[28] [Bug] Chaos DoTs PvP damage penalty

Allright, after spending some time thinking about how to balance Viper Strike in PvP28, I came accross something interesting : Chaos DoTs are bugged!
According to http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707 , the pvp28 damage penalty is 77.8% (1/[1+(28/8)]), yet the chaos DoTs behave weirdly. Lets see some examples :

- Viper Strike - Level 1 :

The total damage per stack should be 12. According to the damage penalty, it should deal 2.66 damage ; yet it actually does 25, which translates into a 108.3% BONUS.

- Viper Strike - Level 8 :

Total damage per stack = 157.68. According to the damage penalty, it should deal 35.04. It actually does 93 damage, which translates into a 41% damage penalty instead of 77.8% one.

- Viper Strike - Level 9 :

Thanks to +1 gem level affixe

Total damage per stack = 240.8, should deal 53.51, actually does 123, which means a 48.9% damage penalty.

- Poison Arrow - Level 1 :

Total damage = 8, should deal 1.78, actually does 17 => 112.5% BONUS

- Poison Arrow - Level 8 :

Total damage = 105.6, should deal 23.47, actually does 116 => 9.8% BONUS

All characters that participated into the test were level 28, naked, playing in Normal difficulty. Results yielded with a white 6-12 sword, the damage from it were removed from the results.

Letting you guys at GGG see if it's intended, and since it's probably not, fix it :P
Last edited by Hexaste on Mar 6, 2013, 6:35:02 AM
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Might add that I suspect that these 2 skills are not the only ones that behave weirdly but I have a hard time mathing out Skill Gems that arent flat damage (ie is it the case for all DoTs like Puncture? Is it the case for non-DoTs skills like Dual Strike or Glacial Hammer aswell?)
Last edited by Hexaste on Jan 10, 2013, 3:41:09 AM
Iirc the damage formula for pvp on the mechanics bug is horribly wrong, as are quite a few of the number specific formulas. I brought it up to mark I believe, when I was getting hit for 9k by bear trap crits in open pvp, when they should be doing less then 2k to me, according to that formula.
The mechanic thread might not be accurate, but as you can see, some gems get bonus damage instead of a penalty so something is definately wrong here.
Hexaste wrote:
The mechanic thread might not be accurate, but as you can see, some gems get bonus damage instead of a penalty so something is definately wrong here.

Wrong maybe, but there also may be a scaling for these skills, as they would likely be rather unviable without a scaling type mechanic. Without an accurate formula, we're kinda SOL and the devs are a bit caught up in the OB fever unfortunetly.
Well the thing is, about viper strike and bear traps, that they dont need this scaling to be viable ; they're definately OP as they are. Might add that each skill seems to have a different scaling, and if I dont get news about this issue, I'm gonna math out every single skill so I can have an accurate view of the real damage of em, since the tooltips are inducing people in error.
How did the skill tree of both characters look like?

Skill tree had no impact on testing.
Anyway, gonna start to work on a spreadsheet for every skill since it's seems that the different scalings of gems are an intended mechanic.
I am only asking because some nodes might take effect even they shouldn't
That is not the PVP damage formula

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