[1.0.5]Freeze! Trap Build & one of best party builds with video (farm 73maps)

繁體中文版本請點這邊(Traditional Chinese Version)

大家好! 我是小蓉 :)



從a和b就可以知道,為什麼這天賦組隊時超棒了。 <3

2.技能跟連線(有些技能我不清楚中文翻什麼如果翻錯的話見諒 QQ)

a.寒冰之握 Cold Snap
4連 - 減少持續時間 - 陷阱 - 多重陷阱
5連 - 減少持續時間 - 陷阱 - 多重陷阱 - 元素擴散
6連 - 減少持續時間 - 陷阱 - 多重陷阱 - 元素擴散 - (加冰傷 / 冰冷穿透 / 增加技能範圍)


b.閃電新星 Shock Nova (放到陷阱鞋的4連裡面)
4連 - 減少持續時間 - 多重陷阱 - 元素擴散

c.火焰陷阱 / 閃電陷阱
3連 - 減少持續時間 - 多重陷阱

d.火焰圖騰 Flame totem: 對付近戰怪或閃現怪用
3連 - 擊退 - 多數拋射(GMP)

117 點法師: http://goo.gl/5ffAjE




Lv20: http://goo.gl/DxgHM8
Lv40: http://goo.gl/jKSN2W
Lv60: http://goo.gl/nt5kyD





從維基百科(POE wiki)我們知道暴擊是一個技能動作骰一次,並不是對打到的每個敵人個別骰。舉例來說,如這次攻擊骰到暴擊,那這次攻擊打到的每個敵人都會產生暴擊效果。但機率感電和機率冰凍是不同的,他們是根據每個敵人去骰有沒有感電或冰凍。為了求證,我作了一個測試影片(http://youtu.be/zO5RBIkD0ak),我等級93的女巫有點絕對命中,所以我的法術不會產生暴擊,也就是說如果我感電或冰凍怪物,那一定是從機率感電或機率冰凍來的。我的閃電新星有30%的機率感電,寒冰之握有39%機率冰凍。從影片中很清楚可以看到"機率感電和機率冰凍是根據每個怪物去骰"。



總感電機率是 50%



總冰凍機率是 54%








a. 一個敵人


23% x [50%x50%x50%x3] + 77% x [50%x50%x50%] = 8.625% + 9.625% = 18.25%

23% x [50%x50%x50%x3] + 77% x [50%x50%x50%x3] = 8.625% + 28.875% = 37.5%

23% x [50%x50%x50%] + 77% x [50%x50%x50%x3] = 2.875% + 28.875% = 31.75%

100% - 18.25% - 37.5% - 31.75% = 12.5%


冰凍機率: 1 - 77% x [46%x46%] = 1 - 16.3% = 83.7%

b. 較多的敵人

假設遇到二個敵人A和B,當A和B都得到一層感電,因為元素擴散最後二隻怪物都會得到二層感電。二隻怪以上要算感電和冰凍機率就複雜很多了,我數學沒那麼好,有人有興趣的話可以幫忙算一下。:) 不過可以簡單算一下三支怪物的時候,都不產生感電的機率是 12.5%x12.5%x12.5% = 0.195%。
討論到這邊相信大家應該了解為什麼這個玩法就算是打77和78圖也是可以一直感電和冰凍怪物了。 喜歡的話麻煩大家推一下或多多推廣喔~ 這玩法組隊打怪真的超有成就感 :)


如果點了天賦的元素平衡(EE),傷害可以提升非常多,但是記得不要同時放2種相同屬性傷害的陷阱。 我影片中等級79的法師沒有點元素平衡,但是傷害已經很不錯了,如果點EE之後就算裝備沒很好傷害也會非常可觀。因為我常跟的固定地圖團有1到2個冰霜脈衝法師,所以我並沒有點EE。單刷或鍊等的時候,點EE是非常棒的。

2.寒冰之握 / 火焰陷阱
3.火焰陷阱 / 寒冰之握
4.閃電陷阱 / 閃電新星

3.喝一杯咖啡(因為怪都被冰住了 :P)
5.撿裝備 :)


事實上你正在carry你的的隊友!你用一個陷阱讓怪物受到傷害增加90%,然後下一個陷阱冰凍了大部分的怪物。"讓怪物受到傷害增加90%" 意思就是 怪物的生命變成52.6%(100%/190%)。"冰凍大部分的怪物" 意思就是 你的隊友不會受到被冰凍怪物的任何傷害。第三點,你還可以造成可觀的傷害。你負責了怪物超過50%的血量、幫你的隊友減少超多承受傷害。

我要再說一次: 你正在用這個玩法carry你的隊友!

之前我有分享了一個舒壓流(大家說核爆流),沒想到回應還蠻熱烈的感謝大家。但是那個玩法組隊打圖時有些隊友可能不是很喜歡,所以後來我在想什麼技能組隊很有幫助又不會對別人的畫面造成負擔,最後我試了寒冰之握(cold snap)沒想到他不像戰吼一樣有CD,在串暴擊施放的時候可以一直放一直放,而且可以一直冰怪,這樣隊友應該超愛吧。沒想到昨天我把這個技能練上來要試玩的時候才發現,1.0.2把他改掉了~本來超傷心的XD。後來才在想還有沒有什麼玩法可以用這個技能,才想到這種玩法,希望大家會喜歡:)

I like to show the video first. :)
My gears

My few gears seem pretty good, but the map i farmed in video was lv73 map. I thought the most players would farm 73-78maps with groups. It means you dont need very good gears to farm high level maps when you are at party.
Trapper was like dual totemer and could always stay at a safer position. And it also showed the damage of the build is still good for solo mapping.


a.Fast 90% increased damage from 3 stack shock status.
b.Freeze enemies for a long time! safer & your party members would love you in high level maps.
c.Ignore reflect mod even if your damage is huge.

From a and b, we understand why this build is the one of the best party builds. Don't forget solo farming is still nice.

2.Skills & Links

a.Cold Snap
4L = Reduced Duration - Trap - Multiple Traps
5L = Reduced Duration - Trap - Multiple Traps - Elemental Proliferation
6L = Reduced Duration - Trap - Multiple Traps - Elemental Proliferation - (Added Cold Damage / Cold Penetration / Increased Area of Effect)

Added Cold Damage: added 10% chance to freeze (Q20)
Cold Penetration: more damage
Increased Area of Effect: increased area of effect radius

b.Shock Nova (put it at Deerstalker)
4L - Reduced Duration - Multiple Traps - Elemental Proliferation

c.fire trap / lighting trap
3L - Reduced Duration - Multiple Traps

d.Flame totem: counter melee enemies
3L - Knockback - GMP


99 points witch(in video): http://goo.gl/cHvL5o
117 points witch: http://goo.gl/O3bvnL

4.The Suggestion of the Bandit Quests

+1 passive skill point in normal
+1 passive skill point in cruel
+1 passive skill point or power charge in merciless

5.Leveling passive tree

Lv20: http://goo.gl/DxgHM8
Lv40: http://goo.gl/jKSN2W
Lv60: http://goo.gl/nt5kyD

6.Why i could make enemies three shock effects or frozen for a long time by dropping a trap? how it work?


1.How to make enemies shock or frozen?
a. Elemetal damage deal a critical strike.
b. Your gears, passives or skill gems offered chance to shock or chance to freeze. When you hit enemies and got a shock or freeze roll, the enemies would be shocked or frozen.

2.Chance to shock and freeze: How it roll? is it same as critical strike?

From wiki, we knew Critical Strikes are rolled on a per-action basis, not per-monster. So each time you use a skill, the Critical Strike roll is made once and only once. If you roll a Critical Strike, you will deal Critical damage to all enemies hit by the skill. But chance to shock or freeze is different. Chance to shock or freeze are rolled on "per-monster". The test video is here(http://youtu.be/zO5RBIkD0ak).
My lv93 char picked resolute technique(your hits can't be evaded/ Never deal critical strike). So if i made enemies shock or frozen, that were from chance to shock or freeze. My shock nova gem offered 30% chance to shock and cold snap offered 39% chance to freeze. The video showed chance to shock or freeze are rolled on "per-monster".

3.The chance of shock or frozen


The passive(static blow, chance to shock) offered 20% (10%+10%) chance to shock.
The Q20 shock nova offered 30% chance to shock.
Total chance to shock is 50%.

PS. the passive, shock near shadow also offered 5% chance to shock.


The passive didn't offer chance to freeze.
The lv20 cold snap offered 44% chance to freeze.
The Q20 added cold damage skill gem offereed 10% chance to freeze.
Total chance to freeze is 54%.

PS. the passive, freeze near shadow also offered 5% chance to freeze.

c.My spell critical chance is about 23% to shock nova and cold snap.

d.Roll process

1st: roll critical strike 23%.

2nd: roll chance to shock or freeze to every enemies.

3th: shock or frozen status effects spread to other enemies by elemental proliferation skill gem.

4.How it work at one or many enemies.

a. One enemy

Shock nova

One action could drop three shock nova trap.It would roll critical strike once and chance to shock three times.
the chance of three shock status:
23% x [50%x50%x50%x3] + 77% x [50%x50%x50%] = 8.625% + 9.625% = 18.25%

the chance of two shock status :
23% x [50%x50%x50%x3] + 77% x [50%x50%x50%x3] = 8.625% + 28.875% = 37.5%

the chance of one shock status :
23% x [50%x50%x50%] + 77% x [50%x50%x50%x3] = 2.875% + 28.875% = 31.75%

the chance of zero shock status :
100% - 18.25% - 37.5% - 31.75% = 12.5%

Cold snap

It's more difficult to hit one enemy three times by cold snap because its skill area is smaller. I assumed enemy could be hit twice.

Chance of frozen status:
1 - 77% x [46%x46%] = 1 - 16.3% = 83.7%

b. more enemies

Assumed we met enemy "A" and enemy "B". When "A" got one shock status and "B" got one shock status, the result is A and B got two shock status because of elemental proliferation. The analyses are very complex, so i didn't count the real chance.
(If someone is interested, help me. :) ) When we met 3 enemies, the chance without shock effects is 0.195%.(12.5%x12.5%x12.5%) We understand why this build could make enemies 3 shcok effects or froze by dropping one trap.

7.Tip about solo farming or leveling

You can pick elemental equilibrium(EE) and that will raise your damage quite much. My lv79 witch in video(farming 73maps) didn't pick EE, but you could see the trap damage have been very nice. if you picked EE, your damage would become huge. I didn't pick EE because there were 1-2 freeze pulse witches in my fixed map group. When you solo farmed or leveling, it's a good choice to pick EE.

Rotation with EE
1.Shock Nova
2.Cold Snap / Fire trap
3.Fire trap / Cold snap
4.Lighting trap / Shock nova

Rotation without EE
1.Shock Nova
2.Cold Snap
3.Drink a coffee (because the most enemies had been frozen :P)
4.Drop all traps
5.Pick your loots :)

8.Are this build always carried in a high level map group?

Actually, you are carrying your group! You make enemies take 90% more damage by one trap and then freeze the most enemies by next trap. "Enemies take 90% more damage" means their life become 52.6%.(100%/190%) "Freeze the most enemies" means your party members don't take any damage from frozen enemies. Third, you can still do pretty good damage. You deal with over 50% enemies life and help your group reduce much damage taken.

I must say it again: You are carrying your group with this buid!
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
Last edited by miraio on Jan 8, 2014, 9:42:00 PM
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
what does reduced duration do for traps?
Oh, it makes the trap cast instantly with sunblast.
You should also use freeze mine gem as it can do things that cold snap cant because cold snap can kill the mobs proliferating to a boss or something.
IGN: TsuruyaNyro
Last edited by Suzumiyaharuhi on Dec 4, 2013, 10:11:21 AM
This build looks very fun.

How do you deal with chaos damage? Your life is 207 in the video... seems dangerous.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
This build looks very fun.

How do you deal with chaos damage? Your life is 207 in the video... seems dangerous.

I equiped the shav. Chaos damage can't bypass the ES.
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
what does reduced duration do for traps?
Oh, it makes the trap cast instantly with sunblast.
You should also use freeze mine gem as it can do things that cold snap cant because cold snap can kill the mobs proliferating to a boss or something.

thanks for your suggestion. :)
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
Interesting build.

How would spend your passive points whilst levelling?

Godmoth300 wrote:
Interesting build.

How would spend your passive points whilst levelling?


Leveling passive tree

Lv20: http://goo.gl/DxgHM8
Lv40: http://goo.gl/jKSN2W
Lv60: http://goo.gl/nt5kyD
Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722
ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185
Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129
Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037
CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079
Thanks Buddy.
Hi Miraio,

Enjoying the build so far. What would recommend for gearing through the lower levels? Did you use traps from level 1?

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