ignite duration from "Chance to Ignite" & 15% from Elemental Proliferation)

= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]
= D x [1.16B] x 0.0625

Td > TdE
=> Hd + Bd > HdE + BdE
=> Bd > [HdE - Hd] + BdE
=> D x [1.16B] x 0.0625 > [0.5D] + 0
=> B > 6.90 = 690%

It means the damage without EE would be the better when [% increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time] is over 590%.

3.Bt = 6.6 sec (30% from "Chance to Ignite" & 15% from Elemental Proliferation & 20% from Q20 Flammability)

= D x [0.2 x Bt x B] x [1 - 2R + R^2]
= D x [1.32B] x 0.0625

Td > TdE
=> Hd + Bd > HdE + BdE
=> Bd > [HdE - Hd] + BdE
=> D x [1.32B] x 0.0625 > [0.5D] + 0
=> B > 6.06 = 606%

It means the damage without EE would be the better when [% increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time] is over 506%.


When the fire resistance of the enemies is 50% to 99.9% and your [% increased fire damage + % increased burning damage + % increased damage over time] is over 506%, the damage without EE would be the better.
Or EE would offer the more damage! Actually, it's not easy to achieve 506%.

Edit: just pick EE!

Plz read! help you a lot

1.Why not use searing touch?

The reasons are the following.

1.A wand offers the more cast speed.

2.A shield offers very good defense, ele resistance, high ES and block chance. Many players ignore the advantage of the block. The block is pretty good at defense.

3.A pure es shield also offers spell damage.

4.The infernal mantle have given +1 fire gem at 5/6L. I didn't need another 5/6L.

2.How to deal with elemental reflection

Flameblast is very special skill. You can control its power you wanted. If your damage is huge, try to use 4-8 stage falmeblast to counter reflect mod. I run many elemetal reflect maps (75-78 maps) with groups for the past few days and i could still do damage. I never died at the maps.

3.Because max stage(10) time is the longer than the other builds, is its survivability poor?

The rotation of this build was not forever to cast cold snap > max stage(10) flameblast. When you cast flameblast and found many monsters or projectiles run to you, you should interrupt the casting and run away. If you paid attention to watch my video, you would find i tried to make enemies become a group. See the 73 map boss, it's frozen for a long time. And i run 73/74 maps very well. I enjoy the huge burning damage.

4.Is it a good idea to use this build with dual totems?

Lets analyse them.

1.This build

According to 7.A at first post.

assumed fire resistance of the enemies = 0

Without EE

Fire skill damage = D

Hit damage = D

Burning damage = D x 2.768

Total damage = D x 3.768

With EE

Hit damage = D x 1.5

Burning damage = D x 3.114

Total damage = D x 4.614

Cast speed
Cast speed = 46%(passive tree) + 49%(Q20Lv20 Faster casting) + 18%(wand) = 113%
Max stage(10) time = 3 / (1+113%) = 1.408 sec

2.Use dual totems by this build

Spell totem offered 30% reduced cast speed and 50% less damage.

Without EE

Damage from first totem:

Hit damage = D x 50%

Burning damage = [D x 50%] x 2.768 = D x 1.384

Damage from second totem:

Hit damage = D x 50%

Burning damage = [D x 50%] x 2.768 = D x 1.384

Total damage **** Burning damage can't be accumulated.
= [D x 50%] + [D x 50%] + D x 1.384
= D x 2.384

With EE

I felt sorry. If char picked ancestral bond, EE couldn't be triggered.

Cast speed
Cast speed = 46% + 49% +18% - 30% = 83%
Max stage(10) time = 3 / (1+83%) = 1.64 sec


The biggest damage difference = D x 4.614 - D x 2.384 = D x 2.23
Well, that is huge. XD

Besides, max stage(10) time is the longer, too. It means the difference is over [D x 2.23].
Another disadvantage is "you can't see the stage". My ping is about 180. So when i released the skill at 9 stage, the explosion would occur at 10 stage. I thought the time from casting to explosion is the longer than 1.64 sec when using totems. It's difficult to control the time accurately.

So i didn't suggest you use this build with dual totems.

Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
Last edited by miraio on Jan 13, 2014, 11:52:13 AM
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
Hi, I found this build pretty interesting, but I'd like to know if it is recommended to do a life build until mid 50's and then respec into CI/ES.
Have you thought about using Elemental Equilibrium?
Maxsheld wrote:
Hi, I found this build pretty interesting, but I'd like to know if it is recommended to do a life build until mid 50's and then respec into CI/ES.

Yes, it's viable. And The most ES build were based on life at early level.
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
BenMey wrote:
Have you thought about using Elemental Equilibrium?

The rotation of this build is usually "cold snap > flameblast", so EE can make damage the better.
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
If you use Cold Snap + Added Lightning and Elemental Equilibrium your Flameblast will be even more insanely powerful! :- D Maybe a quality Added Lightning can grant long enough Shock Stacks, even.

Really nice build! Liked the video.
>> Allow Home and End keys to quickly travel through the Stash!!!
I'm gonna try this one out myself from scion start, tho i'll tweak alot to your build :)

Why aren't you using EE? If you would EE you wouldnt be needing that much fire support (like increased burning) so you could put reduced duration in there? IDK if that might work tho, havent started yet..

But i like ur cold snap idea, pretty powerfull indeed.. Got myself an 82 RF for bosses, this build seems fun enough to go map with :)

Any particilar reason you are going with conjurer boots? :)
Last edited by CrapAholiC on Dec 24, 2013, 8:08:41 PM
if you use EE in a coldsnap -> Fireblast combo, the mobs get fireresisten during the burnings ticks and your dmg gets cut. You only benefit from EE during the FB-Explosion, not when the burning starts to tick.

In a burningbuild EE works only if you cast directly after the Fireblast explosion an ice or lightning aoe skill.

I play also a Fireblast burning build and have to say, that EE is not necessary because you will do enough dmg with the Coldsnap -> Fireblast burning combo ... :)
How many chromes did it take you to get a rrrg on those boots?

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