Is Iron Grip worth it?

well the gem isnt really that bad if you would have to spent to many passivs nodes to reach the keystone
but again only under some ver specific conditions
i.e. when you have trouble with reg (mana or life) iron grip (especial with q that gives 0,75% projectile dmg every %) can be a nice bonus for attacks (like frenzy) that have high manacost
it can add dmg (after beeing level to reduced -attackspeed) without a multiplier
it depends really, on average iron grip is 6 weapon physical nodes at 300 str.

so if it is on the way to something , say if you are duelist or ranger and are going to resolute and blood drinker .

it is easily worth it.

but if you have to waste 7 str nodes to get too it , no it is not.

the gems suck low levels of them will reduce your dps
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Oct 31, 2013, 10:35:45 AM
There are a LOT of bow modifiers in the Ranger/Duelist area, but you're unlikely to get a very large return on an Iron Grip investment without significant strength, which just going to IR will not get you.

A straight beeline to Iron Grip looks like this

That nets you 100 strength, and takes you in the opposite direction of primary bow clusters to get Iron Grip equatiing to +20% physical damage. If you have less than 200 projected strength you're going to be far better off staying in the ranger area getting the bow nodes than going to iron grip.

This is sopmething you could have as a bow ranger

Focused entirely on sustained DPS, no crit focus at all though I personally prefer just stacking the crit after getting base damage.

This is what it looks like after you beeline for Iron Grip

13 points spent for 30% physical damage. Yah no.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
Last edited by Autocthon on Oct 31, 2013, 10:44:18 AM
Pretty much what has been stated, but the Iron Grip keystone/gem should only be considered with two points in mind:

1. You are going to be getting a lot of strength from both gear and passive nodes.
2. You are using a high physical damage weapon.

Take for example my Scion's build at the moment:

I am using Spectral Throw with a legacy Soul Taker axe that I have (going 1-handed S&B style), and I've made a lot of investment into the strength side of the passive tree. I don't intend to pick up the IG keystone even though it's not far away, but that's due to what my eventual build and gear will end up being. The point is, is by the end of it I will have over 300 Strength and using the IG gem linked to ST will benefit it greatly because that's an extra 60+% physical damage applying to the projectile attack and I'm using a moderately high-damage base weapon, which covers the two points that others and I have mentioned.
Last edited by Tanakeah on Oct 31, 2013, 10:48:09 AM

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