Played Reaper of Souls today

katjezz wrote:

dude, poe is the first game ever i experienced desync in and its at the same time the only threatening thing in hardcore.

Even on release day, D3 had no desync. Only connection problems.

WHile Diablo 3 is shit, blizzard and every other game developer managed to eleminate desync. Or atleast made it so it wont kill you.

Yes, it's not called desync on D3. It's called rubber-banding. I assure you, plenty of people experience that every day.

Also who cares if RoS is going to be better or worse? People have preferences, if you prefer RoS, go play it. You don't need to announce it because nobody cares what you would rather play.

Or here's a thought. Why not play.. both games?!
Last edited by Hrishi on Nov 20, 2013, 12:09:58 PM

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