1h+shield LS build

Glad that my build is starting to work out for you. At the moment I havent been able to test other life steal passives to drop that gem.
Really liking the build so far(only lvl 24 though), one question however, is it really worth taking RT when focusing so heavily on Lightning Strike? I'm a bit worried about losing the shock crit chance, won't it gimp my dps in the long run more than missing a few hits?
Great build! 1 qst though: how do you deal with the mobs with Lightning resist? There seems to be tons of them in the game.
ign: FourTwentyWeedDiablo
gnee wrote:
Great build! 1 qst though: how do you deal with the mobs with Lightning resist? There seems to be tons of them in the game.

You can use Glacier Hammer as an alternate as well as for single targets. Or even Ground Slam if there elemental resistance & Lighting res. Fire or +life gems would pair good with them.
Winning Is Right, Losing is Wrong, Evolve or Die!
Ha ya. Its a great build but that definitely is a drawback I think. Or at least some could look at it like that. Life steal runs this build but it is pretty strong with it. I actually havent tried two curses or anything like that. I just recently got use to the mechanics of curses considering i was literally just running around spamming LS and Groundslam and just reaping the rewards. I think it would be very possible. On my marauder I was using warlord's mark because it was my only curse and what i love about this build is you have so much lifesteal and health regen that you can pretty much just spam abilities.

As for auras i usually run Anger and the others that dont take a percentage out. I believe Grace is one as well. When you have 600 health and 150 mana Anger seems like its alot but when you have 600 health and anger costs 50 health its nothing. The percent ones though are a different story. Ive tried managing them but they seem like to risky for the reward.

On another note. Has anyone gotten Zealot's Oat with Blood magic? Im curious on how those to correlate with eachother.
KainRa wrote:
Really liking the build so far(only lvl 24 though), one question however, is it really worth taking RT when focusing so heavily on Lightning Strike? I'm a bit worried about losing the shock crit chance, won't it gimp my dps in the long run more than missing a few hits?

That is another thing Ive considered as well. I wanna say its personal preference but I honestly have no idea how much shock plays into your dps. I am pretty new the the mechanics in the game as well and have often wondered about that. I know there are some shock and lightning nodes in the upper templar tree and I have heard about LS working great with crit builds but I feel like if I put one point in RT then I have very good sustainded life steal and damage vs having to find accuracy nodes and crit nodes. Mind you those are my personal thoughts and I could be completely wrong.
gnee wrote:
Great build! 1 qst though: how do you deal with the mobs with Lightning resist? There seems to be tons of them in the game.

I have also ran into this and as an earlier poster has said you can switch it up with a different skill and mow em down. To be honest with you and I know this is going to sound funny but I just kept using LS lol. I was so tanky and had so much life steal that I could just run in and spam and never really have to worry. Whether it took 1 or 7 hits didnt matter. I suppose if you didnt want to spend the time then it would be better to switch but if i was going to do that i would finish the pack and then focus on the Lightning resist mobs so that you werent destroying your health on them with other skills and then leaving the rest of the pack attacking you. Im sure you would survive but i would be cautious doing that against some high damaging enemies.

What do you think about this build`?
Thanks for the answer, one more question however, do you think it would be possible to alternate this build with a 2h mace? Since I'm guessing you're not using tempest shield, since it reserves a whooping 25% hp (35% with gem), I'm just curious how much does an actual shield with hardly any shield nodes increase yuor defence.
I'm lvl 35 currently, just grabbed Blood Magic with some life nodes and its going o.k, but I'm just curious if I could still alter the build a bit.
KeLLingH wrote:

What do you think about this build`?

Id say thats a pretty solid build. I like how you have dex and accuracy nodes available in case you needed them. If you had any mana troubles I would advise on getting the mana leech nodes

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